Wednesday, December 07, 2022

2.7 Contact - So Much Snail Mail

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the seventh day of the month is "Contact." 


In a post I wrote about sending Thanksgiving cards, Kae asked about what types of cards I send. "Are these cards you send like all Hallmark type cards? Or are they blank cards that you buy big stacks of? Or handmade cards? Or simply a letter? Just curious, as I find actual cards in the store to be quite expensive..." is her direct quote. This is worth a detailed post. 

One of the things I love is stationery. I love a good stack of writing paper, lovely cardstock, fancy pens, stickers, and postcards. Some people collect magnets or shot glasses or salt and pepper shaker or whatever when they travel. I buy postcards and send them to people. I buy greeting cards at the museum gift shop. I skip over the books and the scarves and the games and the posters and I go straight to the card rack. 

So let's tackle Kae's questions by saying Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes. I send a wide variety of things. Sometimes I just go to Hallmark to buy birthday cards. Sometimes I buy blank cards in bulk. Sometimes I buy tons of handmade cards from Etsy. Sometimes I write letters on fancy paper I've purchased. Sometimes I send postcards. I buy cards at craft fairs and Farmers' Markets. I buy cards at gas stations. I buy cards at floral shops. I basically can't walk by one of those carousels of greeting cards without at least stopping to take a quick look.

And the people in my life who I stay in contact with via snail mail sort of just expect it now. I have friends who I will send a postcard if I think about them for one reason or another and when they see me, they frequently talk about how it brings them a little lift on the day they get it. I also end up getting lots of cards and postcards as gifts from other people, too. It's a cycle now that my loved ones know I will send mail and they sort of want to get it!

Random examples from my card box:

Dog with sunglasses (Hallmark)
Five dogs side by side (freebie from The Humane Society)
Pawprints are forever condolence card (Seedy Cards Etsy shop)
Mermaid birthday card (Rosie's Wonders cards)
Leaves (BeeDazzlesGifts Etsy shop)

Random writing paper. No idea where it's from, except the bicycle paper came from a shop that doesn't seem to be around anymore called Pink Loves Brown.
Animal suffragette postcards (SuffragetteLife Etsy shop - fun note, I have a bunch of these postcards framed in our downstairs bathroom - I'm so cool)
Still Standing pavilion from a set of postcards from the University of Iowa press
Old Mission Point Lighthouse from a packet of postcards I purchased after a lighthouse tour to help fund the preservation of lighthouses
Old school postcard from Williamson Street Bridge in Madison from Arcadia Press
My current favorites are these awesome postcards that showcase female artists. For $20, you get 100 postcards. I bought these when I was visiting my mother over the summer and try to send one to someone I love at least once a month. I'm a little bit obsessed with them.
I have enough stationary for me to never have to buy any again, but what's the fun in that?
To see what Bestest Friend has to say about contact, go visit her at Too Legit To Quit.


  1. Oh WOW! Thank you for this post and for answering my question in detail! This is fascinating. And I have to be honest, I am a little disappointed that it never crossed my mind to do this! We have traveled so many places, and I bet I could have found awesome cards to pick up. This is just such a cool idea. I did start buying postcards (or ideally, bookmarks) a few years ago because I tend to read physical books and I like using bookmarks from places we have traveled. (postcards work too as a bookmark, as surprisingly, not all gift shops carry bookmarks.) But I love your idea of sending these unique cards or notes to loved ones.

    I received a set of hand-made stamped greeting cards from a patient I was caring for years ago. She wanted to thank me for my care and handed me this big stack one day! It was so special to me. I still have a few of them left that I haven't really had an occasion to use yet (some were specific like sympathy, etc.). I am not crafty at all and will likely never hand make a card in my life, so this was a really cool gift for me.

    1. A set of greeting cards is such a great gift! I have started to get a lot of stationary sets as gifts as it became apparent to my family and friends that my love of sending mail hasn't stopped as I've gotten older. I think it makes me happier to send the mail than for the recipients to get the mail, but I always think that at least I'm sending them good quality cards. My husband's grandmother has commented more than once that the cards I send her are beautiful, so I really make an effort with the cards we send to her!

  2. I usually pick up a few postcards whenever we travel, but have to admit I don't go looking for cards/stationary to bring home but that's a GREAT idea.
    I used to send a lot of cards in the mail, but that has really trailed off as I've gotten older. I do send a big family update e-mail around each month to family/friends, and I send out A LOT of cards at Christmas, but not much the rest of the year at this point.
    My daughter, though, once received a "card kit" one year for her birthday with an address book, stamps, cards etc and every month or so she goes on a huge writing rampage and sends out a dozen cards. It's all very fun, and she loves to get responses in the mail, too! I love encouraging her in doing this, as I think it's a great life skill and also very fun!

    1. The card kit is such a great gift for a tween/teen! I LOVED getting stationary and stamps and fancy pens. (Obviously, since I still love it.) I love that idea that all of a sudden she just has an urge and writes a bunch of letters. I bet her pen pals love it.

  3. What a fun collection! And you USE it, which is so wonderful! I used to collect cards, and, in fact, still have a bunch of them. (Lots of the ones I have were bought for my then-boyfriend/now-husband before we lived together.)

    1. Ha. It's a constantly depleting collection, I guess. I don't hold on to any card, though, and will send out the right one for the right person even if it's a card I really like! I like having my card box with cards for every occasion so I can get cards out in the mail ASAP when I hear news that requires a card.

      I also really like looking at how cards are written. This is probably because I never know the right thing to say, so I appreciate it when cards have written something that echoes what I really do want to say.

  4. What an awesome thing to collect. It's kind of a combination of artwork/souvenirs. i used to write a lot of letters but I never do anymore... I know it sounds kind of pathetic, but writing makes my hand cramp up! Is it because I'm out of shape, because I type everything now? I really should send out some handwritten cards and notes this month- you've inspired me.

    1. I feel you on the hand cramping thing. My handwriting is not as good as it once was and it's because I type a lot more than I handwrite. It gets a little bit better as you practice writing, but your handwriting muscles need to be developed just as much as any other muscle you regularly use!

  5. I actually put the female artist postcards on my wishlist just now. I am not nearly writing as much as I would like but I do love to shop for postcards - never can have enough postcards just in case. I adore your collection.

  6. Those are so great! I used to write letters all the time when I was younger and I would receive stationary for my birthday and Christmas. I loved it! I don't write so many letters now BUT NOW I WANT TO. Maybe I just need a really nice card box! I always send holiday cards and birthday cards, but it's nice to send "just because" mail, and I love that you do that!

  7. Ugh, I'm part of the problem and not part of the solution. I never send cards. One of the SIL's is great about sending cards for birthdays and holidays and we always love getting them.

  8. I have done foldable computer cards in the past. Now, I just do a postcard version, and usually just send it via email.

  9. You are so great with your snail mail; I love this about you. It really sets you apart from the rest of us and I want to try to do more snail mail. I've always loved stationary, nice pens and sweet cards---I'm gonna start using them more.

  10. I love that you do this. You bring so much joy to the people who get these cards. Is there anything better than getting something in the mail that isn't a bill? Especially when you aren't expecting it!!

  11. I love those cards! I had a card subscription from a local artist for a while which I loved - 4 cards delivered to my door every month. But I found I wasn't sending 4 cards a month... and now I have a lot of cards. They make me happy to look at though so I still think it was fun, even though I eventually canceled the subscription.

  12. Oh, we'd get along so well.. I have a big card stash (and I can't go to TJ's without picking up a couple of cards :))

  13. I love that you have such a robust collection of cards! I've always wanted to have a collection of cards so that I could pop one into the mail when necessary, but I just don't think I'm the kind of person that does that, lol. I want to be, though!

  14. I love cards but can never seem to find ones I love. I should go to Papersource more often, I suppose. It is right near me! (as in, walking distance...)
    Also, here:
    Not sure if they'll be for you or not but thought I'd share. :)
