Sunday, November 26, 2023

13.26 A Year of Moments

I just finished a yearly project. Each day of the month I posted on a pre-determined theme. During the month of November, I'll post a collage of all my photos on the daily theme from the past year. The theme for the twenty-sixth day of the month was "Moment."


Things I Love Right Now - Jockey Skimmies, delicious desserts, and hand lotion.
Nostalgic Food - More delicious desserts. 
Memories Live Here - I describe everything in our curio cabinet in excruciating detail.
Snapshot of My Day, Edition #8, 2/25/2023 - In which my favorite pair of pants split in front of my in-laws. 
Snapshot of My Day, Edition #9, 3/25/2023 - So much snow. 
Snapshot of My Day, Edition #10, 4/25/2023 - What color do you feel?
One Picture Per Hour, Wednesday 5/24 - It was our anniversary!
The Senses - See, hear, touch, taste, smell.
Snapshot of My Day, Edition #11, 7/25/2023 - We were watching Bones. Crazy. 
Our Park, Once Again - Hannah and I spend way too much time here. 
It's Obviously Bedtime - What's your favorite time of day?
Snapshot of My Day, Edition #12, 10/25/2023 - This day was crazy busy. 


Hannah count: 4
Zelda count: 4
Hat count: 1
Dog park count: 1
Desserts count: Smores and cookies.
Community center count: 1
Snow count: 1


I really enjoyed doing this prompt. Moment is so generic that I could do those snapshot posts or just post about one specific moment in my day or about what was going on in my life at that moment. If I ever do a challenge like this again (ha ha ha ha!) I would want more broad prompts like this in the list.


Yesterday I met up with two bloggers who are geographically local and we went to a local museum and had a little catchup at a cozy coffee shop. There were balloons, carolers, and a giant mural, in addition to fun company and interesting conversations. 

I feel like it's important for everyone to know that we met the lady who was responsible for these balloons and she wants you to know that they are not made of plastic (pine resin) and that the metallic ones are not biodegradable, but she has reused them many times. I felt a little bit like the time Anne and I went to the botanical gardens and the volunteer docent realized we were a good audience and talked our ears off. Strangers think we look approachable is the lesson to learn here. (I mean, it's not a cashier telling us about a parent's illness or opinions on cremations, but we can't all be Nicole.)


Have you ever met a fellow blogger in person? 


  1. Another lovely picture of you and Dr. BB! What a fun blogger meetup!

    Back in the day (2006-08) I met a LOT of bloggers in person, and most of them are still good friends/social media friends and many of them are fancy writer folk now. They really did follow through on "wanting to be a writer!" In this go around, I've facetimed/zoomed with a few, but haven't really met up.

    1. Wow! Fancy writer folk! How fun! I don't have writing aspirations (unless I get around to writing that Adulting Manual with all the answers to hard questions), so if you stick around here, you'll just hear more about my bad takes on books and what new neurotic feature my dog has developed.

  2. So fun! I have met a few bloggers in person. I met Suz from Busy bee Suz in Florida a few years ago. It was the highlight of my trip, well- also the moment when we realized Mini messed up the dials on the hot tub and pool and the pool was SO hot and not at all refreshing. I also mete Kari at A Grace Full Life. Oddly enough, she and I once realized that she attended my wedding. Her first husband was Coach's neighbor growing up. It was one of those 'the world is INCREDIBLY small situations' and made for a hilarious blog post.

    1. Oh, wow! the world is so small. Crazy that you didn't even know she was at your wedding!!

  3. How fun! There was a time when I wanted complete separation between my blog life and real life, but those days are over and yes one of my 2024 goals is to start meeting people! I mean, I'm running out of Frank Lloyd Wright houses to visit so I've got to have a next thing.

    Oh wait it seems that there's this place a few hours away from Chicago that has FLW houses plus cool bloggers...I don't have any plans yet but I'd say there is a 1000% chance that I'll be contacting you as soon as I figure out a schedule.

    1. Hey, hey, hey! I'm always up for an adventure! I can hardly wait.

    2. Come to Wisconsin! Bloggers! FLW! Fun balloon people! :)

  4. How fun for you to meet up with Anne and Kae! I had no idea they were so close to you - wait, I did know, now that I've typed that out. I think you met with Anne once before? Anyway, how lovely for you! I have met a number of bloggers, from both blog conferences in 2013 and 2014, and when I worked at YMC I met a LOT of bloggers. It's always fun to put a person to the writing. I noticed that some people were exactly like their online persona, and some were surprising to me.

    1. Yes, Anne and I have done a couple of fun adventures together. This time we were right by Kae, so we were eager to meet here.

      I feel like both Kae and Anne were exactly like their online personas. I'd be fascinated to know how someone pulls off a blogging voice that's different from their real voice!

  5. Awwww this sounds like so much fun! I have never met another blogger in person, but am hoping to do so in 2024!

    1. Yay! That seems like a great 2024 goal.

  6. When I started blogging in 2006, several of my IRL friends had blogs, which was a lot of fun. Other than that, I have met a small handful of bloggers in real life, including Nance when she was visiting a friend in San Francisco, which was GREAT. Thus far, all of the bloggers I have met have been exactly how they present themselves online.

    Your day sounds like great fun, I love going to museums.

    1. I'll admit that the museum was not that awesome. LOL. BUT! It was still so much fun to go and meet up with people and have a lovely time.

    2. Did you ever find jeans that don't wear out in the thigh area? I am always looking for these as well.

  7. Oh my gosh! Invite me next time :)

    1. Yasss! We'll do a big Madison meet-up.

  8. I've never been able to pull of the prompt thing in timely way but I enjoyed following yours and your take on the word of the day. I've met over a dozen bloggers in person, stayed with them traveling and had some stay here and sometimes just lunches (when we've been away). I've never once met one who wasn't "what or who" I thought they would be from their blog. The real deal.

    1. Oh, wow! Over a dozen bloggers! You're a true connector!

  9. How fun!!! I've met two bloggers IRL- both running bloggers who came down to Florida for a vacation (not at the same time.) I just read Birchie's comment- if you are going to have a midwest blogger meetup I will be very jealous!!!
    I like how Zelda and Hannah got equal mentions in the Moments posts.

    1. Hey, maybe we can fit in the Midwest blogger meetup when you're in Chicago some time. Serendipity!

  10. I love that joyful photo of you and the Environmentally Responsible Balloons.

    I've met J in California (of Thinking About fame) and several others. It always feels like a mere formality since we really "know" each other already by reading our lives online. I'm glad I've never met anyone who isn't exactly the same as they are in their writing.

    1. I think it would feel BIZARRE if someone was different than their online persona. do you keep up that charade?!

  11. I haven't and since I'm in Canada and in the middle of nowhere on the East Coast I suspect I'm unlikely to meet many bloggers. That said, I feel VERY confident that I will meet some eventually and that possibility really excites me <3

    1. I think you travel enough that surely you can fit in a coffee or lunch date here and there! Or we'll all just have to go visit you!

  12. I've met two, one by accident because she recognized me in a store. One I contacted to ask her about something or other near her. I've also met three Flickr folk -- two by accident.

    1. Oh, wow! You're like a celebrity getting recognized in a store!

  13. How fun to meet up with some local bloggers! I have met so many bloggers in person. I used to do an annual running trip with bloggers up until we started having kids. I sort of resumed that tradition with a hiking trip with my bestie, Amber, that I met through blogging many many years ago.

    1. I love all your stories of your blogging friends! You're a real inspiration!

  14. Aww yay! I love that you all met up! And got to learn so much about those balloons lol. I have met many bloggers in person :)

    1. I really do love when people are enthusiastic about their area of expertise. Balloon lady was so expressive in her excitement about all things balloons and I really enjoyed hearing her talk about her work.

  15. How fun to meet TWO bloggers in person! I love this. ❤️

    1. It was so fun. Now I've met two whole bloggers in real life!

  16. I have met many bloggers (or should I say ex-bloggers) in person but the only one who still blogs and is part of our community here that I have met is Lisa and briefly Meike. I'd love to meet so many of you and I am so excited that you could get together!

    1. If you're ever in southeastern Wisconsin, San, hit us up!

  17. I love this! I've met a few bloggers IRL and it's always so much fun. Hopefully, Jenny and I will meet up for a coffee date when she's in Tampa in January!

    1. I'd be so jealous of a Stephany/Jenny meeting. How fun!

  18. OK, so we need to plan the NEXT meet up: Add Sarah and Birchie. And I know that Kim even ventures up here periodically, so... ?

  19. Oh that is so fun that you get to hang out in real life too.
