Friday, May 26, 2023

7.26 Moment - One Picture Per Hour, Wednesday 5/24

 Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twenty-sixth day of the month is "Moment." 

Stephany did a one picture per hour on her blog and I thought it was fun. Here's mine! I did Wednesday, which was our anniversary, so we both treated it like a day off, even if we did check our email here and there.

7:07am - Hannah and I are out for our morning walk. She was super annoyed I was making her pose on what is generally our "all business" walk. 

8:10am - I'm doing Duolingo while Zelda is doing her best kitty modeling. Just as a note, that mat she's on is Hannah's mat, but Zelda uses it a lot, too.

9:03am - I'm reading a book and drinking my second mug of tea. 

10:45am - Working out to a Caroline Girvan video.

11:50am - Finally got showered (it's almost noon!) and started slathering things on my face. 

12:45pm - The last of the cookies I made my husband for his birthday. He wouldn't eat them (*sigh*), so I took them to the neighbor's house and had some for myself.

1:05pm - Afternoon walk with Hannah. This trail has been flooded for most of the spring and it's the first time we were able to walk it since there was snow on the ground.

2:12pm - It wouldn't be a day in my life without going to the library, would it? I dropped off two books and picked one up.

3:14pm - We went to a Cat Cafe to hang out with kitties. It was our anniversary and we decided this would count on our date. Neither of us had ever been to a cat cafe before and while I'm glad I went, I probably won't go again. It made me kind of sad, all these sweet kitties who need homes. It also was sort of smelly and I can't imagine actually eating or drinking something there. Anyway, the people there were lovely, the kitties were adorable, and I'm glad I did it.

I think this is coming off as more negative than I intend it to. It's in a college town and I think I would have loved this sort of thing when I was homesick for pets as a college student. It's just not for me right now, I think.

4:17pm - After the cat cafe, we actually went to a different coffeeshop so I could get an iced americano. We did a brief walk along the lakefront (there is a SAGA about this lakefront that I might write about later), but we were scared off early by jerk redwing blackbirds who are aggressive in protecting their breeding grounds.  

5:43pm - Getting dinner started. Butternut squash soup for us tonight. 

6:48pm - I'm still putting the finishing touches up on dinner and Zelda the Cat crawled into Hannah's bed to watch me because you can see straight into the kitchen from this location. Note how Zelda sleeps in Hannah's places more than Hannah does.

7:39pm - It's trash night, so I snapped a photo of the line of bins.

8:08pm - My girls both looking out the window at the same thing! They're so cute.  

9:22pm - Getting Hannah ready for her last chance pee before bed.
10:04pm - Bed! Kindle! I read for twenty or thirty minutes before lights out.

What's your usual bedtime? Do you read before you fall asleep?


  1. Fun to see into your day! Also, at a glance I totally thought those squash quarters looked like clogs...

    1. Ha! I can see that they look like clogs now that you point it out.

  2. I love butternut squash soup.

    Your library looks lovely and welcoming. Is it quiet, too? I miss the Old Quiet of traditional libraries. That is long gone now, at least in our libraries.

    At 10 pm, I usually put an episode of Dateline on tv and just listen to it. Somehow, the cadence of it lulls me to sleep, especially if Keith Morrison is the narrator. Often, I'm out before 10:15.

    1. Oh, our library is quiet during some parts of the day and not so much during others. It's just blocks away from the middle school and when those kids get of school, it's a real ruckus. I don't mind it so much because I love to see people making use of the facilities in our town and the library is a real treasure. If you going during the early afternoon during the week, it's very quiet, though.

  3. This is a fun idea. There used to be a blogger called The Hollywood Housewife and she hosted a day like this for everyone who wanted to join in. I'd forgotten about how cool it is to see posts like this.

    1. Interesting. I don't think I'd seen anything like it before Stephany's post, so I was happy to see a new format. Taking a photo every hour was kind of exhausting, though, so I'm not sure I'll be doing it again anytime soon.

  4. Your library is lovely. I'd like to go on a library "crawl" where I visit different libraries.
    Your butternut squashes resemble wooden shoes.
    I've never been to a cat cafe, but I imagine I'd have the same reaction you did.
    I really love this idea for a blog post. ❤️

    1. I love going to libraries when I travel. That's why I know that the downtown Nashville library is great! I just love seeing how people treat their literature.

  5. What a neat blog post idea and what a mellow and fun day! I half expected Hannah to be on Zelda's tree :)

    1. If only she could, Hannah would attempt to snuggle Zelda, even if it meant climbing up that rickety tree!

  6. Very fun post idea! I'll totally have to do this some time. Though I feel like I already include probably way too many random photos of my life in my posts. hahaha.

    1. I thought the taking a photo every hour was surprisingly challenging! I mean, what's there to photograph when I've been in the kitchen making dinner for an hour. Ha! Your life is so much more fast paced than mine, it would probably be easier for you.

  7. Ooh, what a nice day! I love all the photos of Zelda and Hannah. And your library looks beautiful! Why did your husband not eat the cookies???

    1. The recipe calls to make the cookies into 4 ounce balls, which is quite big for a cookie. My husband was not convinced that they were cooked all the way through (I swear they were, though) and he was hesitant to eat them. So I ate them. And so did our neighbors. But not him. :(

      I feel like this is harsh on my husband. He does have a very sensitive stomach and is really worried about food poisoning. However, it is not my job to enable his food weirdnesses, either. I walk a pretty fine line about trying to give him food treats, but trying not be let my feelings be hurt when he turns them down. I would say food is our number one marital struggle and if this is the worst we have, then that probably means we're doing okay.

  8. I love the photo every hour posts. I think the cat cafe would have made me sad as well.

    1. Yes, I just wanted to make sure all those kitties got good homes. They were so sweet and friendly. But I couldn't take them all. It was sad.

  9. I love these "one photo per hour" posts! I might have to do this myself sometime.
    Thanks for sharing your day!

    I have never been to a cat café and think I'd love it - but only because I don't have furry friends at home (like you do!).

    Please tell me why Dr BB wouldn't eat the cookie. It looks delicious!

    1. Yes, I think the cat cafe would be perfect for people who don't have pets of their own! That's probably who it's intended for and I don't begrudge them that at all! It just wasn't right for me at this point in my life.

  10. I love these posts and may just steal this idea!! Very fun.
    My usual bedtime is between 8:30 and 9:00! I don't read in bed but I generally read in the hour or so before bed.

    1. Well, you get up quite a bit earlier than I do. My 6:30am alarm would probably make you laugh!

  11. This is a cute post. I too think the unadopted cats might make me sad. :( Hopefully some of them will find homes this way?
    Zelda is at home wherever she wants, right?
    I generally read before bed too; usually around 10-10:30 for me.

    1. Yes, I think some of the cats do get adopted out of the cafe. They're working in conjunction with a cat rescue organization, so they're all adoptable. That is another good thing about the cat cafe!

  12. Your library is so beautiful! I love our library but it's not as pretty as yours.

    I generally go up to bed at 8:30 so I can read for an hour before going to bed at 9:30.

    1. It IS a pretty library, but the library closest to you is always the best library!

  13. Which cat cafe did you go to? I can tell it's not Sip & Purr :) The smelly ones make me sad too.

    I try to get in bed by 8:30 and in my ideal world I would read for 30 mins then fall asleep! :)

    1. It was not Sip & Purr. I'm not going to out this one because it IS doing good work, but it's in a college town in southeastern Wisconsin, so I'm pretty sure you couldn't probably figure it out.

  14. Aww, sorry that you didn't love the cat cafe! It doesn't make me sad when I go there - mostly because it makes me happy that these kittens get to have such a big, fun place to play with new people coming in to hang out with them all the time. Don't ever go to an animal shelter if a cat cafe saddens you, lol. A cat cafe is a much, much better place for them than being stuck in a shelter (even though I know shelters do so much good!)

    I'm glad you did this post. I had a very fun time doing mine and it's something I think I'll do every few months or so.

  15. Oh, bummer. Sorry the cat cafe was not as fun as anticipated, and that your husband chose not to eat the cookie. The rest of your day looks quite enjoyable, though - particularly your library! :)
