Friday, June 07, 2024

Five Plus One for Friday, Edition #6

1) Update #1: Valet stand - Purchased and set up in his office. 

2) Update #2: Dining room table - I washed my heated vest doing laundry last weekend and put it away for the season, I washed all my merch from my alma mater and am actively wearing it these days, I recycled the paperwork about the class action lawsuit, we bought honey from the honey people at the Market last weekend, I wrote the review for the book, I ordered makeup, I sent that greeting card, and I didn't use the REI coupon because they didn't have good options for cross-trainers.

I still have four thank you cards to write, I have a new book sitting there to write a review about, and I need to reorder a prescription, but those are the only to-do items left on the table.

3) What does Adriene of Yoga with Adriene mean when she says "hug the low ribs in"? ribs are bones? And I have no control over them? 

4) At work, I sometimes leave myself reminders of things that need to be done with little notes on my calendar like follow-up with Joe Smith (#7788990) and I'll write a description "Did Joe graduate? If yes, call and congratulate him. If not, follow up and get him on track to graduate this summer." But this takes all of five minutes and it takes up an entire fifteen minute slot on my calendar. How do you deal with these follow-ups that are months out - I met with Joe in January or February for the first time so I need a reminder and I need a description of the situation?

5) Update #3: The dentist saga continues - I have bad gums. And I see my periodontist every six months for a cleaning and my regular dentist every six months for a cleaning, meaning my teeth are cleaned every three months. And for a decade I had an awesome family dentist and he retired and was replaced by a new guy who acts like my teeth are about to fall out of my head at any second. And I was powering through with him because for the last few times I'd been, the hygienist was lovely.

But last week I went and there was a new hygienist who tried to sell me on 1) a waterpik and 2) whitening mouthwash. I have been told REPEATEDLY by my periodontist that waterpiks are terrible for someone with my condition and whitening products just end up increasing my already sensitive gums/tooth bones. And when I said "no, thank you," she kept on and on and I was in tears when I left. I called my SIL the dentist who told me to just ignore everything the hygienist said, which made me feel better, but also made me feel worse.

So, you're probably thinking, just change dentists. As I found myself making another appointment for December, I wondered about this, too.

Here's the deal. We have sort of crappy dental insurance (it's the one all state employees get) and only four dentists in our area (my town and the town where our university is) accept this insurance. One is my dentist; one is a dentist with incredibly polarizing reviews (LOVE or HATE and nothing in between and I don't know who to trust); one is a dentist that is the merging of two dental practices that had great reviews when they were solo, but there's no way to speak to a human when you call the number; and the last is a dentist that has assured my husband who switched there that they are going to stop taking the insurance in the next cycle. 

I guess I'll continue with this dentist. 

6) June is first-year orientation month at our university. I run a session for folks coming into our college and as they are coming in, I play music*. I try to play upbeat music. Here's a sampling of songs on the playlist:

    "Flowers" by Miley Cyrus
    "Shake it Off" by Taylor Swift
    "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor
    "It's My Life" by Bon Jovi
    "Hey There Delilah" by Plain White T's
    "Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey
    "Daydream Believer" by The Monkees
    "Brown Eyed Girl" by Van Morrison
    "Summer of '69" by Bryan Adams
    "Believe" by Cher
    "Wannabe" by Spice Girls
    "Single Ladies" by Beyoncé
    "Mama Said" by The Shirelles
    "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" by Cyndi Lauper
    "My Girl" by The Temptations
    "Dancing Queen" by ABBA
    "Another Saturday Night" by Sam Cooke
    "I Can't Help Myself" by Four Tops
    "Soul Man" by Sam & Dave
    "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" by The Beatles
    "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen

*I may have gotten my hand slapped for playing the music too loud on the first day of orientation. Whoops. I also took the students through the wrong door to the computer lab that day and got a stern talking to from the direction of orientation. Sorry, everyone!

This is all great, but many of you are noticing that many of these songs are...fifty or sixty years old? What should I be adding to this list? Like...what are young folks listening to that pumps them up? I don't want anything insanely provocative or with a lot of cursing, but mild innuendo and a hell or a damn is fine.  Any thoughts?


Thoughts on "knit your low ribs in"? What do you use for to-dos at work? What songs to the young people listen to when they want to get pumped up?


  1. I can't even with knit your low ribs what?

    I put things on my calendar all the time! If there's an email that goes with the task, I'll just schedule the meeting from the email. If not I'll put in some notes like you do. I don't want my reminders to stop other people from scheduling meetings with me, so I make the meeting 0 minutes long and show the time as free.

    What's the worst that could happen if you tried the polarizing dentist just once? If it turns out to be great then yay and if it doesn't you can go back to the old one.

    1. OOOOHhhh! That's the other thing. The waitlist for new patient appointments at the polarizing dentist is EIGHT MONTHS, so if did want to switch, I should have considered it in November. I hesitate to get off my every three months schedule that I have perfected with my perio and my general dentist, but it may have to be a consideration I make.

  2. I don't know about my dentist. Some seniors like me are now granted free dental help if they have no other plan. When the time comes, I will have to see if my dentist accepts the plan.

    1. I wish you luck in figuring out your dental care situation. It can be a real challenge.

  3. I do know what she means, it's an "engage your core" sort of cue. Yoga teachers use all sorts of weird things like that, like "pull your navel toward your spine" and "pull up your kneecaps." I know. I know. They are weird things to say and don't make sense but they are intended just for visualization purposes, to bring your attention to those particular body parts. Like "allow your shoulder blades to drape down your back" makes no sense literally, but you can visualize your shoulders relaxing and your shoulder blades sort of...draping, I guess. Anyway, strange things, but that's yoga teachers for you! We're a weird bunch.
    I'm really sorry about your dentist. Those constant comments make a person feel a lot of shame, when there is no fault and nothing to be ashamed of. You take such tender care of yourself and your teeth and gums, you do everything right, you don't deserve to feel so badly every three months. And honestly who knows if getting a new hygienist would even change things, they are trained to push that kind of stuff.
    This is much lower stakes, but I am having a weird thing with the woman who cuts my hair. She gives me better haircuts than anyone I have ever had. But I've been to her four times and the last three she has shamed me about colouring my own hair. I am not going to get a professional hair colour as my roots are visible every three weeks, and that is just too much. I'm not spending $200 every three weeks for something I can do myself for $10. But she keeps telling me my roots look wrong and I'm doing it wrong, etc., and I was leaving feeling shitty about myself. I have an appointment with her in two weeks and if it happens again I'm just going to have to find someone else. But this is much easier than finding a new dentist! But still. I did say last time that she was the only one bothered by my roots, and she did back off slightly.

    1. You explain this so well, Nicole! I can offer "for visualization purposes" the next time someone asks. I used to try "it isn't mean to be a literal instruction"--but I think your version is more helpful!

    2. Also: UGH (Engie and Nicole) about the shitty *bullying* from your service providers. I'm so sorry it's happening to you and wish I had a solution or a clever riposte to offer.

    3. "Pull up your kneecaps?" I would LOSE MY MIND thinking about what that meant and miss cues for the next three minutes. I wish people would just say engage your core. LOL. I am clearly not whimsical enough for some yoga.

      What is WRONG with your stylist? She could just be giving you tips on how to best keep your hair healthy if she's anti-home coloring. *sigh* I've had the same stylist for over ten years and have followed her to multiple studios and if/when she retires, I'll be heartbroken and will probably not have it in my to do a whole search for another stylist. I guess that means we also can't move like you did!

      I will admit that for all the whining I do about my dentist on this blog, I've never logged a formal complaint with them at all. I just accept the treatment, pay, and reschedule for six months out. How could they know I'm unhappy? I just want to avoid confrontation.

  4. I am the same as Birchie with calendar reminders! I am all about the 5 minute, availability free appointments and use them for future outreaches, projects, and even birthdays and other milestones people drop in conversations so I don't lose track of them.

    I asked Lil Momma what songs she uses to get pumped up and it was a mix of Taylor Swift and showtunes but that's to be expected with a theater kid, haha!

    1. Okay, when I get to work on Monday I'm going to look at five minute, availability free appointments AND task list and see which one would be better suited for my working style (i.e., will give me lots of reminders that I will pay attention to).

      Showtunes!! Imagine how that would go over.

  5. I am THE wrong person to advise you on newer music, but I agree that those songs are WAAAAY OLD. The students are probably laughing about it rather than getting pumped up and excited about the school. I mean, Sam Cooke and The Shirelles? I was too young to listen to them until they were on the Oldies Stations when *I* was a teen. Yikes.

    1. *shrug* I listen to them still. They were definitely released before I was born, but that doesn't stop them from being bops. (I will tolerate NO DISRESPECT to Sam Cooke songs!!)

  6. I also took her advice to mean I needed to suck in my gut (or, in nicer terms, engage my core) but you're right that's it's confusing.

    The valet stand looks perfect. Great choice!

    I feel like everything old is new again, so it's probably awesome to do mostly throwback songs. I mean flares are back, why not classic music?

    The dentist thing sucks. It's an awful feeling when there really is no "choice" only the "least bad" option. If I had a magic wand I would make the world's most amazing dentist move to town who accepts your insurance and is the most gentle and kind soul. You deserve that. I am glad your SIL can help temper the bad advice from the hygienist, but still...a very hard position for you to be in. Sending hugs.

    1. Flares are back? All I'm seeing are boyfriend and mom jeans and just giving up. LOL. Maybe I should actually enter a store.

      The dentist thing is maaaaybe a problem of my own making since I've never actually complained about any of these things to anyone in the office who could potentially fix the problems. I just want them to KNOW that I'm unhappy through some sort of osmosis. But after hearing "no, thank you" about things multiple times, why bring it up again?

  7. Well, I think those songs are timeless, and perfect. But I'm probably not the right person to ask.
    Yeah, the dentist. Your situation sounds particularly bad. I had a dentist I LOVED, but then he retired (sob) so I go to the guy who took over his practice. He's... okay. I go twice a year but only see him once a year (for the other visit, it's an extra fee if I actually want to see the dentist, WHAT) and my issue is that I grind my teeth. I wear a nightguard and have been working hard at not grinding during the day, but on my last visit the hygienist told me I should get botox, to help with the grinding. Wait what- I don't want botox! Even the dentist seemed skeptical about that (she was still talking about it when he came in.) I agree it's frustrating- I don't know who to trust anymore. Sorry about your particular situation- that truly sucks.

    1. Hmmm...a quick Google shows that Botox can sometimes help with teeth grinding, but why would the hygienist recommend it if the dentist wasn't on board? Why are dental service providers so challenging?

  8. Your lower ribs are fairly mobile. The upper ribs are attached to the vertebrae at the back and the sternum at the front, but the bottom ribs are less firmly anchored in front and are covered by layers of muscle. So I think of that instruction as "exhale + engage your upper abs," which will squoosh in the lower ribcage.

    1. Okay, I have learned that it's code for engage your core. I'm not sure why she doesn't just say that, but I've got it now!

  9. I do the same thing as others have said - I put reminders on my calendar all the time and will make myself as available for those meeting slots so someone can book over them. I can't trust myself to remember things w/out a calendar prompt!

    The valet stand looks so nice and classy!!!

    Ugh the dentist. I hope you don't get this hygienist again. What is she working for an MLM that sells waterpiks or something? Sheesh. Phil changes dentists years ago and now goes to my dentist because his previous dentist was selling him on hard on veneers. Um, read the room dentist, Phil is not your target audience for cosmetic procedures like that.

    1. I do not trust myself without a calendar prompt, either!! You get it, Lisa, you do.

      I do not understand the hygienist, either. I will say that hygienists sort of gasp when they look in my mouth for the first time. There's a lot going on and some of them take it as a personal challenge to be the person who can clean off stains and figure out a hygiene routine that will fix my periodontal disease in a one-hour appointment, despite the literal decades of notes showing that it's not going to happen. Oh, well. Like you said about Phil's dentist, maybe she just wasn't reading the room.

  10. I love your music list! I’ve always been one to enjoy music from any era.
    That valet stand is a work of art!
    I’m so sorry for you about the dentist experience. I’m thankful to have a wonderful dentist now, but I’ve had some bad experiences in the past. And once, a hygienist told me that I needed to wear bright red lipstick so my teeth would look whiter! I laughed out loud thinking she was joking - and that made her cross! Oops! Luckily I moved and didn’t have to see her again!

    1. I try never to wear any color on my lips because I don't want to draw attention to them at all! I will put on so much eye makeup, but never lipstick! What crazy advice!! I'm glad you gave her the immediate feedback of a laugh, though. I think half of my problem with this dentist is that I never stand up for myself.

  11. I use Outlook Task List (which also allows reminders) for the work to-dos that you described.

    Hmpf, about the dentist experience. Is it possible for you to get a "trial appointment" for the dentist with mixed reviews? Maybe it'll be someone you love?

    Haha, I had to chuckle about the yoga lingo, but I think Jamie explained it quite nicely... when you engage your upper abs, you'll feel the bottom ribs turn in. Try it.

    The valet stand looks great. Does Dr B love it?

    1. Ha ha. The valet stand. Dr. BB says the hangar is actually too wide, so it's messing up his jackets in a DIFFERENT way than the coat rack. I think he may actually be the most persnickety person I've ever met. LOL.

  12. I have also long been baffled by the ribs comments from Adriene and others, and looked to see if Nicole had weighed in, and lo, she had, and now I am outraged on BOTH of your behalfs (behalves?) because WHAT IS WITH YOUR SERVICE PEOPLE MAKING JUDGEY COMMENTS?! Even though I have had my own hygienist drama and still feel weird about asking for a different hygienist, I think you can AT LEAST do that. WTF, hygienist?!

    It is so hard when you are paying someone to provide a particular service and they offer a little bonus Crap You Don't Want; I am going through that currently with a person who is throwing in some extra advice I do not want or need, or, more importantly, want or need him to share with my child, and yet even though I very clearly said, "we are not interested in this," he persisted, and ugh. Maybe I need to write about it on my blog rather than venting on yours. But I GET IT, because have we fired him? No, we have not. Anyway. The whole thing sucks and I'm sorry you have to endure the comments in addition to the regular visits.

    LOVE the valet stand. Very elegant and practical. And I think your playlist is fab. Old music is good music. My husband was scrolling through radio stations in the car the other day and landed on one with a Tina Turner song, and then there was an NSync song, and then Miley Cyrus (Flowers!) and it was really my ideal radio station and I think it was made up of your playlist. "Adult Music," it was called, which feels like kind of a misleading name for a radio station.

    1. Once you've said not Crap You Don't Want twice, I think the topic should be let go. I understand that they learn to be pushy in salesperson school or whatever, but STOP. I find myself enraged on your behalf as you are mine. What is this world coming to?

      OOOOhhhhh...Tina Turner and NSync are good adds. Proud Mary and It's Gonna Be Me are added!

  13. I like your playlist a lot! Here're some more in the same vein:

    1. Walking on Sunshine
    Katrina and the Waves

    2. Shut Up and Dance
    Walk the Moon

    3. Best Day of My Life
    American Authors

    4. Lean on Me
    Bill Withers

    5. Lovely Day
    Bill Withers

    6. Dido
    Thank You

    7. Feels Like Summer
    Childish Gambino

    8. Formation

    9. Happy
    Pharrell Williams

    10. I’m Coming Out
    Diana Ross

    11. Good Life

    12. Feel Good Inc.

    13. Get Lucky
    Daft Punk feat. Pharrell Williams

    14. Come Dancing
    The Kinks

    15. Shiny Happy People

    16. 22
    Taylor Swift

    17. Let's Go Crazy (There’s an invitation to “come” FWIW)

    18. Celebration
    Kool and the Gang

    19. Don't Stop Believin'

    20. I Can See Clearly Now
    Jimmy Buffet

    21. I'm a Believer
    The Monkees

    22. Beautiful Day

    23. It's Getting Better
    Cass Elliot

    24. I'll Fly Away
    Alison Krauss (O Brother Where Art Thou Soundtrack)

    25. Sugar Sugar

    26. Here’s Where the Story Ends
    The Sundays

    1. This is exactly what I wanted!! I added a bunch of these to my playlist. A bunch of them were already there, but this is more variety than I would have ever been able to add on my own. Thanks!

  14. I do the same thing as other people when it comes to follow ups - I'll put a calendar reminder about it. This wouldn't work with your situation since it's a follow-up after many months, but I also use my inbox as my to-do list. So if there's something I'm waiting on from someone else, I'll keep the email in my inbox as a reminder to me to follow up about the task if it hasn't been resolved.

    The dentist issue SUCKS. I'm sorry you have such limited options and none of them seem particularly great. :(

    1. My inbox can not be a to-do list. LOL. I would DIE. If there are more than 20 emails or so in my inbox, I get itchy.

      I think I might have to think outside the box with the dentist situation and maybe go further afield. Surely there are more dentists outside of the two towns I've restricted my search to so far.

  15. Oh, the dentist issue! Our dentist retired many years ago, and sold his practice. He was an excellent dentist, conservative about treatments, all of that. He was my husband's dentist when he was growing up. When he retired, we tried out his replacement, and were not fans. So we went to a new dentist, who we LOVED. Again, conservative about treatments, knowledgeable, etc. He retired and sold his practice, and we still have his replacement. I don't love her, but I'm not sure why. She is conservative and doesn't seem like she wants to cost me a ton of money if it's not needed, but I just can't feel it. I have a LOT of options based on insurance, but I don't want to go find someone else. I don't want someone telling me I need a crown if I don't, etc.

    1. Why are all the good dentists retiring?! Come back, good dentists!!!

  16. The valet looks great; I'm sure he's a happy camper!
    Hug your low ribs? WHAT?
    I love your playlist!
    Bummer about your dentist. I remember when NO ONE tried to sell you anything; now it's the dentist, the plumber, the a/c never ends!

    1. Oh, wow. As far as I can remember, people are trying to sell me stuff!

  17. I have to find a new dentist and it's not an easy task, and I hate it! Why does the whole thing have to be so fraught.

    1. I guess adulting is fraught in general. Such is the way of it, I guess.

  18. How annoying with the dentist. Hope next visit will be better.
    I can not help out with music. I am a lost cause there.

    1. The music playlist now has over 40 songs on it, so I think I can leave it. No one will hear a repeated song.

  19. So, you know, if you're willing to share the playlist, I think it sounds awesome. And yes, I'm old. And Very Out Of Touch with Music. But who cares? If it makes you happy - and it gives the new students a new experience? I'm all for it!

    1. If you go to my sidebar, you can find my Spotify page. The playlist is labeled SOAR!

    2. YAY! Downloaded, thanks. :)
