Thursday, November 09, 2023

13.9 A Year of Location

I just finished a yearly project. Each day of the month I posted on a pre-determined theme. During the month of November, I'll post a collage of all my photos on the daily theme from the past year. The theme for the ninth day of the month was "Location."


Compost Site - Wow! I really started this off by showing you all the best places in our town, didn't I?
Our Park - Hannah and I still go here at least a few times a week.
No Dogs Allowed - No dogs allowed except Hannah.
By the Fireplace - Yoga at the community center.
Sidewalk Chalk - Turns out I write about sidewalk chalk a fair amount in this space.
We're at the Vet! And No One is Crying! - Just a regular checkup. Nothing was wrong. Highly unusual. 
The Garden Center - I was just there for birdseed. 
Happy Birthday to Zelda - OMG. If you want to see the cutest baby kitteh, go to this post.
Hike It - A tour of our county parks.
Dogs! - When we went to visit Humphrey. 
The Vet Office - There was crying.
Annual Trip to the Corn Maze - Fall fun.

Hannah count: 4
Zelda count: 1
Humphrey count: 1
Me being me count: 1
Hat count: 1
Dog park count: 1
Park by our house count: 1
Artistic renderings of animals count: 1
Sign count: 2
Community center count: 1
Water count: 2

I'm just thrilled to know that I left my house at least once each month, even though TWICE it was the vet office. 

Okay, you have all asked lots of great questions about my job and I'm not purposefully ignoring you, but I'm so busy that I haven't had a ton of time to figure out exactly what I want to say. My new job is at the same university where my husband teaches. We work in the same building, actually, one floor apart. My job is as an academic advisor for one of the colleges, advising students in the social sciences and humanities. It is an awesome fit for my skillset. Mostly our faculty members do academic advising, so I'm here as a secondary advisor. I will be working a lot with entirely online students, transfer students who are coming in with a lot of credits, and students who faculty members have identified as being at-risk of not succeeding in a semester. I'll also be teaching a class or two, doing some fun events with prospective students, and being a dogsbody for people in the dean's office. Bonus: I get to commute with my husband most days. 

My name plate came in today, I have an official name tag in the school colors, and I'm spending way too much time staring at computer screens and trying to figure out how to remember things. 

Do you keep a blanket on your desk chair? Does it have flying pigs on it? How many pigs can you count in this photo? 


  1. Yay!!! Congrats-- what a dream of a job.

    1. It's PERFECT! Or it will be if I ever figure out how to do anything. Ha.

  2. Yay, an Engie photo!
    This job sounds PERFECT for you! I'm so happy for you, Engie! It is a perfect fit.

    1. Thanks! I'm very excited about it!

  3. Sounds like a very good fit for you.

    1. Indeed. I'm grateful to have it.

  4. This sounds like an AMAZING job and I am so happy for you. Also, commuting with your spouse!!!! What nice bonus time together!

    1. I'm not sure Dr. BB would consider it "bonus time" or a "lack of alone time to decompress." LOL.

  5. This job sounds ideal in so many ways! You've got to be thrilled. I know you'll be an asset to them.

    I used to have a cow print fleece blanket on the back of my chair at school. A student made it for me as a Christmas gift. I still have it.

    1. Mine was a gift from a friend when I moved to Minnesota. It's been in every office I've ever had since!

  6. Wow, your job sounds GREAT! I have further questions for you- how has the transition been, going back to work? In your old job you worked from home (I think.) How do you like being in the office? Which do you prefer?
    I'm glad to see Zelda making an appearance in your collage?

    1. I only worked from home before because of the pandemic. I like separation from work and home and I like my co-workers, so right now the office is okay. I will someday be able to work from home once or twice a week.

      I don't LOVE that it's dark all the damn time I'm home now, but that's only for half the year, right?

      Oh, there's a collage coming up with LOTS of Zelda and you're going to love it!

  7. I've been wondering about your job! Sounds great and lots of perks! So you're fulltime in office? Does Hannah just stay home all day okay? I'm a little perplexed how that works when people work outside the home all day and have dogs!

    1. Hannah is a full grown dog and not a puppy! She stays by herself all night in the mud room (I swear our mudroom is large) and has the run of the downstairs with a kitty friend when we're at work. She's fine for up to twelve whole hours without needing to go outside. (I mean, we try to keep it less than seven or eight, but...) Not all dogs need someone around 24/7, I promise! Someday Charlie will be self-sufficient for the length of a workday. And then you'll never get a puppy again!

  8. I'm so happy for you!! 🖤

    1. Thank you! It's been a true delight.

  9. This sounds PERFECT for you and three cheers for the shared commute.

    Also, your pets are truly glorious to behold. Those little snapshots in time just cement you have two of the nicest looking animals on planet Earth.

    1. Hannah and Zelda are blushing at your compliments!

  10. I love seeing your office and your job sounds so cool! I can't wait to hear more in the future :)

    1. We'll see how much I talk about work. I mean, it's probably the least interesting thing to talk about right? Even a cool job is still a job.

  11. The new job sounds great and I hope you will love it! I don't keep a blanket but I usually have an extra jacket or scarf at work since the building air conditioning is messed up and it is always freezing.

    1. Oh, I have a blanket, two scarves, and a sweater. I also just brought in a heating pad for my desk to keep my hands warm today. It's always about staying ahead of the AC in my world.

  12. Sigh, I never had a flying pigs blanket in my in office days...but seriously though my favorite part of WFH is being able to change the thermostat anytime I want and being able to snuggle in a big fluffy blankie and still be totally professional.

    1. Interesting. I don't change the thermostat at home when I'm cold, either. LOL. Because it's too expensive to heat the house to what I would consider to be a comfortable temperature. I just bundle up.

  13. The comment you made about advising is suddenly so much MORE resonant now :)! Congratulations! This sounds like such a great match for your skillsets and I'm genuinely excited for all the students who get to benefit from your higher ed expertise and your general compassion.

    What a great office space too!

    1. I feel very lucky to have stumbled into this job. Woot woot!

  14. This sounds very exciting and I am glad you can commute with your husband. How convenient.
    I do keep a blanket at my desk (at home, not in the office) but no flying pics ;) I think I count 12?!

    1. Oh, there are a lot of pigs in my office beyond the pig blanket. Maybe someday I'll go through and talk about all the stuff in my office, focusing on the pigs.

  15. When I worked outside the home, I kept an old, oversized ugly beige sweater on my chair. I am always cold. I do like being at home babysitting now, because I can change clothes or grab another layer whenever. Hell, I can even do a load of laundry too.

    Your new job sounds very fun and interesting. I'd love to work with different people and sort out various options, etc. Your office is so spacious and I love your flying pig blanket. I've been up since 3:20 am and it's 10:11 pm, so I cannot see well enough to count pigs.

    1. My office is spacious. I think I need to bring in a yoga mat for stretching! There's enough space for it.

  16. That sounds like a really awesome job! You get to wear kind of a lot of hats which can be fun and keep things interesting. And it sounds like a really rewarding job, too! And commuting with your husband is quite a perk. I also commute with Phil when we both go into the office. Some of our best conversations are on the way home from work. We generally do not talk on the way into work, though, because Phil is NOT a morning person. So it's not a time to bring up any big topics... It's best to just stay quiet and play Spelling Bee. :)

    1. Our commutes have mostly been in silence because my husband, like Phil, is NOT a morning person and he wants nothing more than absolute silence on the way home because he's had his fill of talk for the day. LOL. But once we get home, I natter nonstop. It is my role.

  17. I love this so much, Engie. It sounds perfect for you and I hope that the flying pigs buttress you through the tedium of orientation and learning names and processes and procedures. FWIW, I cannot tell you how much I value our student advisors and other support services in Academic Affairs. I am completely clueless about so many things, and sending a quick email to the person who knows? Pure gold.

    1. Yes, I'm hoping that I make life easier for our faculty advisors and provide a real service. Our online students, in particular, need assistance, so I'm excited to get started, although I worry that I won't be particularly useful for another few months!

  18. That sounds like you really hit the jackpot. Congrats.
    And I count 12 pig.

    1. So many pigs! So little time!

  19. Engie, I love this! This sounds like such a perfect role for you, and I'm glad it feels like the right fit. Your office is a DREAM, too! I remember having at least two blankets and a jacket in the office with me because it was always so damn cold!
