Sunday, July 09, 2023

9.9 Location - Hike It

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the ninth day of the month is "Location."


Yesterday was a beautiful Saturday in July and we had absolutely nothing on the agenda. No place to go, no list of chores to be done, just an open afternoon.

A while back the director for our county's Parks and Rec department did a lecture at the community center and he talked about all of our county's great parks. Now, the largest county park is a five minute drive from our house, so we go there with some regularity, but there were other parks we'd never even heard of, let alone actually gone to.

So we took some water and headed out.

You can see how dry it is (so much dead grass), but you can also see what a beautiful view of the lake we had.

But we also got to spend some time in a forested area.

Huge props to visiting local parks. It's free! It's fun! There's nobody else there if you go on a Saturday in July!

Do you make regular use of local parks?


  1. Good for you -- exploring and getting exercise.

  2. Yay for parks! The hubs and I got out with our kayak for a date at a local park on Friday. He paddled, I took pictures of birds and turtles.

    1. That's the kind of division of labor I can get behind!

  3. It's gorgeous! I go to local parks every single day! There is a lovely offleash on my walking loop that I frequented even before Rexie. He loves it there, so it's part of our routine.

    1. I also go to local parks every day! Mostly I go to our city parks, though, so it was nice to get out to the country parks, which are usually a bit larger. What's the dog walking situation going to be like for Rex in the new digs?

  4. Hooray! That sounds like such a nice way to spend the day! We are so fortunate to have a ton of great parks around my area, and I try to take advantage as much as possible.

    1. I definitely feel like we don't take advantage of our county parks as much as we do our city parks, so I'm going to make more of an effort to get out to see more, I think.

  5. That's a perfect Saturday! We have a massive preserve/trail system here and I use it as much as I can! (almost daily in the warmer months). How were the bugs in the shade?

    1. The bugs are starting to be a problem. We had a tiny bit of rain on Thursday/Friday and so we did notice that we were swatting away bugs in the shadier areas.

  6. I have a burning desire to run down that trail! It looks really beautiful. If I lived where you do, I would definitely make use of those parks- right now in Florida I try to be outside as little as possible (sigh.)

    1. Well, there were certainly a few folks out running when we were there, so you wouldn't be alone!

  7. I usually walk to the local park (and rosegarden) once a week with Jon. :)

    1. Awwww...that's a sweet date.

  8. Not as much as we should, but there are a couple of trails at nearby parks I walk on with friends and/or with Lucy. We're close to Gatineau Park which is beautiful and we should go there much more than we do, but I'm intimidated by the need to figure out how not to get lost and that it's in Quebec which is French and I always think the minute I cross the border I will get arrested by cops speaking in a language I don't understand (I mean, I do, but not when it's spoken too quickly or angrily).

    1. I always think the minute I cross the border I will get arrested by cops speaking in a language I don't understand - lololololol. I don't know why this made me giggle so much. I rarely worry about getting arrested, but it WOULD be in place where I don't speak the language very well, obviously.

  9. We do a lot of local parks/beaches/trails! We live in a gorgeous part of Canada and with still youngish's a great way to entertain them in the great outdoors.

    I will say that we are now beyond the playground stage and THAT makes me sad. Some beautiful parks are mostly only relevant if you have kids interested in slides and such and our kids are basically over that and it's...sad. What an era!

    1. My SIL has suggested she might come visit with her three kids this summer, so I've been evaluating playgrounds to see which ones might be the best, but the thing is that I don't know what kids like in playgrounds! So I'm thinking if things get really dire when they visit, I can just take them to what I deem the top three and then have them evaluate the playgrounds for me.

  10. I use my local parks at least once a week for a hike or a run. Thank goodness for them, as sometimes the city gets to me and it is so nice to escape into the trees for some shade and solitude and to regroup!

    1. Green space in a city is SO important. I am happy to hear that you take advantage of your parks!

  11. The dead grass is so sad! That's what it looks like here, too. We haven't gone to parks like that but we spend a lot of time at parks w/ playground equipment! It's nice to have so many great options close to us. We should make a bucket list of parks to visit. Our boys aren't quite at the age to enjoy state parks or a park like what you visited but when they are a big older, that will be a great activity for the fall when the leaves are changing.

    1. That park ALSO had a small playground, so I think it's a park for everyone! I was always so impressed with the green space in Minneapolis - it's a city that prioritizes its parks and lakes and I think that's awesome for people of all ages.

  12. We have so many great local parks around me, but I don't take advantage of them as much as I should. It's too hot right now to be outside for too long, but I love visiting them from November-April when the weather is much more mild for us.

    1. I get it. I don't go out of my way to get to our parks in the winter. I'm just trying to survive!

  13. Sigh. I'm terrible. As always. I need to get my butt away from my computer and outside of this apartment. And go somewhere other than the grocery store and Target and work. :P (I need a break, in case you could not tell...) I desperately want to get to the Allen Centennial Gardens at some point, and Hoyt Park. They're close by! They are not big! I need to just do it! (Thanks for the prod...)

    1. I'm actually doing a pretty good job of getting out of my five-block radius! If you ever want company on an adventure, let me know!

    2. If I survive the next 3 weeks, I will absolutely take you up on your offer. I'd like to see the actual sun in a place other than from my car, my apartment, or my classroom. :)
