Wednesday, August 09, 2023

10.9 Location - Dogs!

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the ninth day of the month is "Location."


Do you remember little Humphrey?  He of the sad eyes and adorable little beard? Well, last week his person had a get together at his house and we took Hannah over to meet him. It turns out that in the couple of months it's been since we've seen him, he's grown a lot! Unfortunately, he's also full of wiggly puppy energy, so getting a good photo of him was a bit of a challenge. I'm going to put a couple of photos here, but I acknowledge that they are substandard.

Humphrey is about forty pounds and his feet are still really big. I think he's going to be a bit of a giant. His next-door neighbors have two male Newfoundlands called Ulysses and Something Else I Can't Remember and at one point, we had Hannah, Humphrey, and two giant black dogs running around and I couldn't stand the cuteness.

Oh, but where are the photos of Hannah frolicking with Humphrey, you ask? Well, they don't exist because Humphrey is scared pantless of Hannah. I was not there for the original meet and greet because I was getting stuff out of the car, but I guess the introduction did not go well and it took all afternoon before Humphrey would even been the same room/yard as Hannah. Eventually they both laid down under opposite ends of the dining room table, so I guess we have some work to do on building that relationship? Is Humphrey bashful? Is Hannah a bully? A little from column A, a little from column B?

Here's the big bully herself.


Ulyssess was about 165 pounds and was the biggest dog I've ever personally pet. Who is the biggest dog you've ever pet?


  1. Look at your terrifying beastdog! LOL. Hannah is so pleased with herself, having dominated a pup.

    I can't remember the largest dog I've ever petted, but as long as owners assure me that dogs are friendly, I'll approach cautiously and eventually venture a careful touch. I do love big, big dogs. Probably a St Bernard and an Old English sheepdog are the biggest. There are two Akitas who live in our neighborhood, too, and while they may not be the biggest, they have a large presence; they are quite amenable to pets.

    1. I also love big, big dogs! But talking to the owners of the Newfies made me think that maybe it's not all fun and games. The owners can't lift them if they're sick or hurt and getting them in and out of the car is not fun. But they were so cute and friendly!

  2. That is a huge dog. My cousin used to have a Great Dane, but I have no idea of his weight. Hannah and Humphrey may just exist together without playing, I know Barkley was super uninterested in younger dogs when he got to be about eight or so. He would tolerate them unless they tried playing, and then he'd give them the warning growl.

    1. I hope Hannah and Humphrey do learn to get along, though. I'd like for them to have regular playdates. Maybe Humphrey just needs to grow up a little bit? Or maybe someday he'll realize he's bigger than Hannah? (Not yet, but SOON, I predict!)

  3. Hannah is the Alpha!

    I like a 60-70 pound dog, but my rule of thumb is that you should never have a pet that outweighs you.

    1. Hannah has convinced me that 50 pounds in the right size for a dog! LOL. I love big slobbery retrievers, too, though.

  4. Interesting that you use 'pet' for past tense without the 'ed'. Some people don't and some do. I should look it up sometime. 😊

    1. I never say petted. Ever. LOL. I wonder if it's a Canada/US/UK difference.

  5. I had to go back and look at the original picture of Humphrey because it's SO CUTE. I love this picture of Hannah too- she certainly looks happy! I don't know enough about dogs to speculate, but I hope they get used to each other and become friends.

    1. Humphrey is still so cute! Next time I'll try to get a better photo of him. It's just he's always on the move!!

  6. Friends have St. Bernards and Great Danes, so those would be the largest dogs I've petted, but I wouldn't even know enough to guess their weight. Hannah and Humphrey, Humphrey and Hannah... they sound so good together, I hope they'll be friends soon. I mean look at Hannah, how could anyone resist her?

    1. Well, Humphrey did a great job of resisting Hannah, so maybe her charms are limited to people!!

  7. Oh yes, Hannah is extremely fierce and frightening. I once met a pair of St. Bernards. They were VERY large.

    1. Oh, man, St. Bernards drool!! I think that might be a dealbreaker for me - I'm not interested in a drooly dog. But they're so soft! Maybe I'll change my mind.

  8. Those lolling tongues— so darling.

  9. Oh, Humphrey. He's so cute... and I am so sorry that he's afraid of Hannah. I hope they can be best buds.

    My friend has a Great Dane. That is the biggest (and sweetest!) dog I've ever petted.

    1. I've never met a mean Great Dane. They're great dogs (no pun intended)!

  10. I love big dogs. Which is funny, because I am not a big person. So I can't own one but oh, they are so much fun to love on. :) Humphrey is the cutest, next to Hannah. Here's hoping that they start to tolerate each other a bit better as time goes on...
