Thursday, February 09, 2023

4.9 Location - By the Fireplace

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the ninth day of the month is "Location."


On Monday afternoon, I had a meeting at the community center before yoga. I immediately put my mat in front of the fireplace and turned it on before anybody else arrived for the class. No one else gets the fireplace spot if I can help it!

The community center is a giant old building on the river. It was originally built as a "businessman's club," which I've been assured is NOT a euphemism for some illicit sex parlor, but became a Masonic lodge eventually. The Masons joined up with another local branch and the building fell into disrepair until about a decade ago when a local philanthropist bought the building and had it restored.

So this building is gorgeous, with wood all over, river views, and this very cozy fireplace. This is my Monday night zen.

What's a lovely spot you find yourself lucky to spend time regularly?


  1. Best yoga spot ever! I love Picnic Point on Lake Mendota on my campus and try to get there at least weekly when the weather is good— it’s a quick walk and so lovely.

    1. Oh, there are so many lovely spots on campus. Being next to the lake is such a great feature!

  2. Oh gosh, I'd go early and stake out that spot, too. I'm always cold, and I'd go an hour early if it meant I'd be warm.

    Your community has such great places and beautiful surroundings. I can see why you're happy there.

    1. Yes, I am always cold and have actually asked if we can turn it on in the middle of summer. Usually the other students veto me, but I always ask.

  3. That fireplace looks so cozy! I was just at a little speakeasy and got to sit right by the fire and it was perfect. Then a live pianist started playing and my day was made!!

    1. If the pianist was good, that would be such a fun place to be. Why don't more businesses have fireplaces?

  4. Yes, I would snag that spot next to the fireplace as well! Right now I'm sitting at Starbucks sipping tea before work... it's not quite as zen as your yoga spot, but I still like it.

    1. Coffeeshops are such lovely places - they smell so good and the noise is just white noise. I 100% approve your Starbucks choice.

  5. This sounds wonderful. I don't do yoga, but I appreciate beautiful scenery. I'm sure it's lovely during the day as well.

    1. It's definitely a lovely building at any time of day. We host classes besides yoga and the fireplace is always a popular feature.

  6. We converted our wood-burning fireplace to gas last January. I love turning it on in the evening. Whether I'm watching tv, working on a puzzle or reading, it's so lovely since I run cold. We also have gas fireplace in our bedroom. I don't use it all that much these days since I tend to read in bed so I can potentially nap/fall asleep, but I sat in our cozy chair by the fireplace on my birthday and it was so great! Give me allll the heat!!

    1. If I had my druthers, we'd definitely have a gas fireplace in the spot where our television is. However, I do not always get my druthers! I am jealous of your home fireplace!

  7. That looks gorgeous! Monday night zen, indeed.
    I love sitting at our dining room table with my back to the patio door when the sun is streaming in - it's SO warm and cozy and bright and I love it.
    My other favourite place is my go-to local cafe. I haven't made it there very often lately (less than once a month - boo), but it's such a relaxing and wonderful environment. I just love being there, sipping my Earl Grey, people watching and working.

    1. The sun streaming in and warming you up sounds so lovely! Just take a cup of tea and *voila* perfection!

  8. What a scoundrel to grab that special spot.

    1. Ha! It did feel a bit like cheating.

  9. I feel like I would get SO HOT doing yoga by the fire, but it is a really lovely location! I'm not sure about "special," but I love the chair in my bedroom. It's oversized and overstuffed and really comfy -- I read and write there most days and feel very cozy indeed.

    1. There are two camps about the fireplace: those who get too hot and those of us who would do yoga IN THE FIREPLACE if it were allowed. There are three or four of us who try to stake that spot, but I rarely get it because I'm always running in there two minutes before class starts. I'd love a cozy reading chair - I do most of my reading on our couch because we don't really have a great big stuffed chair.

  10. Both of my school libraries have two walls of windows and are lovely, light-filled spaces, and my reading chair is beside the big window in my bedroom. If we were in the same yoga class you would never have to fight me for the fireplace spot - I would be in the back corner as far away from it as possible. Maybe with a fan on me. :)

    1. Yes, there are definitely people who do not like the heat. Fortunately, it's a giant room and they can be on the other side near the door to the outside (brrrr!). I think you and I are definitely on opposite sides of temperature comfort levels - I'm always cold.

  11. Ohh I love this!! I would absolutely love to do yoga/ stretch by the fireplace. We actually have two gas fireplaces (they are stacked- one in the living room upstairs, and one below it in the basement rec room.) We converted both wood burning fireplaces to gas when we bought the house, and I use one or both of them DAILY in the fall/ winter. Love them so much. I like to sit on the floor directly in front of them often! What a great cozy spot, and I don't blame you for hogging it- though hopefully other people don't resent you for it. lol. I am impressed that the community center has such a lovely fireplace! I have never been to any exercise class where that was an option, though I used to go an early a.m. "Body Flow" class where they would keep the lights dim and that was right up my alley. That's one thing I don't like about our main weight room at the gym- the overhead lights are just SO bright and unflattering. We have a different weight room too where the ceiling is much higher and therefore the lighting is softer, and I much prefer to work out there.

    1. Oh, this community center is so pretty. I really love doing classes there. BUT. I would really love having a fireplace at home where I could do yoga. That would be even better. I'm so jealous!

  12. Wonderful spot. But doesn't it get hot doing exercise there I wonder...

    1. It's February in Wisconsin. I don't honestly remember the last time I was "hot." Probably in August? LOL. I don't get too warm, but there are people who stay on the other side of the room to avoid it. There's plenty of space in the room.

  13. I love fireplaces. I wish we had one at our home.
