Thursday, November 02, 2023

13. 2 A Year of Entertainment

I just finished a yearly project. Each day of the month I posted on a pre-determined theme. During the month of November, I'll post a collage of all my photos on the daily theme from the past year. The theme for the second day of the month was "Entertainment."


I ended up writing about books for most of these because that's most of my entertainment. No shame here. 

A Weekend in Columbus, Ohio - I desperately need to get back and visit Bestest Friend. 
Spotify Wrapped - Pam Tillis for life!
A Day in January - A jigsaw puzzle and the podcast Food News. 
Fix It! - In which I sewed something.
Album Cover Design - Hannah should be on the cover of a country album.
March 2023 Book List - This is when I gave up pretending I did entertaining things and just started posting my book lists. 
April 2023 Book List 
May 2023 Book List
June 2023 Book List
July 2023 Book List
August 2023 Book List
More Dog Park Adventures - Humphrey!

Hannah count: 1
Humphrey count: 1
Hat count: 2
Dog park count: 1
Park by out house count: 1
Modes of transportation count: 1
Artistic renderings of animals count: 5
Me being me count: 1
Library count: 1
Books count: 22


Mostly, this is a reminder to myself that I need to visit Bestest Friend. Thus must be prioritized. Along with seeing Humphrey more often!


If anyone wants to know what we did last weekend when I was in Michigan, the answer is that we dressed up and played Jackbox games while I tried desperately to make all the cats in the house my best friend. 

Who is more photogenic, Hannah the Shepherd (mix) or Humphrey the Lab (mix)?


  1. How impressive to write for a year. Amazing. Making friends with cats- I'm there!

    1. Even the process of trying to get the cats to be your friend is fun for me.

  2. Yes, you should see Humphrey more often! Then we can see him more often too. I still vote for Hannah being more photogenic though.

    1. LOL. I love how everyone is saying Hannah because they think that's what I want to hear! It's just that she stands still more than Humps does, I think, so he's always kinda blurry.

  3. Congrats on finishing your project. Great pictures. It looks like your visit to Michigan was a lot of fun. I love hanging with friends and it doesn't happen often enough. I hope the cats came around.

    1. Hanging out with friends reminds me that I am more than just the things that tend to dominate my life. I felt really lucky to have that time with them.

  4. It's obviously Hannah, Engie. I didn't even have to look. She is a supermodel dog. Not that Humphrey isn't darling!

    Love your cute costumes!!! How many cats were there to befriend? How many were friendly?

    1. They have FOUR cats. There was one I didn't see, one who is an old man who does not like cuddles, one who wants ALL the cuddles, and a young guy who alternates between playing like crazy and passing out. Great fun, but it was a wide variety of cat personalities.

  5. Yay costumes! How fun is that. Also - thanks again for the Food News rec!

  6. Book are the best entertainment. So please no shame. I would easily skip watching tv. I do like to watch tv too but if I had to decide between books and tv it would always be books.

    1. Oh, I'll always choose books, so I'm not really ashamed. But it was fun to read the non-book posts.

  7. My dog is a Sheprador (half German Shepard & half Lab) so it's really tough position to have to chose between the Shepherd mix and the Lab mix...I mean obviously Hannah>Humphrey but I bet they make a great team.

    This has been an epic year for reading and a blah year for TV so bring on the books!

    1. Hannah and Humphrey are a great team. Too much cuteness in one place.

  8. You wrote every single day for a whole year! I am incredibly impressed.

    Humphrey's puppiest pic was awfully cute, but it's Hannah for the win. (No contest.)

    1. I did write every day! And I don't want to do it again. LOL.

  9. Both are intensely photogenic - you can really see their personalities!

    1. This is a great point. You can really tell who they are from their photos.

  10. I think Hannah looks more dignified and Humphrey totally Goofy so I guess you need to decide what look you’re going for? Hannah certainly let’s you get better photos of her.

    1. Exactly! They're both adorable in their own ways.

  11. I just love seeing Hannah AND Humphrey together. Is that a cheat-answer? :)
    I also agree: you need to go visit best friend. (I want to visit mine too.)

    1. I think they're going to hang out this weekend!! Hopefully more photos.

  12. I was going to say "Hannah for sure!!" (But then I looked at the pictures again, and that Humphrey is one cute puppy too!)

    1. Right? I think they're both really photogenic.

  13. There's No Shame in your entertainment game! Cats make great friends. Unless they're the cats who hate people. 😜 LOL!

    1. Ha. 3/4 of these cats were friendly, so I was doing my best.
