Monday, January 02, 2023

3.2 Entertainment - A Day in January

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined them chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the second day of the month is "Entertainment." 


We did a jigsaw puzzle of the state of Michigan last week. It was a Christmas present from my mom and I did the border while Dr. BB was running errands and then he came in and did a lot of sorting of puzzle pieces and then we finished it the next morning. No pieces were dropped, eaten by a four-legged creature, or lost to the whims of time.


Years ago, when Grantland was a thing, Juliet Litman and David Jacoby had a podcast called Food News and I loved the two of them talking about food. They both had some WILD takes on food, but I loved the relationship that they had. But when Grantland was shuttered, Food News went away without so much as a goodbye episode, and I was sad, but, hey, there's lots of podcast content out there, my friends. Imagine my absolute delight when I found out that they now both live in New York and are doing the Food News podcast under the Ringer Food feed!  I've spend the last three days listening to the two of them and they still have wild takes, but are so much fun.  


I went to a house party yesterday. The just-retired executive director of our community center hosted a party at her house and I went. There were so many people there. I went for about an hour, never left the kitchen, spent a good third of the time talking to her two dogs, a third of the time talking to a woman who just adopted a baby kitten (I warned her about the jerk biting phase that was going to happen), and a third of the time standing just on the outskirts of groups, hoping no one would breathe on me or expect me to talk. 

You guys. I'm not ready for this "reentering the world" stuff.


To see what Bestest Friend has to say about entertainment, see her at Too Legit To Quit.


  1. Some days I just get weary of nothing in particular but simply the fact that I'm an adult. Like - how did this happen? The kids, the mortgage, having to get dinner on the table each night (admittedly, a responsibility shared with my partner, but still...).
    It's great, but also...exhausting, too.

    1. Yes! I sometimes stare in the mirror and just wonder how this got to be my life. A mortgage? Taxes? How?

  2. I'm all about the puzzles this time of year. So far I've done two and there will be many more to get through the yuks of winter.

    1. Yep. We have a number of puzzles and I'll probably have more to show before winter is over.

  3. I have never heard of Grantland or those podcasts, but maybe I'll give them a try!
    That puzzle looks very fun. We did a Schitts Creek one and it's missing a piece. I have no idea what happened (Rex isn't an eater of weird things). It was brand new so I have no clue!

    1. Food News is great if you care about the latest and greatest in fast food news and/or the hosts' mission to find the best iced coffee in NYC. LOL. It is crazy to think about why it appeals to me, but it's really because the hosts just seem like good friends who are letting me hang out with them.

  4. Oh my stars, I loved Grantland - and, I listen to Food News to this day! PS: yay, I can comment!

    1. Oh, was there a problem commenting?

      I'm so excited to know there are other fellow Food News listeners!

  5. The puzzle looks unique and appealing.

    1. It was surprisingly challenging. I thought it would be easy to do because of all the words, but I was wrong about that!

  6. I have never heard of Grantland either! I have been doing more puzzles lately and they bring me so much joy! I got a couple for Christmas and can't wait to work on them. I need to do a puzzle exchange with some friends to get some new ones. I don't think I'd ever want to do the same puzzle twice so hopefully others will be up for an exchange!

    I had a weird period of adjustment to seeing people in person back in the spring but feel like I'm gotten over the "hump" of that. Going to restaurants again was the weirdest thing and now I am loving having book club at restaurants again after 1.5 years of zooms!

    1. Oh, there is no way I'm going to a restaurant any time soon. LOL. We rarely ate out in the first place because my husband can't really eat out, but now I just shudder when I think about how gross it is with all those people eating and chewing and spewing airborne particles in the air. I really do see myself as someone who will still not eat in a restaurant ten years from now - a definite casualty of the pandemic.

  7. Oh, that's an awesome puzzle. I debated between puzzle and Lego last week and my (Friends!) Lego Set won (although I haven't finished it yet).

    1. I have a messed up thumb (I broke it in March 2020 and they basically told me not to come to the hospital, so it was never properly set) and it makes doing LEGO so much harder than it used to be! I'm glad you chose to do that instead!

  8. The puzzle looks great. I'm always thrilled with I finish one and a piece hasn't been misplaced!!
