Monday, January 02, 2023

December 2022 Accountability Buddy

I'm going to be honest and frank with all of you. This was probably my worst month of the year.  *heavy sigh* I didn't make my goals, but I didn't give up, so I'll give myself a B- here. 

Thursday, December 1
Day off
Friday, December 2
15 minute stretch class at lunchtime

Saturday, December 3
30 minute Caroline Girvan Iron series (day 14 - unilateral training full body)
15 minute leg stretching video with that super earnest guy I have a tiny crush on

Sunday, December 4
30 minute Caroline Girvan Iron series (day 15 - shoulders) - I did this with 5 pounds weights. My next size up in 7.5 and that was too much, but 5 was not really enough for some of the exercises. Hm.
15 minute leg stretch video with the earnest guy

Monday, December 5
15 minute stretch class at lunchtime
60 minute yoga class at the community center 

Tuesday, December 6
30 minute Caroline Girvan Iron series (day 16 - hamstrings) - Lots of modifications here.
30 minute yoga video (the sound on this video is terrible, but he holds the poses for a long time, so I felt like I got a really good stretch.)

Wednesday, December 7
15 minute stretch class at lunchtime
30 minute arm class
30 minute body blast class
15 minute leg stretch video with the earnest guy
Thursday, December 8
Day off
Friday, December 9
15 minute stretch class at lunchtime
So much shoveling 
30 minute low-impact cardio video (don't let the "low-impact" fool you - this is hard)
15 minute leg stretch video with the earnest guy
Saturday, December 10
30 minute gentle vinyasa with 2 Birds Yoga (look, shoveling was rough yesterday) 
15 minute leg stretch video with the earnest guy
Sunday, December 11
30 minute Caroline Girvan Iron series (day 17 - upper body) 

Monday, December 12
15 minute stretch class at lunchtime
60 minute yoga class at the community center 

Tuesday, December 13
30 minute tabata class
15 minute leg stretch video with the earnest guy

Wednesday, December 14
15 minute stretch class at lunchtime
30 minute arm class
30 minute body blast class

Thursday, December 15
30 minute Caroline Girvan Iron series (day 18 - glutes) - This is too much glutes at once
15 minute leg stretch video with the earnest guy

Friday, December 16
15 minute stretch class at lunchtime

Saturday, December 17
30 minute Caroline Girvan Iron series (day 19 - total body) - This is nearly a perfect total body workout

Sunday, December 18
30 minute Caroline Girvan Iron series (day 20 - arms) - Ha ha. Lots of modifications on this one. I think there are exercises that are literally impossible to do, although Jenny has done this one repeatedly, so someone can do it, I guess. 
15 minute leg stretch video with the earnest guy

Monday, December 19
15 minute stretch class at lunchtime
60 minute yoga class at the community center 

Tuesday, December 20
30 minute Caroline Girvan Iron series (day 21 - legs) - Somehow tweaked my back with this one
10 minute back pain stretch video

Wednesday, December 21
My tweaked back made this a day off.

Thursday, December 22
Still babying my back. Hoping to be back in the saddle tomorrow.

Friday, December 23
Did some light shoveling, but otherwise still not doing much because of my back. It's feeling mostly better, but I want to be sure. 

Saturday, December 24
30 minute Yoga with Adriene video focused on back recovery

Sunday, December 25
Christmas Day - rest day

Monday, December 26
30 minute Caroline Girvan Iron series (day 22 - arms) - I was lucky that this was an arms day because my bad leg is really acting up today.  Fingers crossed it stops being so dumb. (Also, getting old is really terrible.)

Tuesday, December 27
30 minute tabata class
15 minute leg stretch video with the earnest guy

Wednesday, December 28
15 minute stretch class at lunchtime
30 minute arms class
30 minute body blast class

Thursday, December 29
45 minute vinyasa video with 2 Birds Yoga

Friday, December 30
30 minute Caroline Girvan Iron series (day 23 - glutes/hamstrings) - Lots of modifications here because I can't do those hamstring lunges on the end of a chair without hurting myself!
15 minute leg stretch video with the earnest guy

Saturday, December 31
Day off because I feel like I am a teenager again with issues with my cycle

Totals: 22/31 (71/%) days of formal workouts of 30 minute or more
7 yoga workouts
16 strength/cardio workouts
9 short 15 minute stretch classes at lunchtime* plus 10 days of stretching with the earnest guy

*Our local health care group offers free 15-minute stretch classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays through Zoom.  They are free! It's fun! Come join us! Sign up here


  1. I immediately had to click on that video of the "super earnest guy" and you're right, he's very crushable!

    1. He's just so serious about stretching! I find it charming.

  2. I don't think this was a bad month at all- I think you deserve a B+. About those Caroline Girvan workouts- I also have to use 5 pounds for that shoulder one. I think there are a couple that are all shoulders, and those are my least favorites. I agree, 5 pounds seems too light... but if I go heavier it hurts my elbow joints. I do like Day 20, but I'll admit I have to rest a couple times during the core. And, I hate the ones where it's all glutes! I have one of those left and it's partially the reason why I haven't finished the series yet.

    1. They're all so hard! I think some of the total body workouts are perfect, though! CG is hard-core.

  3. omg, what goal do you have? It's an amazing month of workouts! you are wayyy too hard on yourself. You are also technically injured from your notes here - I'm not sure what the backstory is, get yourself to a PT and gently work your way to working out without pain. You'll want to workout more if you hurt less.

    1. Oh, this back thing is related to a muscle in my right glute that I have been to PT for so many times it's not even funny. The real solution is to do back strengthening exercises, but I frequently find myself tweaking my back and then I have to reset and start from scratch. It's much better than it used to be, but I definitely NEED to be working out or it will never get better.

  4. Agreed - to me this looks like an incredible month. But I totally get if you have a set routine and goal it can still be disappointing. But I'm awarding you a whole sheet of gold stars...

    1. I'm going to take those gold stars and run away in delight! It was a tough month and I was proud I didn't give up, even though I didn't really meet my goals.

  5. I'm "between weights" for a lot of exercises right now. I try to split the difference by alternating the weights, ex: one set heavy, one set light. If someone could figure out how to mimic the physical demands of shoveling snow in a gym workout, that has a lot of potential be a fitness craze.

    1. That's a good idea about alternating between weights. I'll try it the next time I think I could go a bit heavier.

      Shoveling is the shizz. It's such a total body workout!

  6. Thank you for linking to the earnest guy -- he is extremely crushworthy. I'm so sorry you have been plagued by injury this month! Hopefully January is kinder to you.

    1. He's SO crushable. I should probably switch to a different stretching routine, but I just enjoy him telling me that I should be doing it three times a day (LOL - WUT?!) with a straight face. What a joy he is.

  7. You exercise so much more than I do! (Granted, so do most people...) I think you should be very proud of how much you did, even if it's not as much as usual. That's December for you.

    1. Well, I frequently tell myself that I'm doing more than the people sitting on their couches, but December was a challenge and I still feel like I didn't get a lot of couch time, so I don't know how that worked!
