Sunday, January 01, 2023

3.1 Hat - Happy New Year's!

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the first day of the month is "Hat"


This dalmatian has come up before recently. It lives in front of our fire station. Pre-Hannah, I was always amused by what types of accessories someone put on the dog. For years, it was a Green Bay Packers kerchief. But then the fire station was renovated and the dog went away. In the meantime, we adopted Hannah and then sometime last fall, the freshly repainted statue was in front of the fire station again. Hannah didn't like it and it took a bit of time for her to be comfortable walking by it again. Imagine her absolute freak out when she saw it wearing a scarf and a hat. *heavy sigh* Two steps forward, one step back.


In other news, the church bells tolled for a full fourteen minutes last night at midnight. I was absolutely delighted to be awoken by this, as you can imagine. (I'm mostly including this here as a reminder for myself for next year to go ahead and put in ear plugs on NYE.)


Zelda the Cat threw up her breakfast this morning. No hairball. We decided to wait until noon to give her more food. She immediately started screaming because she was hungry. At ten, she threw up again. No hairball. We waited until two in the afternoon and gave her a tiny bit of kibble. She immediately threw up again. No hairball.  When do we have to give in and call the emergency vet?  Why does this always happen on a weekend or a holiday?


To see what Bestest Friend has to say about the theme of the day, go visit her at Too Legit to Quit.


  1. Oh no - I'm so sorry about Zelda. Gah. I hope you see a clear path forward as to the right decision about calling a vet and that she is feeling 100% again very, very soon!!

    As you know, I have a deep Christian faith, but those bells would test even my devotion to our good Lord. The bell situation is completely unreasonable. Seriously?! FOURTEEN minutes (and why 14?) AT MIDNIGHT?!!! Does anyone with children live in your neighbourhood?! I know you said they can't "pause" them...but maybe they just need to stop ringing them entirely.

    I am gobsmacked on your behalf.

    Also, Happy New Year. And that dog is cute; I'm sorry it makes Hannah uneasy, though.

    1. THE BELLS!! Well, they chimed for a very long time. Just as they finished, my husband and I both relaxed and within sixty seconds, the chimes for a quarter after happened and we both sat bolt upright in bed again. So, you know, they tolled for a long, long time. Stupid bells.

      The bells are controversial in our neighborhood. Some people really love them, but many of us newer residents do not love them. There aren't a ton of children in the neighborhood, but the church shares a parking lot with the junior high, so the bells go off approximately eight bazillion times during each school day. I'd be curious to know if you can hear the bells inside the school.

  2. Oh, poor Zelda! How very worrying for you. Maggie also seems to have delicate digestion, and throws up more often than makes me happy. And she too starts begging for food as soon as I've cleaned up after her, and is not happy with me when I make her wait. I hope Zelda settled down and did okay today.

    Those bells would drive me over the edge. Did you know about them before you moved into the neighborhood? How does anyone sell their house with that going on?

    1. Zelda has a lot of furballs. This is pretty normal for a long-haired cat (I guess), but she's not actually get a furball up today, just her food. Poor baby.

      Okay, we DID know the bells rang. We heard them when we went to a showing at our house. But we ASSUMED they would turn off at a reasonable time of night and never really asked. We were WRONG and, as our city council representative likes to tell me when I complain about it, the church was here long before we were.

  3. 14 minutes? Good grief. A few seconds should suffice.
    Good luck for you and cat.

    1. The cat was feeling better today, so I think we dodged a vet trip this time!

  4. I don't really do NY resolutions BUT getting earplugs for next NYE is one that I can get behind. The hubs and I turned in at 11:30. We saw the old year out with The Big Fat Quiz of Everything;-)

    I hope Zelda is OK and that things worked out without a trip to the emergency vet. It's tough with the fur babies since they can't tell you what's going on.

    1. Earplugs are definitely happening next year. I'm not sure why I didn't note this in the past, but now I know and have no excuse for forgetting.

  5. Oh no, I am so sorry about Zelda... I hope she's ok?
    Also, the bells are ridiculous. I hope earplugs will help.

    1. Zelda was fine the next day, thank you for asking. She's such a drama queen!

  6. The Dalmatian is cute, hopefully Hannah will become accustomed to it one day.
    I hope Zelda is doing better now. Animals tend to wait until 'after hours' for some reason to feel unwell.

    1. Yes! Why do they always wait until Friday evening or a holiday to get sick?! Pets. They're so hard.
