Thursday, November 02, 2023

October 2023 Accountability Buddy

Sunday, October 1
30-minute Caroline Girvan Iron series (day 27 - upper body)

Monday, October 2
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime* - I was the only one there, so I got to chitchat with the instructor the whole time!
30-minute yoga video - This was an awesome yin practice. I need to remember this when I don't want to do a flow. 

Tuesday, October 3
30-minute leg workout video

Wednesday, October 4
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime
45-minute body blast class (in-person)
45-minute yoga class (in-person)

Thursday, October 5
Day off

Friday, October 6
30-minute Caroline Girvan Iron series (day 29 - total body)

Saturday, October 7
35-minute Yoga with Adriene video

Sunday, October 8
30-minute cardio video - I wasn't really in the mood for anything today, so I typed "fun cardio" into YouTube and this is what I got. Was it fun? No, not really. Did my heartrate go up? Yes. 

Monday, October 9
30-minute Caroline Girvan Iron series (day 30 - arms) - Dog sightings at the end!

Tuesday, October 10
30-minute Yoga with Adriene video

Wednesday, October 11
Unexpected day off because I had a bad reaction to my COVID/flu vaccines. How frustrating.

Thursday, October 12
30-minute Sydney Cummings total body video - Effective workout, but boring. Just three repeated circuits. 

Friday, October 13
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime

Saturday, October 14
30-minute Yoga with Adriene video 

Sunday, October 15
30-minute Fitness Blender cardio video

Monday, October 16
40-minute arms and abs with Sydney Cummings video
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime

Tuesday, October 17
30-minute Caroline Girvan Beginner EPIC (day 1 - lower body) - This program is no equipment, but that doesn't mean it's easy. Still as challenging as any other CG workout. 

Wednesday, October 18
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime
45-minute body blast class (in-person)
45-minute yoga class (in-person)

Thursday, October 19
Day off

Friday, October 20
30-minute Caroline Girvan Beginner EPIC (day 2 - upper body)

Saturday, October 21
30-minute slow flow yoga video with 2Birds - very meditative

Sunday, October 22
30-minute Caroline Girvan Beginner EPIC (day 3 - core and abs) - This is too much core at one time!

Monday, October 23
30-minute Yoga with Adriene video 

Tuesday, October 24
Hours and hours in the yard. It was eighty degrees today and it's not going to be like that again for months!

Wednesday, October 25
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime

Thursday, October 26
3-mile run - Because of my finger issue, I am a bit limited on exercise options. I don't think lifting weights is a good idea and yoga is a problem. I solved this conundrum with a run today, but I don't know exactly what's going to be the solution for the next little while. 

Friday, October 27
I cobbled together a few chair yoga videos to do since I was going to be driving a lot today.
10-minute Yoga with Adriene video - This is the only YWA video I've ever seen where Benji the Dog is a tiny bit naughty (towards the end).
20-minute Yoga with Adriene video for neck and shoulder pain (can be done entirely in a chair)

Saturday, October 28
Day off

Sunday, October 29
Day off

Monday, October 30
35-minute cardio video from FitnessBlender - Lots of variations of jumping jacks. 

Tuesday, October 31
30-minute Yoga with Adriene video focused on glutes and hamstrings

Totals: 24/31 (77.4 %) days
16 days strength/cardio
9 days yoga
6 short 15-minute stretch classes at lunchtime

This is the only month this year that I haven't met my 80% goal. There was the unexpected day off because of a vaccine reaction, my stupid finger injury, and a weekend away that all combined to keep me one day away from the mark. Oh, well. I'm pretty sure my yearly average can take it. 


  1. Your yearly average can definitely take it! You still did really well, and we all have unexpected things come up. I always say, that's the reason to be very consistent as the norm- then when we have those off-weeks its not a big deal.

    1. Yes, I try not to have too many excuses for not working out, but things do come up and I need to be forgiving.

  2. Consistency wins over perfection every time!

    I've been doing full body CG workouts for exactly the same reason as your day 3 Epic problem - too avoid too much of anything in one workout. I'm starting to want to do the full Iron 2 series on the app though...we'll see.

    1. Oh, I'm fascinated by your CG app updates. I am too much of a frugal poodle to pay for it, but maybe I should reevaluate my stance.

  3. You'll have to tell the stretch instructor that I'm sorry I haven't been there... I registered but have just been passing since my breaks from work have all been occupied with Charlie!! Hopefully eventually when he is not quite so needy I can rejoin.

    Looks like an overall great month! I just got my covid + flu shot this morning, and so far just sore arm and I feel tired. But I also slept terribly last night- maybe 4 hours total. So who knows. I thought I felt maybe a slight touch of the chills, but I might have just been a little cold. Haha.

    1. Ugh. Those combo vaccines - some people shake them off and some people really suffer. Fingers crossed you slept it off.

  4. I love your consistency, Engie. You might wonder how I fit all my exercise in, but you're doing it too girl. Don't sell yourself short!

    1. I am doing about 30 minutes a day! You're doing hours! How do you do it?

  5. A sluggish month of me too... I hope your new job enables (rather than scuttles) fitness goals!

    1. has been hard to fit in, but fingers crossed I'm able to continue to prioritize it.
