Saturday, May 25, 2024

Sweet Sixteen


Yesterday was our sixteenth wedding anniversary. Woot woot!

It was also a bit of a shitshow (a never-ending flat tire, rain, travel), but that's not going to stop us from taking our annual photo in our driveway. I'm not going to lie, friends, the idea was that we used to go places to take this photo, but in the last few years, it's been a driveway photo. Don't judge us. (Dr. BB: Can we take this photo next week? Me: Do you even know who I am?)


Indulge me with a bit of a trip down memory lane of some of these photos. 

May 2008 - wedding photos!

May 2009 - wedding playlist

May 2010 - two years

May 2011

May 2012 - Four More Years!

May 2013 - Five Years - Apparently I used to be really anxious about my face on the blog. How times have changed.

May 2014

May 2015 - Thunderclouds. This might be my favorite anniversary photo ever. 

May 2016

May 2017

May 2020

May 2022 - This photo just shows that I've had these same glasses for two years and I hate them, so maybe I should get some new eyewear?

May 2023 - Fifteen years.


May is my absolute favorite month - lots of family birthdays, including Dr. BB's, our wedding anniversary, the end of the semester means my husband becomes a little bit less stressed, and the weather has officially changed to livable. What's your favorite month?


  1. A good tradition, and I like the ever-changing beard, even to the no-beard.

  2. Happy anniversary! May is also MY favorite month, as it is spring, which is great, but also is my birthday month, Mother's Day (the day I was born too!), my parent's anniversary and a long weekend to kick off summer!

    I love your 2016 photo and the progression of driveway or non-driveway photos to mark the passing of time. Tell Mr. that he should grow his beard back; it was sweet!

    1. The beard was just shaved off last week! He tends to grow it during the winter (for warmth) and shave it in the summer (so he can properly apply sunscreen). It will come back, I promise!

  3. Happy Anni! We started an annual anniversary photo tradition but we got off track pretty early on. There's nothing wrong with a driveway photo! Yes you could be "perfect" and take the photo somewhere new every year, but there's a saying about perfect being the enemy of the good.

    1. YES!! You can't even tell in most of those other photos that we're somewhere that isn't out driveway, to be honest. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good is exactly what's going on here.

  4. Happy Anniversary!!! I love all the photos (but I disagree with Kyria- I like the clean shaven look.) My favorite month is definitely not May- I think mine is November. But that's because I live in Florida- May is the beginning of our loooooong, HOT summer, and November is when we'll finally cool down. Sigh!

    1. Well, Jenny, you and I are not in agreement on best months AT ALL. I like both the beard and the clean shaven look and I'm a lucky girl because I get to see both of them!

  5. Happy Anniversary, Engie and Prof! I love the parade of photographs--I can see the variations even as your strong, true selves shine through in each iteration!

    I am delirious with joy this month because of all the greening... But my favorite month is March--it's my birthday month, and I use that fact to do or not not do anything I want.

    1. I basically get the entirety of August to do what I like because I refer to the fortnight on either side of my birthday (the 16th) as my birthday fortnight and that basically is the whole month. I will be treated like a queen in August, thank you very much.

  6. Happy Anniversary!!! I love your photos and I love your tradition of taking them. We take family photos every fall for our Christmas card and I used to find a location for them, but for the past several years it's just been in our yard. So I get it! And no one can tell it's your driveway because of the greenery. I read your wedding recap (of course I did) and the BRIDE AND GROOM STRAWBERRIES!!! I died. That is so sweet (and I love chocolate covered strawberries).
    I don't know if I have one favourite month, but I sure do like May. Especially here - there is no snow and the garden and all the flowers are just doing their thing!

    1. No one can tell if we're in our yard or someplace fancy, so who cares? That's what I'm telling myself anyway.

      The bride and groom strawberries were adorable!! I wish I had a better photo, but it is what it is. No time for regrets now!

  7. Happy Anniversary <3
    FWIW, I think the driveway shot is lovely! Greenery, smiling people, a couple in love. It's perfect.
    Sorry about all the other crap going on, but the picture is lovely and I'm so glad you continue to capture this moment every year!

    1. I was so happy to be able to continue the tradition, even though we had to do it quickly while dodging rain showers. Some day I'll forget all about all the other stuff that happened that day and just have that photo to remember!

  8. Happy anniversary you two. <3 I love that you shared some photos from previous anniversaries... we definitely don't have a photo tradition (sadly) and there have been many years where I couldn't get Jon to take a photo at all. Our anniversary is coming up, so let's see if I can pull together a little collage.

    1. My husband is very cooperative about this photo and I don't take that for granted. I know some people hate getting their picture taken.

  9. P.S. Who's taking the photos or are they remote control-selfies?

    1. It's a camera on a tripod with a timer. We're fancy like that!

  10. Happy anniversary. What a wonderful way to look back. You both look so good in all the photos. I wanted to do that with the husband but we missed the fist one and then I never bothered to take one. But your gallery is so much fun and I bet even more so for you.

    1. Apparently I'm not as consistent in this tradition as I though, either. Oh, well. It's the thought that counts, I guess.

  11. I love that you have this tradition of a yearly photo! And it's not apparent you are taking these photos in your driveway since you have such a nice backdrop! Phil and I are terrible at taking pictures together because he absolutely LOATHES posed photography. So our last picture together was a selfie from our 2022 Mexico trip... My mom puts together a family calendar with photos each years so always gripes about the fact that we don't have pictures together. But I have to pick my battles... We are due for professional photos this late summer/fall, though, so hopefully we get a good one of us together.

    1. My husband just rolls with the photo requests now. I have him well trained that way. :)

      We've only ever had professional photos done when we got married and when my FIL remarried, but I think it's great that you get those done regularly.

  12. Happy Anniversary! You're aging in reverse. 💕

    1. Ha ha! My greying hair and increasingly large nose disagree, but I will accept your compliment.

  13. It's a fun tradition. I love that you have a birthday tradition! It's fun to see what does and does not change over the years.

  14. Happy anniversary! What fun to take a photo every year! I wish I'd thought to do something like that. I love all the stages of beard for your husband, while you just look younger! Wishing you all the best!

    1. I am ageless! It's never too late to start a yearly photo tradition.

  15. Happy anniversary! I love the driveway photo. It's beautiful!

    Do you prefer your husband with or without beard? He looks so different between the two!

    Hmm, my fave month is probably July!

    1. I adore my husband with and without a beard. I mean, I might have a very slight preference for a short, well-shaped beard, but there are charms to clean-shaven and mountain man shaggy, as well! I guess I am just into him. LOL.

  16. Awwww....happy anniversary to you both! I love that you make sure to take a pic each year, and really, it doesn't matter if you're at an exotic location or in your driveway, you are together and that is what counts.
    I have to say, you guys look amazingly happy!

    1. We were together for about an hour that day! LOL. You're right - it's not about being somewhere fancy - it's about us being together.

  17. I am so late on this, but happy anniversary! I love that he asked if the photo had to be taken on the day itself. That's the point!

    1. Right? He obviously does not understand the point.

  18. Love, love, love the photos. Your love for each other just shines through in all of them. Beard or no beard. ;)
    Now, do you ALSO get a family photo with the girls? ;)

    1. The last time we tried to do a photo with BOTH of the girls was December 2020. It was a bit of a disaster. Maybe I'll try again this Christmas. LOL.
