Thursday, May 25, 2023

7.25 Relationship - Fifteen Years

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twenty-fifth day of the month is "Relationship."


When we first started dating, Dr. BB had one lone grey chest hair. We used to joke about it. And then suddenly there were three grey hairs. And now? Now most of them are grey. I used to have a normal neck, but now it's all sagging and wrinkled. 

Last week, we were preparing a recipe with lots of steps. It's a recipe we've made dozens of times and we have it down to a science exactly who does what and when. We do this almost entirely in silence. The communication is me dumping the stir-fried veggies into the blender and him knowing to heat up the grill and turn off the oven. The choreography of our routine is flawless.  

Not to brag, but we have grocery shopping down to a science. The list organized by section, the knowledge of who takes the cart down what aisle (I take it down the egg aisle, while he navigates the cheese aisle without it), the speediness of him scanning items while I bag them. We are the winners of the imaginary game of Supermarket Sweep we are playing.

Yesterday was our fifteenth wedding anniversary. Fifteen years. 

In some ways, it doesn't feel like fifteen years. That's more than a third of my life, but it still seems like I learn something new about my husband every day. But in other ways, it does feel like we have a relationship shorthand that comes from being together for a long time. The wordless looks. The silent understanding of who is going to do what chore. The quiet contentment of knowing exactly what the other will order at a coffee shop. The glare that happens when someone skips a song on the playlist curated by the other. 

I love my husband. I love being married. Here's to the rest of our lives together.


  1. Happy anniversary! There is something special about knowing what the routine is and what your part in it is, and it seems like you guys have that down! My parents have been together for 46 years and they have the moves down, but still have things to talk about and to do that keep it fresh and happy every day! I think it's amazing to find someone like that where it all works together so nicely. I hope you guys had a great day yesterday!

    1. It is sheer luck to find someone who you want to marry you when you want to get married and you grow together. Congratulations to your parents and I hope someday I'm writing about our 46th anniversary, too!

  2. Happy anniversary!!!! <3

  3. Happy, happy anniversary!!! What a lovely picture of you two and such lovely vignettes of your perfect life together too. Best wishes and blessings!

  4. Awww! This made me tear up! It's so wonderful to have found your person. Happy anniversary!

    1. I hope everyone who wants to finds their person at some point in their life. It's just magic.

  5. Happy Anniversary!!! While I was reading this I thought- "Wow, they really LIKE each other!" Marriage can be hard, but you guys are doing it right.

    1. We DO like each other. Good thing, because otherwise this marriage thing would be really awkward.

  6. How lovely. This is as glowing a tribute to Marriage as there could be. Compatibility is comfortable and supportive, and it feels like contentment. Happy Anniversary, and may there be many, many more.

    1. Thank you! I do hope for many more!

  7. Happy Anniversary! I love that picture of you guys! What a beautiful reflection of your marriage. I am VERY curious about a recipe that has you blend stirfried vegetables, though! Do tell!!

    Phil and I have only been married for 6 years, but I feel like we also have quite a bit of shorthand in our marriage, especially as it related to taking care of the boys. We became parents very soon after getting married - not quite 10 months later (got pregnant the month after we got married). So that kind of forced us to figure out shorthand in short order so we could stay on top of everything.

    Before we got engaged, we had a lot of BIG conversations about faith, family, etc. I told some of my good friends about what we had discussed and they said that we had covered things they didn't discuss until they were years into their marriages.

    1. The recipe is vegetarian enchiladas. We stirfry onions, peppers, and garlic and half of that gets thrown into the blender with the tomatoes and hot sauce to make the sauce. The other half gets mixed in with beans and cheese to make the filling.

      We dated for a long time before getting married and we went to So. Many. Weddings. while we were dating. We definitely knew we were on the same page about a lot of stuff because we had talked about it while going to so many wedding ceremonies and discussing the relative likelihood of success of various pairings. (Look. We're being real, right? I hate going to weddings that I think will end in divorce, but I have to be honest about it.) Anyway, it's good to talk about things early!

  8. Happy, happy anniversary!! We just hit 15 this past September as well. My parents had their 50th wedding anniversary this year, too, and the crazy thing about them is that they started dating when they were like, 15! And then got married at 21. So they've actually been together something like 56 years. And the most remarkable thing about them is that, like it seems you and your husband do as well, they genuinely LIKE each other- and even after all these years, it's obvious that they are still each other's favorite "person". They never seem to run out of things to talk about, they never tire of each other's company... it's quite awesome. :) It also blows my mind because my son is almost 15, and my husband and I were saying, omg, imagine if next year he ended up meeting the person he will ultimately marry and if he then stayed with that person for the next 50+ years?! Wow!!

    1. Ha! No pressure for you son, though, right?!

  9. I'm so happy for you both, this sounds wonderful! Happy anniversary.

    1. Thank you. It was a wonderful day.

  10. Awww, happy anniversary!!! This is just such a lovely and sweet post. Here is to many decades more!
    That is a fantastic photo of the two of you. Engie, we have known each other for a while now, so I am just going to say this: you look great and you are very critical of your neck, which I don't think you should be! There is nothing wrong with your neck! You have a beautiful neck! I LOVE YOUR NECK!!!
    In non-neck related Engie Fandom, I also absolutely LOVE that dress. Gorgeous, girl!

    1. I will try to be kinder to myself about my neck.

      It's a Boden dress from last year's collection! It has pockets!

  11. I love this. What a good picture! Happy Anniversary! ❤️

    1. Thank you so much. We set the photo shoot up in our driveway and have for the last three years. Ha. Not very creative, are we?

  12. Happy anniversary!

  13. Awww, so sweet. Happy anniversary... (ours is coming up too on the 27th). I love that you found your person and that you're so in-sync! (But where did Dr. BB's beard go? :))

    1. Oh, all these May anniversaries! It's so great! Happy anniversary to you!

      Dr. BB did his yearly summer shave! He likes to shave before he gets a tan, so there's no tan line to deal with. Don't worry, though, the beard will be back!

  14. Happy anniversary! Your efficiency at the grocery store brought me a lot of joy :)

    1. Our made-up game really does make it a lot more fun to go to the grocery store. We need something to make Costco trips more fun, though, because that's just a drag. LOL. Maybe I'll report back on our 16th anniversary about our Costco solution.

  15. Happy Anniversary! You two look adorable and really happy to have your arms around each other. I'm glad you have pictures of the two of you. I never remember to take pictures of me and my Husband.

    1. It may very well be the only photo we do all year together, but I INSIST on a picture of us on our anniversary. That means we've taken sweaty photos after a bike ride and posed photos at the top of a hike, but there's at least one photo. LOL.

  16. Happy Anni! I've "only" known my husband for 10 years and I love our mix of things that we do on autopilot and all of the things that feel fresh and new.

    1. It's a great mix of comfort and fresh. It's the best!

  17. Happy anniversary, you two lovebirds! 15 years is such a milestone, and it's so lovely to see that you love AND like each other! <3

    1. Thanks! I feel very lucky to have found my person and been able to spend so much time with him.

  18. Congratulations! A lovely post, I have to agree with you regarding the joys of a long term marriage, although even after 25 years my husband and I don't have the shopping/cooking down, probably because I mainly do it on my own, but I love that we can sit in silence but also always have so much still to say to each other.

    1. Exactly. There's something to the comfort of a long-term relationship, but it doesn't have to be boring. It's great.

  19. What a lovely, lovely tribute to your relationship and the joy of marriage! I know so many people struggle with challenging relationships and I feel like marriage has gotten a bad rap, but it is wonderful to see people who love each other and enjoy each other's company. I love being married! I love my spouse! I love my spouse more every year! I enjoy being around my spouse - this is possible and wonderful! I am using too many exclamation marks!!! But I love this post <3
    Also, that picture...I mean!!!! Perfection. How lovely and I think it is wonderful you get an anniversary picture every year. GOLD STAR, Engie - GOLD STAR <3

    1. Ha! The yearly anniversary photo MUST BE DONE!

      I do love being married. I hesitate to brag about it too much because I feel like so much of finding the right person at the right time is luck and not everyone is as lucky as I am. That being said, marriage to the right person is amazing and I do wish there were more narratives of long-term relationships shown in a positive light in the world, so this post was my attempt to fill that gap.

  20. Awww...this is such a sweet post. I love seeing people In Love! Happy anniversary to you both and cheers to many more wonderful years. XO

    1. Thanks so much for the well wishes. I've enjoyed my marriage and do hope for many more years to come!

  21. I love this. So much. Thanks for telling us what happened to Dr. BB's beard - I was a bit concerned! I love that you take a picture every year. I love that you still have that combination of new, fizzy, exciting things, combined with the comforting familiarity that comes with a long relationship. And I love that you are still learning new things about each other. This. This is how a marriage should be. <3
    (And also - geez, louise, there is nothing wrong with your neck! I can't even fathom what you're talking about...)
