Tuesday, October 03, 2023

September 2023 Book List

September was gloomy. Real gloomy. I think it's because I'm grumpy that I rated some of these books so low. We'll never know. Also, too many romance novels! Let's hope October brings more books I love.

9/1: The Lincoln Highway by Amor Towles (University library, 2021) - Interesting historical fiction. 3.5/5 stars

9/6: The Last Train to Key West (The Perez Family #3) by Chanel Cleeton (library ebook, 2020) - Maybe I didn't love this because I didn't read the rest of the books in the series. Kind of boring historical fiction novel where everything was tied up in an unrealistic bow at the end?  Eh. 3/5 stars

9/7: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith (own it, 1943) - I don't have to tell you that this heartwarming coming of age story about a girl named Francie is divine, do I? 5/5 stars

9/9: Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker by Jennifer Chiaverini (library, 2013) - Way to make an interesting historical figure's story super boring. 2/5 stars

9/11: Unclaimed (Turner #2) by Courtney Milan (library ebook, 2011) - I want to like Courtney Milan's books, but I guess I don't. I thought this was both boring and preachy. Hm. 2/5 stars

9/13: A Gentleman Undone (Blackshear #2) by Cecilia Grant (library ebook, 2012) - Many years ago, my husband tried to have me watch the James Bond movie Casino Royale with him. At one point, I just looked at him pleadingly when there was YET ANOTHER SCENE at a casino table. This book felt like that. So much gambling, so little do I care. The sex scenes were hot, though. 3/5 stars

9/14 Lady Derring Takes a Lover (The Palace of Rogues #1) by Julie Ann Long (library audiobook, 2019) - There were a lot of historical weirdnesses to this book, but I liked it anyway. Strong women presented with a problem, find a solution, and they make it work. I put the second one on my hold list at the library. 4/5 stars

9/15: The Good Girl by Mary Kubica (library, 2014) - Mediocre thriller. 3/5 stars

9/16: Angel in a Devil's Arms (The Palace of Rogues #2) by Julie Ann Long (library audiobook, 2019) - I enjoy the interactions in the boardinghouse more than I enjoy the actual romance plotlines in these books, but a solid historical romance. 3.5/5 stars 

9/19: The Wonder Engine (Clocktaur War #2) by T. Kingfisher - I great enjoy duologies and Kingfisher never disappoints. It's not a perfect book, but it's good. 4/5 stars

9/19: I'm Only Wicked with You (The Palace of Rogues #3) by Julie Ann Long (library audiobook, 2021) - Couples who bicker isn't my favorite trope, but if that's your jam, you might like this. 3/5 stars

9/23: Burn It Down: Power, Complicity, and a Call for Change in Hollywood by Maureen Ryan (library, 2023) - Eh. I'm not a big movie or television watcher, so this felt like I came in midway through a conversation. I think it's important to note the sexual harassment and violence rampant in this industry, but it wasn't riveting reading. 3/5 stars

9:24: After Dark with the Duke (The Palace of Rogues #4) by Julie Ann Long (library audiobook, 2021) - I keep reading this series, but I'm liking them less and less. Hm. 3/5 stars

9/30: Vampires of El Norte by Isabel CaƱas (library 2023) - Historical fiction with a smidge of vampires. I wanted to like this a bit more, which is to say I wish it had more vampires. 3.5/5 stars

Total: 14 books
Average star rating: 3.25/5 stars

Did not finish:

The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver - I've heard this is a sprawling epic, but it starts with chapters of child abuse, so I'm out of here. 

Bright Burning Things by Lisa Harding - Stream-of-consciousness writing about an alcoholic mother. I couldn't get past the child abuse or the self-absorption of the main character. I'm sure it gets better, but I  peaced out before I could get there. I was listening to the audiobook, so maybe that was my issue. DNF at 4%.

Black Sun Rising (Coldfire Trilogy #1) by C.S. Friedman - I waited for months and months for this book to come in to the library, only to DNF at 40%. I tried, but after a promising start, it devolved into one endless action scene. What a disappointment. 

I Kissed Shara Wheeler by Casey McQuiston - McQuiston is hit or miss for me. This was a clear miss. WTF is up with the name Shara and why was this book so endlessly tedious. DNF at 46%. 

Daiquiri Dock Murder (A Key West Mystery #1) by Dorothy Francis - I was reading this because I thought it fulfilled the Pop Sugar Challenge of reading a book with an author with the same initials as me, but it neither fills that prompt nor has writing even approaching readable. Solid nope for me. DNF at 8%. 

Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf - Stream of consciousness will never be for me. I don't need to read how my brain is. DNF at 4%.


  1. Ha ha, I actually like Virginia Woolf- although I guess I should put that in the past tense. I read her books years ago.
    Hey I have an idea for our next book club book- My Brilliant Friend. I remember you mentioned it as one of your three favorite books. I haven't read it and I'll bet most other people haven't either. What do you think?

    1. Oooohhhh...My Brilliant Friend IS a great choice. It's a tiny bit polarizing, but so many people in my F2F book club really loved it. This is a serious contender.

    2. I'd be down to read that! I haven't read it, but my daughter and I love the show on HBO.

    3. Good to know. It's definitely at the top of my list now.

  2. I just finished A Heart That Works by Rob Delaney last night. Such a tragic memoir (about losing his young son to a brain tumor), but beautifully and uniquely written.

    I liked The Lincoln Highway (even the ending) but not as much as A Gentleman in Moscow which I really should re-read.

    1. Hm. Maybe I should read A Gentleman in Moscow. I am so on the fence with this author!

    2. I also enjoyed Gentleman more than Lincoln Highway!

  3. I will second Elisabeth on A Gentleman in Moscow, I liked it more than The Lincoln Highway. I loved the voice of the actor on the audio book.

    I feel lame for not reading Mrs. Dalloway when it is such a classic, so thank you for making me feel better about that. I tried once years ago and couldn't get through it, but I didn't really remember why.

    Today I finished Romantic Comedy by Curtis Sittenfeld, which I liked more than I expected to. A light romantic comedy in book form. Helps (at least at first) if you are a fan of SNL.

    1. Ooohhh... A Gentleman in Moscow as an audiobook is an excellent suggestion. I have my three free Hoopla borrows for October, so I'll keep this in mind for my next audiobook.

  4. I've never tried to read Virginia Wolf. I have the hardest time with any "classic book." I will read them occasionally, like through this classics book club through the From the Front Porch patreon. But I have yet to really LOVE one. Unless we are talking about ATGIB. That I loved.

    1. There are some good, page turning classics, so I don't dismiss them offhand. But this book was clearly meant for people without anxiety to read what it's like in the mind of someone with anxiety and I am not that person. LOL.

  5. You made it all the way to 46% in the Sara Wheeler book and then DNFed! I have a hard time quitting once I reach a certain point, although I am getting better. I used to try to get to 50% before I decided because maybe it gets better, but then I was already at 50, so I may as well finish it! But now I will leave it for so many reasons and don't care as much about how much I have gotten through. However, I do still feel a bit of disappointment that I wasted that much time on something that I am only going to quit anyway.

    I was entertained by the Kubica book. I listen to a lot of those thriller type books when I am hiking for long stretches of time and I like that they don't really require much thought, and if I miss part of the story, it is not really an issue and they are entertaining. They are not making me any smarter, but they have their place.

    1. Yes, I was really hating that Shara Wheeler book and was dreading reading in bed at night, so as soon as another book on my Libby holds list came in, I dropped it. I just KNEW that it would keep me from reading!

      Hm. I think I want thrillers to be more than they are! Maybe that's on me.
