Tuesday, October 03, 2023

12.3 Direction - Change in Perspective

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the third day of the month is "Direction."


Okay, enough already. I've been whinging and griping about September, but September is OVER, so let's move on. I've shaped up my exercise regime, switched some stuff up in the morning routine to allow SAD lamp time, and decided that no matter how bad things seem to be (I thought for sure I was going to get a second interview for this job I really wanted - they even asked me what my start date could be - and it's been radio silence *womp womp*), I am going to focus on the positive. 


I'm going to visit my high school friends in Michigan!

Spooky season means I get to decorate the house!

We're doing a fancy dance and dinner party at the community center for a fundraiser that should be tons of fun!

Face-to-face exercise classes!

Corn mazes!

Cooler weather means I can break out my fall/winter wardrobe!

The last month of writing on these prompts!


What is exciting you about October?


  1. All of your fun things sound great! A dance and dinner party! This is amazing. I'm pretty excited about October, it's harvest season here so it's a whole vibe. Next week we are driving to Alberta to visit my parents and I am not excited about the nine hour drive, but it will be fun to see them. And hopefully it won't snow!

    1. Nine hours! Oh! The visit better be AMAZING after that.

  2. Glad to hear you're embracing spooky season! October really is a fun month. I'm excited because this is the month we can start hoping for our first cool down here. Already this morning it was less humid (although the humidity will be back- I'm not that naive.) I can tell a difference from August or September. Also, holidays (obviously!) I love putting out my Halloween things, but also seeing Christmas stuff in the stores- okay, it's too early, but it's a happy reminder that it's coming! Yes, this is my favorite time of year.

    1. Yes, this is a fun quarter of the year with regards to holidays. I am also excited for all of that!

  3. It seems like you will have a good but jobless month.

    1. We can't focus on the negative - that's the October rule!

  4. This sounds like a great October ahead.
    Hmm. I'm kinda dreading October to be honest and mostly looking forward to November. But I will enjoy Thanksgiving (next Monday here in Canada), and getting cozy in the evenings with a fire and good book. I'm trying to carve out fun things because life has been kinda rough lately; this week that means THREE coffee dates with new friends. I'm an introvert and crave alone time, but I also need to engage with people since I've withdrawn a bit because of some personal things happening that I mostly have zero control over (which, you can imagine, I HATE. Control is my middle name.). So I am excited about that...and proud of myself for forging ahead!

    I love the weather in October, too, so that will also almost surely be lovely.

    1. Yes! I have my heated vest all charged up and ready to go for crisper fall temps.

  5. I love your list! Sounds like October will be so great! I also really enjoyed your use of whinging, which is one of my favorite British terms.

    Hmm. I am excited that by the end of October, our house will be painted and (hopefully????) we will have finally been able to unpack all the things that remain in boxes. Like ALL my books. (Except for ATGIB, which is still on my nighstand because I have nowhere to put it.)

    1. Yes! Hopefully by the end of the month things will really have settled in your new house. Yay!

  6. Your month sounds fun!
    I am looking forward to Mike walking again at the end of the month! 🖤

    1. It's going to be AMAZING when he starts to be a bit more self-sufficient. Go Mike!

  7. Hi there. I'm looking forward to our next tailgate at my daughter's college. I think all of us will gather and that is something I'm excited about. Fingers crossed. To be honest, I prefer summer-like weather and since it has been in the 80's for days in Chicago- I've been loving this start to October. It has still been cool enough at night to not need air conditioning. My son's college applications need to wrap up in October and I'm ready for that part of his college journey to be DONE.

    1. Oh, wow. I am not enjoying this heatwave and am actually pretty excited about the "temperatures plummeting" that has been promised over the next couple of days. The cold will be a bummer for you, though, I'm guessing!

      College applications are so stressful. Has the common app made things at least a little bit better on that front, though?

  8. I like October except for all the hoopla about Halloween. I just don't get it, I guess. But I like the cooler, crisp weather and the changing of the leaves. And the beginning of Cozy Time.

    1. Oh, I like the hoopla around Halloween. I think Friday I'm going to get out the decorations! Yay! You'll undoubtedly see Halloween hoopla on this very blog.

  9. We are having an unseasonably hot spell, and I am really looking forward to October being properly October weather at some point. We are going away for a weekend - husband, parents, sister and BIL - for my mom's 80th which should be really fun. Eve is coming home for a week!
    I love your list of things to look forward to. I just had a Facebook memory about a job I didn't get, and things worked out wonderfully after that, so hoping the same for you

    1. Yes! This heatwave needs to go away and I do think it will in the next day or two. Yay!

  10. Great reframing! I'm focusing on leaves and walks in the crisp air and fall desserts!

    1. Fall desserts! I should whip up some apple crisp ASAP!

  11. I'm looking forward to a lower energy bill due to cooler weather. Also looking forward to some fun - dinner with a friend from out of town this Friday, going to see Peter Gabriel in concert with some friends next week, my cousin is coming to town in a couple of weeks and we will play tourists in San Francisco.

    The jobless thing is so frustrating, I feel for you. The silver lining is not having to go to work! (Do you remember the song lyric, "I was looking for a job and then I found a job, and heaven knows I'm miserable now"?)

    1. Man, if I KNEW that I was going to have a job by X date, I would definitely be enjoying this time more. But it's the unknowing! But I know when I do get a job I'm going to regret not savoring every minute of my afternoon walks/naps.

  12. You for things to look forward to! I'm sorry to hear about the job.
    I'm looking forward to heading overseas at the end of October but first lots of things to do.

    1. Ooohh! A trip! Yay for October traveling!

  13. Sorry you haven't heard back about the job but yay for a list of fun things to look forward to! I used to write a post on the first of each month where I listed things I was excited about. I should get back to that. I have a lot of fun things in October! We started with a trip to AR, we're going to ME for the first time, I might run a half, my sister and her family are visiting, we have a pretend visit from friends (LOL long story), and I hope to get to fly again!

    1. Ha! I complained about not hearing back on that job and now I have two interviews scheduled for the same day, so I guess I should be careful what I wished for. Wouldn't it be awesome if I had two job offers?

      Yay for October travel! I can't wait to hear all about your adventures.

  14. Love all the October plans; may it be a wonderful month for you in every way!

    1. I think October IS going to be awesome. Let us will it to be so!

  15. As you may already know we take Halloween very seriously LOL but go easy on oter holidays. Example: Christmas and New years and Valentine's day are all low key. St. Patricks day though- we love.
    Anyway, I am very much looking forward to October. Just two things: apple picking one day and Halloween trick or treaters another day. And, as everyone else said, cooler temperatures as well as scents, sounds, and feels of fall.

    1. Interesting that Halloween and St. Patrick's Day are your key holidays! My husband really likes Halloween, so we do a bit more for that than other holidays. We also do Christmas up, though. I love hearing about what holidays people focus on!

  16. The job hunting must be so frustrating and demoralizing. I don't blame you for having trouble finding the good in every day when you just keep waiting. Fingers crossed that October brings a new job for you!

    I am most excited about getting LASIK this month. Here's hoping it doesn't get pushed back again.

    1. Ooohhh...I am way too much of a baby to do LASIK, but I can't wait to hear how it works out for you.

  17. Oh, I am still keeping my fingers crossed for that job, Engie. The waiting is the worst!
    I am glad you have some things to look forward to in October. I am commenting late, but I am/was looking forward to my halfmarathon (which was great, as you already know), a trip down to Southern California again (to support my mother in law), cooler temps, pumpkin patches and Halloween decorations (in other people's front yards LOL).

    1. Ha! Our Halloween decorations are up and we're excited about it!

  18. OK, I know the outcome of the interviews, so yay.
    But, question: how did you get in the habit of using whinging vs. whining? Is this a Michigan thing? An Engie thing? Inquiring minds want to know... ;)

    1. I think it's because I read a lot of fiction from the UK? It's just a me thing, not a Michigan thing!
