Friday, July 14, 2023

9.14 Control - Seven Existential Questions

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the fourteenth day of the month is "Control."


Before we get to the meat of this post, this is a reminder to my fellow ATGIB book club members! If you have not already sent me an email with a photo of your book, please do so! The deadline is Sunday 7/16 at 4:00pm (CST CDT - I stand corrected) to see your photo in the collage. If you send me a photo of this deadline, I can add it to later weeks. dominique100 at hotmail dot com

(Note: I just spent three minutes of my life trying to figure out if it was CDT or CST to tell you the deadline and I'm still not sure I got it right. I mean Central (US) time zone, but you figured that out, right? Even if I got it wrong?)


A Grace Full Life recently wrote a post in which she answered seven existential questions (that are based on something, something, something - there are details, but I couldn't be bothered to understand the flow chart after Minnie Driver and Proust came up in the same sentence).  I also couldn't be bothered to come up with an original post idea today, so here we are. 4

Ally Bean answered these questions, too!


1. When and where were you happiest?

My junior year of college. I had my shit together, graduation still seemed far off, I had friends, and I still had the self-confidence of someone who had not yet been to graduate school.


What quality do you like the least about yourself?

My internal monologue is exhausting. I'm mean and snarky and as much as I try and work on increasing my positive and happy thoughts, I struggle. 

My SIL told me once that she realized in high school when she was at some awards ceremony for upperclassmen that she could potentially win all the superlative awards (you know - most popular, most friendly, most athletic, most likely to succeed, most likely to end up in jail, etc.) except for most kind and she vowed to work on that. And she succeeded. She's very positive and she has told me that every once in a while she slips back into snarky mode, but just a few days of focusing on the positive and she can turn things around.

Well, I've been working on this for years and as much as I try to control the direction of my thoughts, the snark is still my default, unfortunately. I want to be a nice, kind person, but I fear I am not. 


What relationship - real or fictional - defines love for you?

Part of the reason that the previous answer is so detailed is because have you seen the way Hannah looks at me? She honestly thinks I'm a good person and I want to be as good a person as she thinks I am. Hannah's love for me is the epitome of true love. How did I get through most of my adult life without a dog?


What would be your last meal?

Oh, who cares? I'd eat lasagna and ice cream and drink Diet Coke like it was going out of style. 

But, Hannah! Hannah, who can only eat gross dog food, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, chicken, eggs, and marshmallows (and she doesn't even like the marshmallows!).  For Hannah, I'd give her all the things for her last meal because it won't matter anymore. A steak, chocolate ice cream, and a fucking bone.  Poor Hannah.


What person, place, or experience has most altered your life?

I have so many answers for this.

1. College was absolutely life-altering. I learned how to be independent, make my own choices, and deal with the consequences of those choices. Going away to college was the right choice for me.

2. Moving to Minneapolis changed the trajectory of my entire life. I met my husband there and met so many awesome people who are still my friends. 

3. Being with my mother-in-law when she was dying and being in the room with her when she died changed everything about how I see end of life care and mortality.

So, it's hard to say what the one and only one answer is here. My husband is the person who has most altered my life. Minneapolis is probably the place that altered it the most. My MIL's death is the experience that most altered it. But I don't know which one is the most of the most.


What question would you most like answered?

What does it take to truly be happy?


What in your life has grown out of personal disaster?

More than a decade ago, I broke my leg pretty badly. We'd been married a few years at this point, but it felt like we were still in the newlywed stage. We'd just moved to a small town and I hated it, but was trying to bloom where I was planted. I'd found some dribs and drabs of work, was volunteering, and oh, yeah, we had that tiny baby kitten!  

But me breaking my leg was an absolute disaster. I couldn't work. Dr. BB was struggling to stay afloat in his first teaching job. We had absolutely no friends or support system in that town. It was a mess.

Let me just tell you, though, that this experience really brought me and Dr. BB together as a solid couple. Before that time, we'd sort of still been living like people who were sort of roommates. We had his and her cupboards and frequently made different meals. We did our own laundry. Dr. BB did not know my preferred order of doing things in the shower. By the end of the first six months of my recovery, our relationship had shifted so that we were a UNIT. Us against whatever the world was going to throw at us. Pretty good outcome if you ask me. 


Have you answered these seven questions?  Do you understand what Minnie Driver has to do with it?


  1. Well you had a 50/50 chance with the time, but I think it is currently CDT :) We actually starting quoting it as CT, ET etc. at work to save having to Google it every time to figure out which was was saving and which one was not.

    I have not answered those seven questions but I will choose one and say that the place or experience that has altered my life the most is probably travel in general. I came from a small town where we had limited demographics and opportunities and I went and traveled the world, which not only opened my eyes to other cultures, but showed me the beauty of other places, the kindnesses of strangers, the ease of making friends around the world, the commonalities and (celebrated) difference among humans and my own strengths and weaknesses (along with a lot of other things).

    1. I corrected it to CDT. I don't understand, but I take your word for it!

      Interesting that travel has had such an impact on you! I am also from a small town (actually, we lived in a farmhouse in the middle of cornfields) and the only thing travel did for me was make me realize I liked my own bed and routine. LOL. It's so interesting how different people react to different situations!

  2. The time I was happiest? Probably my third and fourth years of university. I was just so content, crushing life and school, and I met my now-husband. When I was in university my dad was forever saying "These are the best years of your life." I didn't get it. Now I get it. Man I loved those years...

    Last meal: sushi, water, and cherry cheesecake (and a handful of Twizzlers). What can I say...?!

    1. There was something very magical about my last two years of college, too. What a lovely time to be a young person.

      Well, your last meal is the least surprising thing!

  3. These are some great questions! I would have to think long and hard about some of them. For the quality I like least about myself... I would say I wish I were more confident. Somehow I always secretly feel like other people can do all sorts of things that I can't. And my least meal would definitely involve Coke (not diet!)

    1. It surprises me that you don't think you're confident. You seem confident to me! Signing up for super long races! Raising two children in a very confusing world!

      Since we did that blind taste test and I thought the regular Coke tasted like dust, I'm not sure I'll ever drink a regular Coke again! But, man, the thought of a Diet Coke sounds divine.

  4. Oh wow. These questions are deep. I don't even feel like I have an answer for all of them. The place that has probably altered my life the most is my home state -- the state I grew up in, not the one I live in now. (I will always think of it as my home.) It is so beautiful and remote and spacious. I feel like it's part of me and that it's affected how I see and engage with the world. I don't think I could pick one person who altered my life -- my parents, my husband, and my kid have all had serious and lasting impacts on who I am.

    I found your answers really moving. For whatever it's worth, I think seeking to be kind is a beautiful, worthwhile goal. I think it also comes in many forms and that my impression of you is that you ARE kind. You take such good care of your husband and your niblings and your pets and your community. Maybe you still feel like there's work to be done, and that's valid, but I hope you know that you are achieving and spreading kindness in so many ways.

    1. It's so interesting that your home state is so deeply rooted in your understanding of self. That's so fascinating. Do you think that it will be same for your daughter and do you think it will be weird that those are different places? I'm really curious about this answer and I'd love for you to elaborate on it!

      I try to be kind, I really do. I just wish my inner monologue would keep up!

  5. I thoroughly enjoyed reading all of your answers! Because I didn't go to college, your first response makes me happy. I can see why that would be when you were at your happiest. ❤️

    It's funny you mentioned your internal dialogue because mine has been kicking my butt lately. I recently read about how we have around 17,000 thoughts per day! That is why it's so exhausting....

    Such a good post!

    1. 17,000 thoughts a day! That's too many! I'm only prepared to think ten things all day - most of those are food related.

  6. Oh my stars, Minnie Driver and Proust made my day haha (but I know the connection)! I haven't answered these questions myself (yet...) and I really appreciated reading your responses and seeing how the ?s landed with you (as well as wanted to share solidarity from a snark perspective)!

    1. Snarkers unite! Why are we like this?

  7. Minnie is cool. I love these questions. I did a post on them at the beginning of the year when I was feeling less than resolved about anything. Happy to see them here and your answers to them.

    1. Oh, awesome. I'm going to find that post and link it here so people can read your answers, too.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Still not linking, but that's the title of the post.

    4. I linked to it above. Thanks!

  8. I do not know how Minnie Driver would relate to these questions and am too lazy to look into it! ;) Most impactful experience of my life was probably studying abroad. I went to Australia and I did not know anyone. But I really thrived there and had an excellent experience and became so much more independent and mature. I think everyone should study abroad now and will push my children to do so.

    1. Interesting. What if you kids don't want to go to college? Will you still encourage them to go abroad in a gap year kind of thing?

  9. Interesting to read, but imma not gunna be picking up the torch. 😇

    1. Fair enough! They're not for everyone.

  10. We're currently in CDT .. I am impressed you even bothered to think about it, most people don't and that can lead to confusion (esp. in my job when people work in different time zones and we're trying to coordinate a meeting and some states, like AZ , don't observe DST).

    Those were some fun questions (I might steal this list)... and all I got was that Minnie Driver has a podcast and asks guests existential questions. Haha.
    I also would like to know what it takes to truly be happy. It seems like there is always something that prevents you from reaching "truly".

    I am not happy that you broke your leg but I do love that you felt like this brought you and Dr. BB together as a couple. I am not a person that believes in "everything happens for a reason" but when there is a silver-lining in a shitty situation, I'll take it.

    1. I fixed it so it says CDT. I truly don't understand Daylight Saving Time, even though it's been explained to me a million times. It's like cardinal directions - I'll never figure it out, I guess.

      I do hope you steal this list! It's fun to read other people's answers.

  11. Ooh, I think I will answer these questions on my blog soon. Thanks for the inspo!

    My internal monologue is SO MUCH. I think I recently discovered that most people just spit out whatever is going through their mind while I just keep the internal monologue going and going and going.

    1. Oh, I do hope you answer these questions! I think they're fun to think about.

  12. I did not read the comments to see if anyone answered, but since this is a hill I die on, I will tell you it's CDT since we are on Daylight Saving Time right now. It's CST (standard time) when we are not. I just use CT.

    I loved reading this <3

    I think there is a difference between snarky thoughts internally and being a kind person externally. I am like you (internally), but am really nice to people irl and have tricked them into thinking I am nice muah ha ha. Do you feel like you aren't nice to people?

    I feel like I really got to know you with some of these answers, like what changed your life and how your broken leg really brought you two together! I went through the same with my MiL, and, same.

    1. Until this post, I didn't know CT was an option. I think that could be super confusing, too, because some places don't change clocks!

      I think I am nice to people, but I feel like I want my inside to match my outside. There has to be a way to do it, right?

  13. I love that you did this interview/questionnaire; it's a great way to learn about each other.
    I think we all have some unhealthy internal dialogs going on, and we all could improve on self least you're self aware.
    I love that a terrible broken leg (sucks so bad) was actually a great turning point in your relationship! Talk about a silver lining.

    1. I always think that the broken leg was such an oddly pivotal moment in my life. It was terrible, really, but I think of it almost fondly. Very weird, but I'll take it!

  14. I feel you with the snarky mean way of being. I wish I would be a nicer person to be around. And I'd love to be able to listened better. It is a tough one. All other questions I need to ponder a bit longer...

    1. Someday I will be a genuinely nice person, right?!

  15. I agree with the others. I think you are a nice and kind person - just not to yourself. And I totally get it. All of those dang "self-compassion" and "self-love" "exercises" that urge you to talk to yourself like you'd talk to a friend who's hurting? I laugh at them. I have plenty of compassion for others - but have a lot of negative things to say to myself. So I get it. (And omg, the internal monologue is just... exhausting. I can't imagine not having it, can you?)
    Also, Hannah. <3
