Friday, July 14, 2023

Same Time Next Summer by Annabel Monaghan

I'm coming off a string of excellent reads and I loved Nora Goes Off Script, so when I saw Annabel Monaghan's new book Same Time Next Summer was out, I immediately grabbed it assuming it would obviously continue my string of good reads. (Cue ominous music. You all know what that means.)

Sam's got a good life - she's got an okay(ish) job, an okay(ish) fiancé, and an okay(ish) relationship with her family.  So when she goes to her family's beach house to look at a wedding venue with her fiancé, the last thing she expects to see is her teenage love, Wyatt, in the house next door. Suddenly Sam's feeling unmoored and uncertain if her life is all that okay(ish).

Interesting characters: I have started six or seven sentences now. I just don't know how to address this. Sam has never, not once, googled Wyatt since they broke up?  NOT ONCE?  I don't believe this for a second from a thirty-one-year-old.  Maybe if she were in her 60s?  She's either technologically inept or absolutely uncurious and it just seemed unbelievable and stupid. 

Meanwhile, Wyatt's just a liar (by omission) for most of the book. So, you want to get with that?  (No, no I do not.)

These two deserve each other, but I didn't deserve to have to read about them. 

Believable conflict: Obviously not. 

Emotional tension: Who even cares? 

Happily ever after: Aw. Her brother gets married at the end. That's cute, actually.

Because a good chunk of this book is told in flashbacks, it really reads as YA. Since I'm not interested in hearing about 15-17-year-olds' sex lives, this whole thing felt gross.

Bummer. I was expecting more out of this book.

2/5 stars (do NOT recommend)

Lines of note:
I don't know where to put my arms and they seem to be trying out every possible location. Hands on my hips, arms across my chest, hands clasped behind my back. It's like I'm doing my own version of the Macarena. (page 61)
Relatable thing about the arms, right? Also, I just recently listened to a 60 Songs That Explain the 90s podcast episode about that song, so it felt right to note this line.

I like the way she sends me a birthday card that arrives exactly the day before my birthday each year. I bet she renews her driver's license online before it expires. Like Jack, she has a standing hair appointment to keep the edges razor sharp. (page 108)
1) Sending birthday cards is a form of LOVE.
2) I just renewed my license online. I had a REAL ID and it expires in August, but I could renew it online and you guys! YOU GUYS! My new one doesn't expire until 2031!! That's a LONG TIME from now. 
3) I have a standing hair appointment because otherwise my stylist gets booked up and then I have to wait months and months.  
Sam used this as a way to make it seem like this character really had firm control over her life, but I do these things and my life is STILL CHAOS. I felt a tiny bit attacked. 

He has a Wikipedia page. This makes my head spin. People should tell you right away. How are you? Answer: I have a Wikipedia page. It says a lot. (page 187)
This did make me laugh, but it also ticked me off that we were (does math) 65.6% of the way through the book before Sam thought to look him up. Dumb. 

Appearance of the word hat:

His baseball hat is backward and I know exactly how his hair would pop out if he took it off. (page 81)


  1. I started this with excitement, too! And then fizzled out and didn't finish it (I didn't get very far, either). She clearly was not in a good place, her fiancé was a red-flag factory, she has major teenage issues from the boy she still hasn't gotten over, oh look he just happens to be in the treehouse next door when she goes to her parents' summer place...I noped out pretty early. So disappointing, I loved Nora Goes Off Script.

    1. SHE NEVER GOOGLED HIM?! This book was dumb. It made me sad.

  2. Well this is disappointing. I loved Nora Goes Off Script. But thanks for the warning and I will avoid it. SIGH.

    1. Yes, very disappointing. Oh, well, I'll always have Nora Goes Off Script.

  3. DAMMIT. I bought this book because everyone has raved about Annabel Monaghan and I thought the premise sounded cute. I will say that I can understand not googling someone because I'm often nervous I'll find out information that will just make me fall into a pit of despair, like it I find out they married someone else after dating me, lol. So it's more a protective measure for my own mental health. I know I don't need to worry myself about them anymore, so I won't! But maybe the circumstances you're talking about are different.

    1. Obviously you're going to love this book. That's the way our reading relationship works!

  4. OMG this review made me giggle. Also, I do all those things - send cards and set up appointments. I like to try to be organized too.

    1. I mean, the thing is that this makes it seem like I am really organized when I'm really a mess!

  5. Oh no this was highly praised by my book club podcast and I have already requested it. I did like Nora goes off script more than i would have anticipated. Well, maybe I give it a try but will not force my way through.

    1. Yeah, I think you'll know pretty soon into it if it's a good book for you. I should have stopped when I realized so much of it was flashbacks to teenagers.
