Friday, August 05, 2022

Five Things Friday

In the spirit of dumping my thoughts out via writing, here goes my five things.

1) I wrote earlier this week about a friend who was recently diagnosed with cancer. We're going to take Hannah over to his house this weekend, but I am a person whose love language is gift giving and I was unsure about what else to bring/do when we went over there. But then I realized that this is the first time we're going to see his house because he just bought it earlier this year and I could reframe this as a housewarming visit.

So I went to the local flower shop and bought some kitchen towels, a cheese and crackers tray, and a plant. It's not a "wow! I'm so sorry you have cancer, please pet my dog and feel better" visit. It's a "welcome to your new home" visit.  I am the queen of avoidance.

2) Hannah has been feeling pretty frisky these days and we're very excited that it seems like she's feeling better. But she was getting pretty snippy about how much she didn't want to walk and even for a lazy dog, things were getting dire. So we trimmed her nails and guess who was up for a whole mile walk last night?!  Boy, we really should do a better job about trimming those nails on a regular basis. (She hates it. She fights. She squirms. One time she went to nip at Dr. BB. So both of us dread it and we tend to put it off more than we should. If we just did it once a week, things would be better for all of us.)

3) For the last two years, I've had Jaybird Tarah Bluetooth headphones. They are way better than wired headphones for my purposes, but they never fit in my left ear correctly. They just never did. We changed tips, got different types of tips, and I probably listened to the headphones without my left side in about 50% of the time. And last week the left side developed a short and then it stopped working altogether. Dr. BB did some research and ordered me a pair of Samsung Galaxy Buds Pro, which work seamlessly with my Galaxy S10e.  The problem? I still can't figure out how to make it fit in my left ear. It's popped out three times now. I've changed the size of the tips and just can't figure it out. If I don't figure something out by the end of the weekend, I'm going to have to return them and get some Apple AirPods because I've used my husband's and know they fit (I went for a run in them and did a cardio workout that involved jumping jacks), but I'm not psyched about that because you lose a lot of functionality with AirPods if you don't have an iPhone. Why is this so hard?

4) I had a second interview on Tuesday for a job I'd really like to get. Fingers crossed for me.

5) Regardless of the outcome of the job interview on Tuesday, I'm going to probably put my notice in at work on 8/22. I honestly can't take it anymore. I'm not eating, I'm not sleeping, and I can never stop thinking about how terrible it is.  

And that's that. Happy weekend everybody. Give your loved ones an extra hug!


  1. Taking Hannah over to your friend's home sounds like a wonderful gesture and I'm sure the gift will be appreciated on all levels. What a hard situation to navigate, but your support will mean so much.
    Headphones that don't work are so frustrating. I have mostly loved my AirPods, but I do have an iPhone and I think that's a big reason I enjoy them so much since they pair so seamlessly.

    I so very much hope you get this new job! And your current situation sounds absolutely untenable. Hopefully having some cutoff for persisting/enduring feels like a positive step forward. All the best navigating the situation. I'm rooting for you!

    1. I heard a rumor that they're reaching out to my references, so that sounds like a good sign for the new job. I'm keeping my fingers crossed very hard!

  2. The housewarming sounds like a great solution! I'm sure he will appreciate it, as well as the Hannah visit.
    I will cross my fingers for the potential new job, but yeah, I get it about the current job: sometimes it is simply more than one can bear. Your mental health is pretty important!

    1. The housewarming present was appreciated and I'm glad we went over there. We'll have to make it a regular thing so he gets regular company!

  3. I've got all of my fingers crossed that the new job comes through! And hooray that Hannah is doing better. All signs point to good things to come.

    1. Yes, I'm hoping by this time next month, I'll have an entirely different outlook on life.

  4. Ooh! Good luck on the job interview! I'm excited to hear that regardless of the outcome, you're putting in your notice. Being that miserable because of a job just isn't worth it.
    i think your housewarming gift idea is good. This guy may not want to be reminded every single second of every day that he has cancer, so this focuses on a happy thing- that he has a new house.
    I had a similar problem with headphones (they kept falling out of one ear) and now I have a style where they actually hook over the ear-like the earbud goes in the ear but then they also hook over (does that make sense?). These work for me!
    Yay, that's good news about Hannah!!! i'm excited for you (and her.) I never clip our cats' nails for that very reason (they hate it) but it sounds like it's more important to get her nails clipped. Is there anything you can do to trick her into liking it, like give her a special treat? You've probably already tried that though.

    1. We've tried a lot of different treats for H with regards to nails. I think it's just that she truly doesn't like it and even treats won't entice her most of the time. However, it really has changed how eager she is for walking, so I think we all just have to get through it once a week.

  5. My $6000 hearing aids fit and stream really well, but I do not recommended them as a solution. 🤓

    1. I'll take that recommendation to heart!

  6. I didn't realize your job was so bad! I'm so sorry to hear that, but fingers crossed for your interview on Tuesday!!!

    1. My job is making me pretty miserable. Having a light at the end of the tunnel has been truly life altering, although I'm not going to lie - having to get through this week seems really, really hard right now.

  7. I am sending you allll of the good vibes that you get that job! But resigning seems like the right decision since you are so miserable at your current job.

    I am sure your friend with cancer will appreciate the visit and the goodies you are bringing!

    1. It was really nice to see my friend and hear how good his spirits are. I'm hoping we can over there regularly to give him a break and check on him!

  8. Oh goodness about your job! I certainly hope that a new opportunity comes along QUICKLY, because that is a terrible situation to be in. I like you retooling the gifts for your friend into housewarming gifts. Good thinking.

    1. I think the housewarming gifts were really appreciated and I was glad I had reframed it as a visit to see his new home.

  9. I guess I never got the whole "job story"....but I really hope you get this new one! I'm kind of curious what is so awful about your job! Sounds miserable, but hard to guess without knowing the whole story what exactly is so bad. :(

    So sorry about your friend with cancer. I know those situations can be really awkward to handle "correctly", if there is a right way to. I'm sure he can tell you really care and appreciates everything you are doing.

    1. I am just not very good at my job, to be honest, and I have skills that could be used better in a different position, so I'd like to change. My incompetence is actually making me question my competence in every action of my life and I hate that a lot. I feel anxious all the time, can't sleep, and feel like a fraud all the time. So, I really need to get out of it. If nothing else, even if I don't get the job I just interviewed for, not having a job will free my time up to apply for more.

  10. I think your gift idea for your friend is genius!! Not so much Queen of denial, you are doing a nice thing.
    I hate clipping Callies nails and they grow so fast. Funny that the nails might have been holding Hannah back from liking her walks.
    Best of luck on the new job prospect!

    1. Her nails grow so fast! They already need to be cut again and I don't want to do it!

  11. Oh my gosh, I didn't realize it had gotten so incredibly dire at your job. I am so sorry you are dealing with that -- clearly it is unsustainable. I am sending you all sorts of positive vibes today for your interview.

    1. Thanks! I am hoping the interview went well and I hope I get the job!

  12. I knew things weren't great at your job, but I didn't know things had gotten that bad. I am really sorry that it has been so miserable and I am so, so glad you have an end date in sight, whether it's with a new job or not. Sometimes, mental health takes priority and in this instance, it seems like the best call to make. Crossing my fingers that you get the job!

    1. Yes, even if I don't get this job (I hope I do!), not having this job will free me up to apply for more jobs and hopefully I'll stop feeling sick to my stomach all the time.

  13. How did the visit at your friend's go? I think that was a great strategy to bring a housewarming gift. How thoughtful of you!

    I love the Airpods. Never had trouble with them falling out during running, cycling or other workouts. I vote yes.

    I am sorry about your job situation. It definitely sounds like the right thing to do is to resign, if you're so miserable. I am keeping my fingers crossed for the new job application.

  14. I HOPE you've resigned by now. I got so excited about the interview I jumped ahead to check and... I'm sorry. :( BUT BUT BUT an out is what you needed - and it sounds (fingers crossed so hard!) like you were going to get one. You needed to get out.

    Also? You are such a good friend - a gift and a dog to pet? I suspect you made his day. <3
