Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Zelda and Hannah: July 2022

It's time for a photo dump of my pets. If you're not into pets, feel free to skip!

The good news is that Hannah seems to be feeling better. She's eating a bit better, she's starting to jump a little bit, her stretching is getting a tiny bit deeper, and we've restarted doing tiny bits of training. She's starting to be able to do things that she was previously refusing to do, including laying down on command and walking in circles on an elevated food bowl.  We haven't had to give her pain medication in weeks and I'm (FINGERS CROSSED SO HARD) cautiously optimistic that her current treatment is working.  

The bad news is that it's too hot for Hannah the Dog. She is SO EXCITED to go on walks, all prancing and running towards the door, but as soon as we get outside, she droops. Our walks are mostly just around the block twice a day, so she's outside for like twenty minutes a day and getting less than a mile in. However, if I try to make her go longer, she just finds a spot in the grass and lays down. Dog on strike.  (My favorite part of this is that she refuses to make eye contact with me when she does this. As if I can't see the fifty pound dog at the end of the leash I'm carrying.)

That is a heating pad for dogs. She's laying on it in a very sunny mudroom on a 90 degree day. What can you with dogs?

The other reason that the hot weather is a bother is because Hannah is still refusing to go on walks at night when it's cooler because of fireworks fear. The most I can get her do is walk into the backyard and pee. While it's great that she's comfortable doing that, I'd prefer (for both of our sakes!) if we could have a slightly longer walk at night. I'm gradually going to start taking her around the house and see if we can build in a longer walk, but this is where we're at for right now.  

Zelda the cat continues to get brushed every morning, get her chin cleaned, and basically sits around being cute. Yesterday she puked up her breakfast (no hairball, damn it all!) and was a cuddly, cuddly girl, attempting to climb on both me and Dr. BB whenever we'd sit down for longer than thirty seconds. We assumed she didn't feel well, but who here will turn down kitty cuddles?  She spends the vast majority of her time on her cat tree and the rest of the time yowling for food.  

And that's it. I'll be on the couch reading a book and cuddling with my cat for the foreseeable future.  


  1. Nobody is going to skip this post after seeing those puppy dog eyes! I've been cat sitting for my neighbor and they weren't gone long enough for the cat to want to cuddle with me but I did get a lot of purrs and games in and I miss the "kitty breaks" throughout the day.

    1. Zelda almost never purrs unless she's being cuddled, so I'm super jealous that you were able to get purrs from playtime! You're welcome to come over to my house anytime you want for kitty play.

  2. Oh, Hannah, such hopeful news! Fingers very much crossed for her and for you. And boo for the upset stomach but yay for kitty cuddles.

    1. It's tough when a cat has long hair. Even though we brush her daily, she still gets hairballs and that may be the worst part of cat ownership! Ha.

  3. They are just the cutest ever. Full stop. I mean...those eyes!!!

    1. Right? Hannah's eyes and ears are so expressive. I can't get over them.

  4. Your pets are so cute! And I really relate to Hannah's heat-induced drooping, as well as her dislike of fireworks.

    1. Hannah's clearly not wrong in her dislikes. I just wish she'd be a tiny bit less adamant about them.

  5. What GREAT news! I don't mean to get too optimistic- but is it possible that Hannah could completely recover and live a normal dog life? And, that you would be able to stop spending so much money on her? That would be an amazing outcome. (Hi Zelda! I love cats and all photos of cats.)

    1. I don't want to get too optimistic, either, but if this is working, she COULD recover and live a mostly normal life. And maybe she could get off these medications and I wouldn't be broke all the time. Maybe. Let's not get ahead of ourselves here!

  6. Poor Hannah. I'm not sure what she's been through, but it's great news that she's recovering. I feel the same way about the heat and the damn fireworks. Sounds like she has PTSD from them which is so sad. I hope she can get back to her evening walks for both of your sakes.
    Zelda is such a cute cat! Cats are so funny and also very demanding at times. 😳

  7. Our cat is unique in that she has fly-away fur and never needs to upchuck a hairball. I’ve never known a cat like her.

    1. You're really lucky! Count your cat blessings!

  8. They are soooo cute!!!! I am really not a cat person, but yours is adorable! And I LOVE dogs that look like yours. If my crabby pants husband would let us get a dog, I'd love one like that...

    1. Ha! I'd caution that dogs are hella expensive. That is my major lesson learned from adopting Hannah.

  9. Oh, I am so happy to hear that new new treatment for Hannah seems to be working. Fingers crossed that continues to be the case!

    My lil fur-sister Lucy has been scared to go out at night since the 4th of July, too! It's so very sad. :(

    1. The fireworks thing has continued to be a problem on many nights since the 4th, so we just have to wait it out, I guess! Our neighbors just don't want to stop celebrating.

  10. I am so glad that Hannah seems to be doing better! I hope that continues. I have to laugh over her walk protest and how she won't meet your eyes when she does that! Too funny! I feel you, girl. Sometimes it is so dang hot and uncomfortable out there and I don't want to move either!

    Zelda is so pretty! I wish our cat liked being brushed. She loathes it. We've tried different things and she hates it all. She is a puker and I am sure the not being brushed thing is part of the issue. But she is just not at all cooperative! Phil used to pet sit for a cat who LOVES to be brushed!

    1. Oh, Zelda does not like to be brushed. I do it first thing in the morning for 20-30 seconds, targeting the areas where she frequently gets mats, which are her mane and her haunches. She gets mad and tries to bite, but she does get mats easily and I hate to see her look like a neglected cat, so we do it every morning. She's super soft, though, so I think it's effective!

  11. Beautiful pictures of your pets. I live vicariously through you :)

  12. Ohhh, those eyes. <3 I, too, hope Hannah's positive behaviors continue...and that she maybe, kind of, has a chance at a better outcome. Fingers. Crossed. (Also, who on earth would come here and be like, no, I don't want to see pictures of adorable animals? Seriously. :>)
