Monday, July 19, 2021

2021 Q2 Quarterly Goals Update

I've been putting off doing my quarterly review of goals, but I guess I should be honest with you and myself. Things are not going well.  Here's Q1 for comparison. 

Area One: Health
1) Two yoga classes of thirty minutes or more twice a week 
April: 7 classes
May: 11 classes
June: 8 classes

This averages to exactly 2 a week, so I met this one.

2) Three other fitness classes/fitness activities of thirty minutes or more per week
April: 10 days
May: 13 days
June: 14 days

This averages to 2.85 a week, which rounds up to 3, so I give myself an A- on this. There was a period in April when I got my second dose of the vaccine and felt crappy for days, so I didn't work out and in June I was traveling and didn't get a workout in, so I feel pretty good about this.  

3) Tracking goal
        Q2: Caloric intake using My Fitness Pal
I didn't do this at all. I think I'm going to take this goal out for Q3 and change it to buy a new sports bra and complete a 5K run, which I purchased an app to help me complete.
Area Two: Financial
1) Track what I spend my money on each month - I did this with the dog and cat last year, but I'd like to extend it to see where my money is going (I'm modelling it after monthly budget updates from Stephany Writes)
I did do this!

2) Put $500 into our savings account each month and $500 into my retirement accounts
I completed this in April and May. I did not in June. I also still haven't figured out how to add the amount I'm putting in my retirement accounts. I guess I'll roll this over for the next quarter.

Area Three: Communication
1) Continue to post to my blog twice a week
April: 9 posts (6 books, 1 shopping, Q1 goals update, monthly expense wrap-up)
May: 10 posts (8 books, Hannah update, monthly expense wrap-up)
June: 11 posts (7 books, Hannah update, monthly expense wrap-up, podcast roundup, small town gossip)

This is an average of 2.3 times a week, so full marks!

2) Continue to send snail mail to my uncle K, aunt D, and my mom once a month, plus one other person who will be chosen on a rotating basis
I only sent stuff out in May (Mother's Day reminded me). I'll have to get back in the habit of writing cards and keeping track. What a bummer.  

3) Keep a list of the books I read - Q2 book list complete. I like the addition of books I don't finish. It's actually encouraged me to complete more books just so I don't feel like a failure when I add something to the list.

4) Keep a list of the snail mail I send
I didn't do this at all.

Area Four: Personal Improvement
1) Brush Hannah and Zelda's teeth every day
April: I missed Hannah one day and Zelda two days
May: I missed each on one day
June: I missed Hannah three days and Zelda four days

Considering that before I started keeping track, I did this about once every month, I will call this a win.

2) Do a 30-day challenge every month
I didn't do this at all. I'm also more than halfway through June and I haven't done it in June, either. Obviously this was too much of a stretch goal for me. I'm probably just going to take it out for Q3 and Q4 without too much guilt.

3) Duolingo every day
100%. My daily streak is over 400 days at this point.

4) One house project every month
I did complete a bit of decluttering in the guest room, but that's all I have done. Not great.

I don't know. It doesn't feel like much of a win.  My health goals are okay, but my communication goals are just a disaster. Ugh.  Next quarter is a new quarter, I guess.

1 comment:

  1. Personally, I think you're doing great on your goals! It's always good to take a step back and reassess, too, especially if you're not having success with a goal. You're killin it on so many of the goals that it makes sense that some of the other ones may fall to the wayside to accommodate that. Keep up the good work!
