Monday, May 03, 2021

April Expenses


I foresee a lot of changes to my spending habits now that I'm fully vaccinated and not afraid to go into stores. Already in May I have a hair appointment, a huge vet appointment for the dog, and I've been going into antique stores looking for a kitchen hutch and shoe rack. I anticipate a manicure/pedicure combo happening soon, too. So, watch out as next month this will probably look quite different as furniture and personal care come vrooming in from nowhere to become expenses.

Big expenses continue to be groceries (22%) and savings (42%).  The other thing that was big this month was pets (14%) because they both got food this month, I ordered Hannah Apoquel, which has gone up in price, and Hannah went to the vet for routine vaccinations. She's doing well, but has lost a few pounds, so I think I'm going to have increase her food intake by another eighth of a cup and see if we can get her weight closer to ideal.

I do see groceries going down a tiny bit in the next few months because we have entered CSA season, so I'm getting a bag full of veggies from the farm every week and that means I'm spending a bit less in the produce aisle.  We're also getting eggs every other week, so it's possible that we might save a smidge at the grocery store, but probably not as much as I always think we will.

Other expenses:

Health and fitness (8.6%) - Regular fitness class passes and some medications (allergy, fish oil, vitamin D)

Charity (6.2%) - Hmmm...this tracking exercise is teaching me that I don't give to charity as much as I thought I did.  This was a donation to my alma mater and to a friend's fundraiser for a hunger charity. I should probably just figure out what the difference is between what I've donated every month and what I want to donate and then write a check to the non-profit that I'm the president of the board of directors.

Gifts (4.3%) - This seems right for April. May is brutal - it's my husband's birthday, our anniversary, and two of our nieces and nephew's birthdays.  This will also be a big May expense.

All the other categories are less than 1% - I had to mail something, got gas for one of the cars (this might change in May, too, as we stop being housebound and occasionally drive places!), got coffee a few times - but I really didn't make a ton of extraneous purchases in April.  

I am anticipating that May will be a financial challenge.  

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