Tuesday, July 13, 2021

June 2021 Expense Report


I feel like now that I'm doing more post-pandemic, I'm getting a more "real" idea of what my money issues are and how I spend money and I'm almost scared to do these posts, which is why we're almost halfway through June before I felt like I could do it.  Anyway, you'll note that I put nothing in savings and I'm embarrassed about it, but there you have it.  My big sadness.

Gifts (7%) - I went to a high school graduation and wrote a check.

Bills (6%) - Insurance and Zoom.

Cars (7%) - Filled up the gas tank a few times and a couple of car washes.

Charity (2%) - I really need to do better about this.

Eating out (6%) - I went on a trip to see my mom and sister and took my mom out to dinner a few times.

Groceries (27%) - I have no shame about this. We eat.

Health and personal fitness (8%) - My usual fitness classes, had to buy some insoles for my running shoes, and I added a new tracker for runs that I'll probably cancel mid-autumn when I stop running outdoors.

Personal care (2%) - I got a haircut for the first time in sixteen months.  It looks great.

Pets (22%) - Even in a month when both of our girls are healthy, we still have to buy them food, medicine, and Hannah needs baths.  They're expensive, but loved.

Other (13%) - This is a bit larger than I like my "other" category to be, but a good chunk of it is two nights in a hotel when I was in Michigan.

The reason I did not put any money into savings is because roughly 30% of my budget this month did go to that trip to Michigan.  Some of that was factored into the above categories (gift for the graduating senior, eating out, gas for the car, hotel room), so I didn't create a separate travel category, but during those few days, I spent way more money that I would on an average day.  In August, I'll be traveling to Ohio for a few days, so I anticipate a similar situation, although I'm hoping I will be able to actually factor in some savings, even if it's the full amount I want.

The other thing that's happening in July is that our payroll system is switching from once a month to twice a month and I have absolutely no idea what's going to happen to my deductions, so that will be a fun thing to figure out.

Onward. I have to stop being so nervous about doing these posts. I'm doing okay. Not great. But okay.


  1. You ARE doing great! I'm always nervous about the comments I may receive on my budgeting posts because I know I spend a LOT of money in comparison to other people - and yes, there are months when I don't put anything into savings! But we all spend money in the ways that work for us. <3

  2. I appreciate everyone who shares their budgets - it reminds me that yes, we do all spend money. And we spend it on what is important to us (you - cats; me - books and comfy clothes).

    Also totally random, but... I also live in Wisconsin and also am dealing with the paycheck thing. Sigh. Thanks for nothin', system... Hope you got it figured out.
