Thursday, May 30, 2024

KitKat: The Taste Test

Over Easter, my FIL's wife bought lemon-flavored KitKats and they were delicious. 

Then I recently wrote about how I went to a store with five KitKat flavors and I hadn't purchased any of them and I regretted it. Well, one of my dear readers, Kate (HI KATE! - thank you note incoming, I PROMISE), sent me FIVE FLAVORS OF KIT KATS. 

When I was in Ohio a couple of weekends ago, I took the box of KitKats with me and the four of us -me, Bestest Friend, her giant teenage son, and this guy she kept calling her "other best friend," which was deeply concerning because I WILL NOT BE REPLACED - did a taste test while hanging out at the hotel room. Here are the results!

(There was mild ribbing of me for doing this taste test solely for blog content. Friends, I think of you even when I'm in difficult situations.)

White chocolate: Pretty bland. Average score: 2.25/5 

Birthday cake: Man, I was so excited about this and it was disappointing. I was hoping for a bit more texture and it didn't really taste like birthday cake at all, more like an even blander white chocolate. Average score: 1.6/5 

Dark chocolate strawberry: I would argue that this was the best of the batch. The teenage boy was the only one who didn't give it a 3. Average score: 2.75/5 

Dark chocolate mint: This tastes like a Thin Mint or an Andes mint. If you like that, you'll like this. Average score: 4.7/5 

Chocolate frosted donut: I did not like this at all, but everyone who was not me thought it was better than white chocolate or birthday cake. Average score 3.33/5 

Overall, I have to say that I would rather just have a plain old KitKat, but I'd take one of those dark chocolate flavors if they were on offer and pass on the others. I am now on the lookout for churro flavor and will definitely report back if I find it. 


Do you like KitKats? Have you tried any flavors beyond the original? What did you think of them?


  1. I love mint chocolate and especially DARK mint chocolate so I bet I would love that.

    1. It's pretty good! I was surprised by how much I liked it.

  2. Kit Kat is the general favourite chocolate bar of everyone in our household BUT me. I think the regular Kit Kat is everyone's favourite, but they've tried TONS (I'm guessing a dozen by this point) of flavours and seem to enjoy them all? Though my husband hates mint and chocolate combos so he would never touch one of those for love nor money.

    1. I am now a woman who will buy any flavor of KitKat that I see. And I will report back here each time!

  3. Kit Kat would not be the main object of my culinary desires. I rather love Mars Bars, but I don't think you have them, or if you do have Mars, it is different than ours.

    1. Your Mars bar is different from ours. I've never had one, but will put it on my list of Canadian delicacies to get the next time I'm there, along with ALL the All-Dressed chips.

  4. Oh, my daughter will be so sad that the birthday cake didn't hit. We do love a chocolate / mint moment, tho, and may try those. We tend to freeze our Kit Kats, so we'll try them normal and frozen, too, haha!

    1. Oooohhhh...freezing KitKats is a brilliant idea! I'm going to have to try that. I love a frozen Snicker, so I bet I'd like it with KitKats, too.

  5. This is so fun! I think mint would be my fave too. Have you heard how Japan LOVES kit kats and they have tons of flavors there? That would be so fun to try :) I really enjoyed the vegan KitKats when I was in Germany. I hope I find them stateside soon!

    1. YES to Japan. I feel like there are subscription boxes for Japanese snacks and they're like 50% weird KitKat flavors. I'm officially going to buy any new flavor of KitKat I ever see.

  6. I can't eat these since they have gluten in them but I would be most interested in the mint chocolate one because I like that flavor combo. I would have zero interest in the chocolate strawberry combo because I do not like fruit and chocolate together with the exception of chocolate covered strawberries. Everything else - no thank you!

    1. The dark chocolate strawberry KitKat is a very artificial strawberry flavor, so does that help? LOL. Maybe not.

  7. KitKats aren't my favorite, but I'm not one to turn them down. I've always been drawn to the white chocolate ones, but now I'd be interested in trying strawberry.

    1. Yeah, you know what? I really liked those lemon KitKats, but otherwise I feel like the regular KitKat is my favorite. If KitKats aren't your jam, you might just avoid all these flavors and stick with something you like better.

  8. I've had green tea Kit Kats, and I think dark chocolate. And a few others. One year I got everyone in the family a different bag for Christmas, though I can't remember the flavors now. I eagerly await your next taste test blog post.

    1. I have had that green tea one and I think the flavor was too subtle for my terrible American taste buds, you know?

  9. I love a kit kat! Thank you for the review as I haven't seen many of those flavours before. I would like to try mint! I did like the peanut butter kit kats but I think that's a Kit Kat chunky so maby doesn't count? And I was definitely into Dark Chocolate kit kats for a while. Birthday cake sounds... interesting?

    1. Peanut butter KitKat? I have never seen that and I bet it's DELICIOUS. You can skip birthday cake, I promise!

  10. Thank you for thinking of us! I would be sad if you did a taste test and didn't share it here. In spite of your review, I think my daughter would like the white chocolate ones, and I may get some for her to celebrate the end of school!

    1. My co-worker likes the white chocolate ones best. I think it's so subjective. Get some for your daugther!

  11. Do you like KitKats? Not really, hand me a Twix instead

    Have you tried any flavors beyond the original? What did you think of them? I had a green tea one that tasted like nothing, but was pretty.

    1. I will give you the Twix and grab a KitKat for myself. I find Twix a bit too dry for me.

      Yes to the green tea comment. I thought the flavor was too subtle for the likes of me. I need to be pounded in the taste buds!

  12. Kit Kats are right up there with Twix as my favorite candy bar, though I can't say I've ever tried any other flavors. Funny, I was just listening to a podcast where they were raving about wasabi Kit Kats. Hmm....

    1. The Japanese apparently know how to do KitKat flavors right!

  13. Interesting, I didn't even know there were different flavors (other than the white chocolate one). I love that you did a taste test LOL (knowing myself, I probably would have also loved the original flavor best... I like it simple :)

    1. I finished the chocolate donut flavor last night and it is gross. As is the birthday cake. LOL. I didn't realize I was such a connoisseur of KitKats, but here we are. The original is really good.

  14. Our favorite kit kats are the ones from England, because the chocolate is better. They're the plain kind, though. So tasty. Of the flavored ones you tried, the mint chocolate ones interest me the most.

    1. Yeah, I almost feel like if I had the ones from England, I'd be spoiled and never want the US kind again. I really do like a KitKat.

  15. I'm sorry to hear you didn't like the birthday cake kit kat! I LOVE it! I can hardly find them anywhere, which makes me want them even more! I also love the plain white ones. I guess I like bland things!

    1. I will now think of you when I see the birthday cake flavor. I think the plain white chocolate ones are better and they seem to be more widely available.

  16. I don't think I would get any of these flavors here in Germany. At least I havent seen any of these. But then I wasn't looking. I am on a mont spree currently so that might be something I would want to try.

    1. The flavors are available super commonly here, but they can be found with some digging. I am tempted to join a KitKat flavor of the month subscription service because I'm fascinated by these flavors! (Although so far a regular KitKat is really pretty good, so you don't need the fancy flavors.)

  17. Frozen Peppermint Patties. Kit Kats are... acceptable but far down the list. ;) That said, I'd go for the dark chocolate mint. "Birthday cake" anything is a nonstarter. (I have Strong Feelings about this, can you tell? ;>)

    1. I don't actually like chocolate/mint as a flavor, to be honest. I don't care for Peppermint Patties or Thin Mints or any of those. Hey, that's good - you can have them and I'll take the KitKats!
