Thursday, May 09, 2024

Moments of Zen

Things did not go well in Michigan with my mother and things continue to spiral out of control in the hospital there leading to an emergency phone calls with subtitles of  "Where is all of mom's money?" and "Does anyone know where the will is?" and "If the oncologist doesn't check her chart this time, punch them." So, in the spirit of putting on my own oxygen mask before helping others, here are some moments from the last two weeks I want to remember.


My Aunt Sylvia and I working on a puzzle of a fox. The puzzle was fox-shaped and it was hard to figure out the border and the pieces were not traditional jigsaw puzzle piece shaped, so it was super hard. Sylvia, who was on the phone, would point to a piece and where it belonged and she was right almost every time. Puzzle genius. With her help, I did it three times as fast as if I had to sit there fiddling with it by myself.


We saw a flock of six turkeys on the way to the hospital. Two of them were males with their tail feathers spread out, showing all their glory.


I stopped to get gas in my car on the way home. My uncles got out of the car and ran into the gas station. When we got home my uncle presented me with a strawberry shortcake ice cream bar and it was delicious and just what I needed at that moment. [We can talk about how I'm eating my feelings in another post.]


The sun setting as I was going for a couple of  evening runs. There are so many more trees there than in Wisconsin and the vista was lovely. I even saw a few deer on the road with me on one of these runs.


The nurses in the ICU joking with my mom that she was their easiest patient and that they wanted to come in and hide in her room all day. 


The time my mom said "I handled your dad's death too well" and everyone in the room laughed.


When we came back from the hospital to find that the dogs had not handled our absence well and had some accidents I immediately started cleaning it up and I was referred to as "young, competent, and energetic." I'll take it.


We ordered pizza from the closest pizza place which had an awesome name that I cannot share with you because I don't want to dox my sister, but it turns out that this place is a convenience store with just a couple of pizza ovens in it. This store had more liquor than anyplace I've seen outside of a Hy-Vee and they also had tobacco supplies, bait fish, and a ginormous beer cooler. They had five flavors of KitKats. The pizza was excellent, too. They don't sell liquor in grocery or convenience stores in Pennsylvania, so my uncle walked around in utter befuddlement. It was so much fun. 


I saw some friends from high school. My high school has an Athletic Hall of Fame and one of my friend's sister was being inducted and he was going to to a little speech for her at the ceremony. One of our classmates who my friend refers to as his "archnemesis" was also being inducted and we enjoyed teasing him about having to talk to his archnemesis. 


What has been your most recent moment of zen? 


  1. I am sorry to hear about your mom. Such heartache and worry. I agree that in times of crises we need to see the good in small things and give grace to ourselves. So this post is the best. And that you mom could still laugh and joke at times is so good.

    I came to realize that when you are puzzling and just walk up look and then pick one piece up you can usually tell where it goes. also it helps to not sit.

    1. I tried really hard to focus on the good and it was nice to hear my mom laughing sometimes.

      I feel like I need 100% concentration to do puzzling - no walking away for me.

  2. I'm sorry that things aren't going well and continue to spiral. Keeping you in my thoughts and sending Zen vibes your way. <3 <3
    Your aunt(s) and uncle(s) sound like interesting and fun people, and I hope you enjoyed your time with them. In the meantime, I am befuddled by someone on the phone helping to put a puzzle together? Please help this dolt understand? Also? Getting the support/endorsement of the ICU nurses is like gold in those settings. Trust me on that one. I've been there and done that. ;)
    Zen moment? Every night when I get in bed, take a breath and close my eyes. Something about being horizontal is just... everything.

    1. My aunt was sitting next to me, talking on the phone with someone else. She was pointing at pieces and showing me where they went. LOL. I guess I didn't explain that very well.

      Laying down is such a lovely feeling...

  3. In all of that, this is what stopped me: five flavors of KitKat. Say what? I've only ever noticed the one flavour. Not that KitKat is my chocolate of choice.

    1. The five flavors were: regular, churro, birthday, mint dark chocolate, and strawberry dark chocolate. I regret not buying all of them.

    2. Good god woman, how could you pass those up??? Also, when did KitKat *flavors* become a thing? I'm kind of curious about the birthday flavor. Did it have sprinkles? (I would have gone for mint dark chocolate, if I had to pick...) Next trip? ;)

    3. Look, I have serious regrets!!! Next time I'm back I'll try and see if I can fit in a trip to this gas station to get those KitKats!!

  4. Oh, I so feel this and you're so in my thoughts. Navigating messy stuff is messy, much more when it is family.

    I haven't been zen recently, to be honest (#teamspiral here), but the other night the Mr. had put on the AC to make sure it worked and make the bedrooms less hot and heavy and the feeling of slipping into a cool bed (with a COOL PILLOW CASE!!!) and wrapping up in my blanket was just the best.

    1. Huh. I actually hate it when my pillow/sheets are cool. LOL. But I'm glad it made you happy!!

  5. Well, kudos to you for being able to identify moments of zen in what sounds like a terrible situation. I'm happy you were able to run outside! Being outside is so much more of a stress reliever than putting on a Youtube video. Your aunts and uncles sound like good people to be around in a crisis. I take it you're home now- at least for a while- with your husband, Zelda and Hannah. That should feel therapeutic! I hope you can de-stress for a little before the next round.

    1. I was living for being able to go outside. Honestly, I would have gone stir crazy without my walks/runs. I don't know how people do it when they don't spend any time outside on a regular basis.

  6. You've been on my mind, as I knew you were going 'through it' with your Mom and family. It fills my heart to know you've had some sweet moments too; it is a talent to recognize them and we have to grab onto them. Oh, I need Aunt Sylvia to assist me in the Puzzling Dept.

    1. I think I need Aunt Sylvia to just follow me around in my life and be my hype woman. She was always telling me how smart/helpful/clever I was. And then when I didn't know how to do something (something melted on the linoleum and I didn't know how to get it off), I could just go to her and she would have a solution. I think we all could use an Aunt Sylvia!!

  7. Why are families so goddam stressful sometimes? I can empathize with you right now; I truly, truly can. They can eat you up from the inside out, I swear.

    I'm going to try harder to do what you've done here--focus on the small moments of joy--and find my Zen again. Thanks for this.

    1. Not going to lie, Nance, it was hard to find moments of joy on some of these days, but if I tried hard enough, I could do it. It does get easier with practice, though.

  8. I'm so sorry about how things are going, but can I say I lit up when you mentioned the five flavors of KitKats, because of course you noticed that! I love it.

    Looking for the zen moments is a _skill_ that is also helped by _practice_ so thank you for the reminder to look for my own moments. I am going to try to focus on the upcoming trip as a pleasure trip--which it is!--and put less focus on the difficulty of traveling with my foot still being sore. It's a challenge, but it's worth it for the fun trip, and you also remind me to be glad that I am in fact traveling for fun.

    1. Of course I noticed the KitKats! I was tempted to buy each and every one, but I didn't. I regret that choice now. When will I ever be somewhere with that many KitKats again?!

      It takes a lot of practice to look for joy, especially when things are tough. But, hey, life continues on, right? And we only get so much time. Enjoy your trip and don't sweat the small stuff!

  9. Been thinking about you.
    The most recent moment of zen? Grabbing the yoga mat, and stretching right in my work clothes, right after work. It felt so good to be aware of my body. So often I am on autopilot, running, running somewhere, nowhere. It felt good to just do the cat and cow.

    1. YES!! I frequently do small stretches on the yoga mat I keep in my office. I mean, sometimes a lady has to do a twist in the afternoon!

  10. I'm glad you found some moments of Zen mixed in among the rest of a trying situation. I'm smiling about "young, competent, and energetic." That sounds like how I envision you. My last moment of Zen was doing the NYT Connections online game today and bursting out laughing about one category. I mean, sure it made sense but was so silly.

    1. Because I work on a college campus, I do not think of myself as young for the most part. But I was the young one last week! I also sort of like the idea that my family members are going to go back and report about how competent I am. I am fooling all of them!

    2. I love that you mentioned the Connections game today. I also laughed at the purple row, it was wonderful.

  11. It's wonderful that you could find these moments of Zen. It sounds like a rough situation, and my heart goes out to you. I love how everyone is excited about the 5 flavors of Kit Kats! I'm right there with them. I recently had a Birthday Cake Kit Kat and it was truly delightful!

    1. This comment makes me regret deeply that I did not buy all five flavors of the KitKat to try. Next time I'm in Michigan I'm going to see if I can track those KitKats down.

  12. So glad there are moments of enjoyment and levity during such a complex and challenging time. I love that you are holding onto them. Sending you so much love.

    1. Thank you so much. It does somehow make everything feel better that everyone is rooting for us.

  13. Love that your list of "glimmers," Engie. They sound full of love and magic in a time and space that was otherwise so stressful. Hope being back in your own home is helping with the turmoil of caregiving and family. <3

    1. It has been nice to be back home, but there is always a voice in the back of my head saying I should be somewhere else. *sigh* I feel like you can never win, you know?

  14. Oh, Engie, I am sorry about your mom. When they weren't busy, the ICU nurses would hide in my dad's room and talk to him. I love that they also love your mom.

    Was the pizza from Casey's??

    1. No, not Casey's! They don't have them in Michigan. It was from a mom and pop place and I wish I could share the name with you because it's FABULOUS, but I fear it's way too searchable. It's something like Little A's Gas and Graze, but much better than that.

  15. I literally want to cry for you right now, my friend. Sending love and I'm so proud of you for intentionally holding these moments of joy/delight/relief in mind.
    Moments of zen? Few and far between lately but moments of happiness? Many.
    My son was home sick the other day (he had a cold but mostly just wanted the day off school and I obliged) and we ended up eating lunch on the deck in the sunshine. Then we split a decaf coffee (yes, he loves coffee; *sigh*) and we sipped it together while chatting on the porch. He's 9, but was the most delightful companion and my heart felt so big and heavy with love.

    1. How does a 9-year-old discover he likes coffee? I want to know the details!!

  16. I'm so sorry about your mum. I'm glad you are able to be there for her, even though it is stressful, and that you have the support of yuor aunt and uncle. I also love that you still managed to notice and record the little bits of joy. I wrote this on my blog this week but one small moment that brings me delight every time is watching my dog jump and catch a piece of banana in the morning.

    1. I feel like I started every day with the goals of surviving and finding one thing to celebrate. Sometimes that's all you can do.

      I love that you delight in your dog's silliness! Pets are such blessings.

  17. I'm so sorry that your mom is doing so poorly, and that she is not close by. I remember so well the stress of having my mom be 1,000 miles away, and then she moved closer but was still a couple of hours, and I never felt like I was in the right place. When I was home, I wanted to be with her. When I was with her, I was missing things going on at home. It sucked. I am glad that you've been able to be there as much as you have. And I'm glad you're finding some zen and sanity, and that you have family there to help. Your aunt and uncle sound like a real comfort.

    1. You get it, J! When I was home, I wanted to be with her. When I was with her, I was missing things going on at home. This is exactly how I feel - like I'm not in the right place at any time.

  18. Oh, I really feel for you with your mom. Beyond feel. That's just incredibly stressful -- that mix of love, wanting to do everything to help and feeling relatively helpless. I'm so glad you could visit, so glad that you had family with you. I know how hard it is to manage everything related to a parent's illness, although you have it much harder, not being in the same town. I love that you are able to find your Zen, that you can pull the good out of things -- because that's how we survive. Biggest hugs to you.

    1. I honestly feel worse for my sister because she is in town, but she can't spend her every waking moment at the hospital. It's so stressful to know how to allocate time. Oh, well, I will continue to search for small things to get through this challenging time.

  19. This sounds so difficult. I knew you were heading to see your mom and I was wondering how it was going. This sounds so very hard. I love the description of the mom and pop gas station with great pizza and the uncles wandering around mesmerized by all the offerings. Well done finding happy/soothing moments during this stressful time.

    I hosted a pasta party last night for both Reg and Curly's teams. The kids were all very gracious and they had a blast. It was a ton of work, but we have a lot of leftovers and my house looks kinda organized this morning . . . because I haven't spread my piles of paperwork and bills all over the countertop just yet. I'm not sure it is a Zen moment, but I will be thrilled not to think about meals while the leftovers are available. I also have the day off and I'm enjoying the cleaned-off counters look while it lasts.

    1. Oh, man, leftovers! I love leftover nights. And a day off!! It does sound sort of ideal from my point of view!

  20. Oh my goodness, I want to give you a big hug and bring you some tea or coffee and a cupcake. Sometime eating your feelings is the answer.... But gah, that is all so difficult. I am glad that you found some moments of levity and zen amidst all the hard stuff, though.

    Yesterday was an entire day of zen and I would encourage you to take a day of PTO when you feel you can gift yourself a shouldless day. It is the most restorative thing I can do for myself. I ran, I enjoyed a quiet house, I sat in a coffee shop and read my book, I had a hair cut which is like hanging with a bestie who happens to cut my hair (she's been doing my hair for 15+ years so knows everything about me), and I laid in bed for several hours reading. It was PURE DELIGHT.

    1. I am going to try really hard to get myself a day off without any commitments this quarter. We'll see. I can see why it would be wonderful and really regenerative. I'm so envious of several hours of uninterrupted reading!

  21. What some wonderful moments to hold on to. I'm glad you captured them. I'm sorry things are so hard right now. I'm glad you are getting in runs and ice cream cakes and nice family moments in and around everything.
    I remember having that pain scale in the hospital after I had my c-section and the dr. asked me where I was, and I was like, "Kind of in the middle." which to me is hurts, but tolerable and I'm getting used to it. And the doctor said, "Well we really want you to be at the smiling end." And I thought, wait - is "hurts but tolerable" supposed to be on the smiling end? Because I'm fine with hurt but tolerable - that's just kind of life, isn't it? Like how much pain is "no pain"??? I did just get cut open and have a whole other human pulled out of me, so I think tolerable is a pretty good place to be. Anyhow... I think of that every time I see a picture of that pain scale.

    1. Yeah, is anyone really ever at 0 as an adult? I'm asking this for real. I always have low-level pain in my mouth, a slight headache, and the ache that comes from a rebuilt leg and the idea of being literally pain-free is almost beyond my comprehension. I mean, it's my baseline level of pain, so maybe that's what I should be using?

      Honestly, if you had no pain after giving birth to a baby, I'd worry that symptoms were being masked by pain relievers or something!!

  22. You are going through such a difficult thing, my friend. I think this whole blog community wishes they could be next to you in that hospital, helping you through this. <3 You are constantly in my thoughts and I am sending you all of the zen vibes. I know those probably feel few and far between, especially during long days at the hospital. <3

    Moments of Zen... Lila sleeping in one of the beds I have in the living room and then waking up, seeing me on the couch, and immediately getting up to jump on the couch next to me for cuddles. It was so sweet!

    1. Awww...Lila just wants cuddles! We should all be so lucky as to have a cat's life!

  23. I'm so glad you were able to find those moments of zen, I know you're going through such a rough time. Sending a whole lot of love and Care Bear Stares your way.

    1. I'll take all the love. It does make the day go a tiny bit better if you're looking for something lovely in the day.

  24. I am sending you so much love. You are handling this with such grace. I loved reading these stories. The pizza place reminds me of Casey's!

    1. The pizza place is much quirkier than any Casey's I've ever been to. Like a combo bait shop and liquor store with a couple of pizza ovens. It was amazing and they should offer tours.

  25. That pizza place / bait store / liquor store sounds fun! We have liquor in CA in all of our grocery stores, so I am the opposite of your uncle. I was shopping in Canada and wanted to buy a couple of beers and I was like, "where in holy H is the beer aisle!!!?" and then I realized I had to go to a separate store, which is just inconvenient! It sounds like your Mom is in good spirits at least!?

    1. My mom's spirits come and go with how she's feeling I think. She just got to go home on Monday, though, and I think she's already sleeping better now that people aren't waking her up in the middle of the night for blood draws, etc.

      The liquor/beer in separate stores does seem insane to me, too, but I guess if that's what you're used to, you adjust!

  26. Oof, this all sounds so hard, friend, but I am glad you're able to look for some silver-linings and things you want to remember during this hard time. Thinking of you.
