Friday, May 10, 2024

Good Morning, Midnight by Lily Brooks-Dalton

Other books by Lily Brooks Dalton
The Light Pirate

I read Good Morning, Midnight because I enjoyed The Light Pirate so much and because it was recommended by someone on Sarah's Bookshelves (it was Susie in this episode!). 

Before we talk about the book, let's talk about the cover. I was convinced I had read this book before because the cover was so familiar, but I think it's because the cover reminded me of this:

Tent? Check. Starry sky? Check. White title? Check. A Novel? Check. The biggest difference is that it's snow on the cover of Good Morning, Midnight and grass on the cover of Station Eleven. Regardless, it's clear that this book is trying to mimic Station Eleven's art.

In Good Morning, Midnight we follow two parallel stories. Augie is a scientist at a research station in the Arctic. When the station is forced to evacuate, Augie stays behind and finds a child named Iris was also left behind. They cannot contact anyone on Earth and the radio stays eerily silent. Meanwhile, the spaceship Aether is going back to Earth after a trip to Jupiter. Mission Control falls silent about a year away from Earth and the astronauts on board the Aether have to figure out what to do. 

This was such a beautiful book. The characters. The characters. Man. So beautifully rendered. 

It's a scary thought. What if you were one of the last people alive? What would you do? How would you react? 

But somehow this book is hopeful and beautiful and sad and confusing and wonderful. 

4.5/5 stars

Lines of note:
"I think he’s unkind because it’s easier to be angry than frightened,” Devi said. (page 95)

I wrote recently in the comments on Elisabeth's blog that I assume everyone is in Emergency Mode. We're all dealing with something, right? And I try to be give others grace when they are doing something unkind, rude, or disrespectful. I'm not always successful (WHY IS YOUR CART TAKING UP THE WHOLE GROCERY STORE AISLE?), but it helps me to remember that everyone is having difficulties. 

When he got to his feet, he shuddered to hear the cartilage in his joints cracking, his bones clicking against each other like dominoes falling down the length of his body. (page 158)

I didn't purposefully start reading books with protagonists who are older, but I am appreciating reading these descriptions about how our bodies break down. 

Hat mentions (why hats?): Eight hat mentions in the book. These are my favorites. 

As the days progressed Augustine began to walk farther, always keeping the emerald green of Iris’s pompom hat in his sights. (page 80)

A green hat! Are we sure it's not Katie Nolan?!

Her helmet was a few sizes too big and he had insisted that she wear three hats to pad it. (page 136)

Three hats! I frequently wear two, but three seems like a lot. 


  1. YES to the similarity in the cover art!

    Is being left behind a trope in space operas? This title seems reminiscent of your rec. of _Remnant Population_ recently...

    Have you ever had that experience when you're in a crisis and it seems like everyone else is on a different planet...?

    1. Oh, interesting. I didn't make that link about being left behind, but it does come up a lot. Think of the guy in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Interesting!

      Yes! Sometimes we would go to the grocery store when my mom was in the hospital and it was so weird. People were just living their lives. It felt bizarre.

  2. I clearly need to read something by this author. The Light Pirate has been on my radar for a while- I want to read it but am also afraid it would be super disturbing. Maybe I'll start with this one (since you describe it as hopeful.)

    1. I did like The Light Pirate a lot, too. But I can see where the portrayal of Florida in that one might hit a little too close to home.

  3. I can see why the cover made you think of the other book! This book sounds very intriguing to me!

    1. Surely I can't be only one to note the similarities in this covers. It had to be purposeful, right?

  4. It seems an odd cover choice since I feel like Station Eleven was such a popular book. Introvert me would think it might be cool to be the last person anywhere, but I suspect if that really happened, I would FREAK OUT.

    1. I think I agree with you. I complain so much about other people, but if there were literally no other people, what would I even do?!

  5. Before I even started reading your post I was like "this cover looks familiar!" bingo! This sounds like a book I would really like! I wonder if I will get back to sci fi (adjace).

    1. The cover is an outrageous S11 copy! Outrageous! It is a good book, though, so I didn't get too grumpy about it.
