Thursday, April 04, 2024

What I Spent - March 2024

Just as a reminder, every month I track everything I spend and show you how I spent my money. Groceries continues to be a big chunk, but there were other unusual expenses this month, so let's dive in.

Remember that my husband pays a lot of our larger bills - the mortgage and car payment. In return, I don't remind him daily that my earning potential decreased dramatically when we moved to Nowhere, Wisconsin so he could live his dream as a political theorist. LOL. Ha ha. Our relationship is not that transactional, to be fair, but he does make significantly more money than I do. 

Groceries (29.2%) - This actually wasn't too bad this month. It even includes TWO trips to Costco. 

Technology (13.8%) - This is a bit inflated. I currently have three pairs of earbuds, but am returning at least two of those. Unfortunately, that return has not yet been processed, so there's a lot of money on my credit card. 

Pets (12.5%) - Zelda's food went down in price again, but it's still stupid expensive. This category is surprisingly low. I bought Zelda food twice this month, but other than a couple of bottles of toothpaste and some probiotics for the dog, this wasn't too bad. My husband took Zelda to the vet for a checkup and he paid that bill (ha ha ha! I told him I'd write him a check for the cost and he rolled his eyes at me). Next month it will be going up again, though, because Hannah has her yearly exam and vaccines and I'll have to start getting her on her spendy allergy medicine now that the ground is unfrozen.

Clothes (12.1%) - I had a couple of large purchases this month. I bought a new jacket to wear during the spring/fall because my jacket's zipper broke and was unrepairable (I did use a 20% off coupon for this purchase). I also purchased some new winter boots because mine are in terrible shape. The boots were half off. I might buy a new bra or two in April, but I don't foresee any major upcoming clothing expenses. 

Personal care (8.7%) - Sephora does a big sale in March and I purchased a lot of makeup and facial care items, as well as some shampoo and conditioner. I'm hoping this means I won't have to buy a lot more for a while. I do need some new foundation, still, so that might be something I buy in April or May.

Bills (10.9%) - Car and home insurance as well as the water bill.

Gifts (2.4%) - Some greeting cards and a present for Humphrey the Dog.

Savings (2%) - This is a problem and is my #1 priority for fixing in the next quarter.

Fitness (2%) - Fitness classes for April/May.

Health (1.8%) - I had to buy my expensive prescription toothpaste. 

Eating out/cars/miscellaneous (<1%) - I had Dunkin' once (on my work from home day), filled up the gas on one of our cars, and had a few things here and there. 


What's the best thing you bought in March? (For me, it a stick of Kat Von D Tattoo Liner. It is the best eyeliner I've ever found and it comes in a mini size, which is perfect because it means I have full control over it when I'm sticking it near my eye. I've written about my ethical dilemma with this product here before and I'm sure you are all relieved to know that basically I just decided that I can use it.)


  1. Yeah, why didn't you warn me about the price of pet food?! Haha. Charlie's "sensitive stomach" food seems to cost more than I had anticipated. Oh, and today I get to take him for another $100 grooming session. Yay!! Lol.

    I think I need some new bras too. I didn't buy anything too exciting I don't think in March really unless you count that we placed a huge order from Kohler for all our bathroom stuff (toilet, faucets, shower head, sink, etc.). YIKES. But on the plus side, our never-ending bathroom remodel is getting very close to being done. It has been dragging for months and months, mostly due to the fact that my dad is doing all the labor/hard work and he does not live where we do. So he comes, works, goes home, repeat repeat... which has just made it "feel" like it's taking forever, even though in reality it's not, really, considering the time being spent on it.

    1. Kae, since we got the puppy I've spent more on here than I have on the kids! This stage of dog life is way more expensive than a grown up dog.

    2. Heaven forbid your dog start to have "special needs." The costs will never go down. LOL.

      If I were you, I'd be looking into whether or not I could do grooming on my own. $100 every 5-6 weeks is going to be So Much!!

    3. I just don't really think we can groom him ourselves. He has SUPER tight curly hair and it seems like you really have to know what you're doing. I'm also scared of trying to trim his black nails and they clean out his floppy ears (prone to infections, apparently) and do his behind region, etc... I'm sure it's not impossible, but it kind of seems...not in our wheelhouse. The groomer said he probably has the most high maintenance type of coat a dog can have. Just our luck! Good thing he's otherwise perfect and the best dog ever!! I do looooove that he doesn't shed a single bit though. I couldn't stand dog hair everywhere, so I feel like overall this is the right breed for us, minus the expensive grooming...

  2. Engie, I will tell you, the best thing I did for myself (I think it was March, could be February, who knows) was buy new bras. I have been wearing ill-fitting bras for a few years now, and I kept thinking "but I just bought them!" Well, that was two years ago, and things have changed. I bought new bras and they are so comfortable and amazing and what was I even doing with my life?

    1. It's the process of bra shopping that I find annoying. LOL. This may end up being like the yoga bag hunt (end result: I have no yoga bag).

  3. The best thing I bought in March was books, with my birthday money. We also had a spike in our grocery bill while my son was home. And, on the subject of bras, I need new ones so badly. It's just not a really fun chore, going out and buying new ones, so I probably will continue to put it off.

    1. You are 100% right that it's an annoying chore and I might very well also continue to put it off. So stressful!

  4. Your best purchase was a present for Humphrey the Dog. That's my opinion and I'm sticking with it. My best March purchase was Clinique's Pink Honey Almost Lipstick that is difficult to find but I got the last tube at Kohl's, price be damned.

    1. Well, Humphrey the Dog did not actually enjoy the toy I purchased for him. LOL. So it was a lovely gift and well-meaning, but...

      Yay for finding your lipstick!

  5. A quick read of everyone else's comments reminded me that getting new bras was the best thing that I did for myself last year and I resolved never to let another bra have a birthday. Now I realize that was a year ago so I ordered new bras on the spot. So that's the best money I spent in April.

    Best purchase in March? My solo trip during Boy Scout camp. My travel expenses now include dog boarding and it is absolutely worth every penny.

    1. Ugh. Bras. Why?!? I just hate the whole process. Every time I buy new bras I say to myself that I'll be better about keeping them current, but then I just remember how terrible shopping for them is.

      I think we should try to board Hannah again. It would really open up our options for travel. I'm so happy you're doing it early and often with Doggo - it's so good for her!

  6. I probably need to buy new bras. But I do not find that to be a fun purchase or a fun experience!

    My best purchase in March was probably the ordinary under eye caffeine treatment that I bought when i was at MOA on 3/1 for Paul's birthday. I'm curious to see if it will make a difference and using it daily has pushed me to get back to a twice-a-day skincare routine. I can skip it when I'm not wearing make up and that's probably not great for my skin. I also bought a travel size Sunday Riley moisturizer to see what all the buzz is about (I heard great things about that brand). I also bought jeans on that trip! But I am so rarely in a mall and Paul was enjoying going from store to store so I made the most of it and got some jeans at Madewell. Now I could go years without being in a mall again since they are not my scene generally...

    1. I love a good trip to the MOA. I used to live right by a light-rail station and I would regularly (like once a week!) just take it to MOA for some browsing. I know you didn't love the experience, but just know I'm over here incredibly green with envy!! Sunday Riley is AMAZING. It's just way out of my budget. I'd love to know how it goes for you!

    2. I actually had a really great time with Paul at the MOA on his birthday! I just don't enjoy shopping in general so I go to malls very very very rarely!

      It's too soon to say what i think of this Sunday Riley lotion. I think that there probably isn't anything that can overcome the exhaustion of this stage of life? Like last night I was up with Taco at 1:15 and then again at 1:30 and then Paul came in at 5:30. It's probably unrealistic to expect any sort of skin care product to offset the poor sleep quality I tend to experience!

  7. I hate buying new bras or swimsuits. Ugh. Thankfully I'm set for the bras. I know a few women who don't wear bras (!!) and I CAN'T EVEN IMAGINE but, also, I'm JEALOUS. I feel the same way about a few women I know who don't shave their legs. I wouldn't want it for myself, but I'm jealous they're cool with it BECAUSE IMAGINE HOW MUCH EASIER LIFE WOULD BE WITHOUT BRAS AND RAZORS.
    March was a big month. Best money spent/favourite purchases were two big things: our trip to Barcelona (though, in the end, this was very inexpensive...stay tuned) and a new laptop.

    1. The other women in my family don't wear bras and I honestly don't know how they do it. My back would be in agony! But imagine how much money they save!!

  8. Man, I think this bra discussion in the comments is pushing me to get that done in May, maybe. I know I need new bras but ughhhhh the process sucks.

    My best purchase in March was my Apple watch, even though I technically didn't pay for it, haha.

    1. I know I said I'd buy bras in April, but it's April 5 and I've already had some big expenses, so we'll see! The process does suck and I'm not looking forward to it.

  9. Two trips to Costco and only 30% of your budget!? That's impressive!
    The best thing I bought in March was probably paying for Pilates classes. And a really delicious Biscoff Cruffin (cake-muffin) I had from a coffee shop.

    1. Paying for fitness classes is always a worthwhile expense in my book!

  10. I've lucked out on bras for the foreseeable! I was given a $$ gift cert a few years ago at the same time my retailer of choice was having a mega sale and I ended up with about 20 bras. I'm set unless... you know... there are some drastic weight fluctuations or cancer or something.

    I don't think I bought anything fun in March... it was birthday month, and I got lots of presents, so retail therapy didn't seem necessary.

    1. Twenty bras! That's amazing. I hope you like all of them. I'm really down to like three bras I actually can tolerate wearing all day and one of them is looking pretty dingy.

  11. I only wear sports bras, even to work. I just make sure that my sweater has a higher neck so it doesn't show. Then I can go from work to play without much effort! My favorite sports bra is by a brand called Marika. The one I like has wide straps and is comfortable no matter what.

    1. There is no way I'd wear a sports bra all day. LOL. I resent having to wear them for the hour or so I have to. It's so fascinating how what is comfortable to one person would be torture to another!

  12. I'm gonna say... L's piano lessons. It's $40 a pop and you have to buy like 10. But, she is committed, and she fills in her free time with the piano- that reduces her screen time #motheroftheyear lol

    1. Yay for enrichment for children! And it's a life-long skill she'll be able to take with her.

  13. Humphrey the dog! How is he? How is his owner? And also... TWO trips to Costco? Yikes. Is the one in Verona closer to you than the Sun Prairie one?

    1. The one in Sun Prairie is actually closer, so that's where we go.

      Humphrey is great! His owner is great! It's such a success story of modern medicine.

  14. The best thing I bought in March was (another) flight to Germany to see my family. Enough said ;)

    Do you pay for all your groceries? It sounds like you have separate accounts but still treat everything as your mutual money, am I right?

    1. I do pay for all the groceries. My husband pays a lot of the bigger bills - mortgage and car payment - so this system works out roughly in proportion to our incomes. LOL. We each have separate checking accounts and a shared savings account, but we make sure we're each contributing to the household expenses roughly in proportion to what we make. It's a balance, but we make it work through open communication.

      Yay for seeing your family!! I'm so glad you had a lovely time.
