Thursday, October 12, 2023

12.12 Complaint - Minor Gripes

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twelfth day of the month is "Complaint."


My biggest complaint is that I got my flu and COVID vaccines on Tuesday and I'd talked to several people who had done it and they acted like it was no big deal. Meanwhile, I spent Tuesday night waking up having sweated through my pajamas and every time I did anything more strenuous than lay down yesterday I had to rest and recover for a couple of hours. I have not yet had a COVID vaccine that hasn't knocked me on my ass, but I somehow thought this one would be the one. I was wrong. So I didn't get anything done yesterday at all.

(My husband had a vaccine for pneumonia and he has a swollen lymph node that makes it hard for him to swallow. The doctor told him it could take up to EIGHT weeks to go away. I am not entirely sure my husband would have gotten that vaccine if he'd know this.)

Okay, but enough about that. Of course we'll take the vaccinations that are recommended by our doctors. I just sort of wish I'd done it on a Friday.


Other, minor complaint.

At some point, I was given an eyeliner (Tattoo Liner) from the Kat Von D makeup line in a sample size. I really like it. 

The problem is that Kat Von D is a problematic character. Some of her lipstick names have questionable names, one called "Celebutard" and another called "Underage Red." Gross. There are rumblings about anti-Semitism, including yet another lipstick name "Selektion" that brings to mind the word used by Nazis when deciding who would go to camps and who wouldn't. Her husband has a swastika tattooed on his neck. There are anti-vax rumors, along with rumors that she was terrible about COVID protocols when she owned a tattoo shop. So, basically, she's kind of terrible.

But she no longer owns this makeup brand. She sold it in 2020. So, is it okay if I still buy it? I'm not supporting her directly, but am I supporting her indirectly? Why are all the decisions about what to buy so hard?  


What is your minor gripe of the day?


  1. Last year, my dad received both his covid and flu shots at the same time and was miserable for several days, so I split ours. I've never had any reactions before, but my covid this year made me feel sick to my stomach for a few days.

    1. Oh, I've yet to have a COVID shot that didn't knock me down for a bit. I'm starting to wonder if it's sort of psychosomatic issue at this point. I expect to feel bad, so I do. I think next year I'll spread them out. (But, just to reassure others, I talked to SEVERAL OTHER PEOPLE who had no issues with it at all.)

  2. I'm sorry you had to suffer even a little with your Covid booster. It's all for the good, but must it be annoying in the process? I'd buy the makeup and feel no remorse, but I take your point. You get a product you like and you've also done your due diligence about it. She doesn't profit directly and it's not like you're going to proclaim [advertise] every day to the world the name and source of your eyeliner.

    1. Yes, I think knowing she no longer profits directly and that it's not one of the products that has a gross name makes me feel okay buying it. It's just a weird thing to know about when I do.

  3. I'm all for vaccinations but when the side effects last for EIGHT definitely would have been useful to know that ahead of time. My last shot only made me feel a bit tired and I scheduled it for a Friday...but it ended up being a busy weekend with family stuff so I definitely felt it more than I would have if I'd ended up chilling at home like I'd planned.

    I vote to buy the eyeliner because you like it so much. Even if she still owned the brand, a couple of tubes of eyeliner aren't going to make or break the business.

    1. Eight weeks is too many weeks! Fortunately, it does seem to have gotten better in the last few days, only about four weeks out. He hasn't come home in the last two days and put himself on voice rest, so I feel good about that.

  4. I've been lucky with the c-vaxes and all vaxes really. Next one up for me will be the flu and the covid sometime later.

    1. I am so jealous of people who do okay with the COVID vaccines! My husband rarely has more than a sore arm! HOW?! Why are our bodies so weird?

  5. I always try to plan my covid shots for downtime - most people bounce right back but my first one made me feel like I was going to die, and most others have made me feel crappy. Still a bit envious you can get them already, though. I just booked my parents for flu shots and covid shots, but it would have been really nice to get them done before Canadian Thanksgiving.
    I think you're fine to buy the mascara if you're not supporting her directly - it's not like anyone will know it's her brand.

    1. The first two I had made me feel like total trash for 2-3 days and I've always done it on a Friday before, but I thought I would be tougher this time? I was an idiot. Clearly.

      Oh, I didn't mean to rub it in that I had gotten one already. They're really pushing people here to get them early and I was already going to get my flu shot, so I just did it all at once. Fingers crossed you're able to get yours very soon.

  6. I had one booster that sent me to the couch for the day, but all the others were fine. It makes me have to think hard about when to get my next shot because I'm entering busy season at work and I don't have a day to be on the couch. I guess I also don't have 10 days to have COVID either, though...
    I would probably skip the eyeliner if it was going to make me sad and think all the thoughts every time I used it - who needs that much mental energy to go into eyeliner? But of course I don't wear make up - if it's Holy Grail eyeliner, is it worth that mental energy?
    My minor gripe today is people who borrow your car and bring it back saying, "You need gas."

    1. If someone borrowed my car and used all my gas, I would BE LIVID. Who are these people? They are never allowed to borrow your car again!!

  7. Oh yes, after my last Covid shot I spent the day on the couch taking Tylenol. I can't figure out why some people have no reaction at all!
    I think you're fine with the eyeliner, unless it really, really bothers you. Then it's not worth it. If you delve too deeply into who owns what and what they personally believe, it's very discouraging. Plus I always think there's another side to the story that we're not hearing. Not to go off on a tangent, but I've read a letter that JK Rowling wrote rebutting her alleged anti-trans stance. Of course i love her books so I'm inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt. But still. I think these things can be misinterpreted (although in the case of the eyeliner it does seem pretty bad.)

    1. JKR brings too much stress to my life. She does such good charitable work in so many areas. Why can't she just do that and be quiet about the rest of it? Ugh.

  8. Ugh on the vaccines. I haven't had more than a sore arm from either flu or COVID. My second Shingles vaccine made me tired for about 1/2 day. I am due for both flu and COVID, but I don't think I will combine them. I've heard it's kind of a good thing if they knock you out, because it means your immune system is reacting. Which makes me worry since I don't get sick from them, but whatever.

    My husband, however, gets fever and chills with any vaccine. He combined them last year and felt REALLY bad, so he will do them separately this year.

    Regarding the eyeliner, if it won't bother you, I say go for it. As you said, she won't get any of the money.

    I was heartbroken to learn that Marian Zimmer Bradly was a horrible person, since I loved 'The Mists of Avalon'. I don't know if I will ever read it again, but if I do I will justify it by saying it's OK because I already own the book. Similar issue with Milan Kundera, whose books I adore, but he signed that horrible letter defending Roman Polanski. So now I can't re-read 'The Unbearable Lightness of Being'? Probably OK, since again, I already own it, but if it makes me feel too gross I won't. Trying to separate the artist from the art can be complicated. No one is perfect, but some people are pretty horrible.

    1. Problematic authors who write books you love! Ugh. What are you supposed to do? I really feel this way about Orson Scott Card because "The Speaker for the Dead" is a beautiful book, but it's hard to read it while thinking about how hateful Card is. *sigh* It IS complicated and I don't know the answer.

  9. EIGHT weeks? Wow. That's .... crazy. I am all for vaccines but side effects for 8 weeks is a bit much. I never had any side effects from the flu vaccines and not much more than a sore arm (and maybe a slight headache) from the Covid vaccines, so I feel for you. This is no fun. But at least it was over in a day.

    1. I'm so jealous of you people with no side effects. I want your immune system!

  10. Ugh, I'm sorry you felt so crappy after your Covid shot. I don't know why I don't have any sort of reaction! I had a really bad reaction to the first shot, but nothing since then. I keep expecting to experience rough side effects, but I keep lucking out!

    1. Ugh. I know better. I should have just done it on a Friday, so I could have chilled the next day. Oh, well. Next time!
