Wednesday, October 11, 2023

12.11 Stranger - Seasonal Scenes

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the eleventh day of the month is "Stranger."


I know I've talked about this before, but I am so impressed with how far Hannah the Dog has come in terms of seasonal inflatable decorations. The first year we had her, entire blocks were off limits because of how scared she would get. Since inflatables are regularly up from October through January, this was quite an inconvenience.  But look!

Absolutely unbothered by the giant dinosaur OR the giant spiderweb. 

I think it helps that even our house is a little bit different than she's used to right now, so she's just going with the flow.

This week has already been a tad bit strange because I've had to drive to the next town over for the last two days and I have to go over there again on Friday (OMG! on-campus interviews, yo - PLEASE CROSS YOUR FINGERS because if none of these work out I might curl up and cry) and WHOA! that is more times leaving my town than I usually do in WEEKS.  On the way there, I passed by a million homemade signs for Sally's Pumpkin Patch and the entry for this pumpkin patch is adorable.


Are there lots of seasonal decorations up in your neck of the woods?


  1. It really is remarkable how far Hannah has come under your expert tutelage!

    We have a smattering of Halloween decor up in our area. It ranges from nothing, to maybe one or two small decorations, to lawns full of zombies or skeletons or inflatables. I get such a kick out of the people who have a million Halloween decorations. It's so fun, and I can enjoy it in passing without having to worry about setting it up, taking it down, or STORING it.

    (ALL the luck to you in your interviews.)

    1. There is a house between our town and the next town that is done up in all these skeleton decorations. There's a skeleton horse pulling a carriage with human skeletons in it and a skeleton dog next to the carriage. There are skeleton bats hanging in the trees. It's really magnificent and I should stop to take a photo of it, but I always think about the storage issue. Where do they store AN ENTIRE CARRIAGE?

  2. Sending the bestest energies and luck for Friday and this whole flurry of interviews!

    Love the picture of your lit-up house and Hannah's I'm-going-with-the-flow face <3

    1. I love the house when it's lit up for Halloween the best. I like the Christmas lights, but the Halloween lights are perfection.

  3. I'm sending all of the good job interviewing juju your way! I'm visualizing an email with the header "Job Offer From [insert employer name here]" in your inbox.

    My dog is very level headed but there's a jackolantern in a box decoration in our 'hood that she DOES NOT LIKE. And if she's not OK with it, then I'm not OK with it.

    1. There is a goblin sconce in the neighborhood that moans when you walk by it and Hannah does NOT like it. I've tried to desensitize her to it by walking by it and touching it and everything, but Hannah is anti-goblin sconce. So be it!

  4. Hooray for Hannah's progress, and good vibes for the interview process!

    There are some houses down here decorated for Halloween, and while I personally have a hard time getting into the mood when it's still so hot out, they make me smile. It's just not quite the same when you're sweating!

    1. Right! I waited until our heatwave passed before I pulled out our decorations. I can't imagine I'd ever feel like I was in the mood if it were always so hot!

  5. Okay, first of all, my fingers are crossed!!! I hope this works out. Secondly, after all my ranting and raving about Halloween, I still haven't put up our outdoor decorations! It's just so frickin hot here... and today is my day off and now it's raining. I WILL get them up before Halloween!!!
    I'm very proud of Hannah!

    1. I get it! I don't think I could raise my spirits to do it if it were super hot here.

  6. I haven't seen a lot of decorations. OR maybe I'm not noticing. I love the dinosaur.

    1. I wonder if it's regional! There are a LOT of decorations around here.

  7. Fingers crossed here!
    We have had some homes decorated for Halloween here as early as August. I'm honestly so tired of them all. It seems as if Halloween should have been here a month ago.
    One home, however, still has its Christmas wreath up, so...SIGH.

    1. There's an apartment in our neighborhood that leaves up a Christmas tree in their picture window year round. I guess I'm just used to it now and I assume it makes the person who lives there happy, so who am I to say anything?

  8. Your house looks amazing.
    Gold stars to you and Hannah. What an unstoppable team of awesomeness you two are <3

    Sending all the best wishes for these job opportunities <3

    1. Thanks! I love the house all decorated for Halloween!

  9. I haven't seen a ton of decorations, but it poured rain for days, so mostly I was just trying not to crash the car. Lucy used to be really scared of inflatable decorations too, but she's pretty sanguine at this point.
    I finally finished my A Tree Grows in Brooklyn reread and wanted to thank you for the impetus to start it, even though I didn't finish on time.

    1. Yay! I'm so happy to hear that you finished ATGIB. I'd love to know your thoughts on the ending.

  10. I'm so proud of Hannah! Good for her! The first year we had Mulder, those big inflatables scared the hell out of him, but eventually he got used to them.

    FINGERS crossed for an excellent job offer, with great pay and benefits, and as much extra time as you want off before you start. A little down time without worry is always a great thing.

    1. Those inflatables were the bane of our existence for a while. I'm glad she has mostly chilled out about them.

  11. I love your lights!!! I am SO BEHIND on, well, life right now, but I usually always put up Halloween lights by right around October 1st. I am hoping maybe this weekend someone else can entertain puppy so I can pull out my Halloween stuff! I usually do quite a lot of indoor decorating too, but... many of the things sit around either on the floor, or involve things like spiderwebs and lights wrapped around our stair railing, etc. All things that seem like they would be HIGHLY attractive to said puppy. So I am not sure. I think I may have to either just skip it all this year, or, do a very abbreviated version....

    Charlie has been out on a few walks now and is eyeing up all the Halloween decorations too! Although the scariest thing I think he has seen are some big black garbage bags on the curb, whose top randomly blows in the wind. He seems quite scared of those! Most other things he is more just curious about. One neighbor has this little wooden ghost decoration that sticks up out of the ground, as if a happy ghost face were coming up from below ground. It has big black eyes and a huge goofy smile, and Charlie always stops and STARES at it from across the street. Then he starts wagging his tail at it and acts excited like he wants to go say hi, because I think with the painted on face, he kind of is confused as to if it's a real person or not? hahaha. It's so funny.

    1. Neither the dog nor the cat seem interested in our few indoor decorations, so I'm thankful for that. They're old, though, so not as prone to fits of insanity or insatiable creativity.

      It's great that Charlie is curious about things and not scared! That's a different personality from Hannah, that's for sure and it should be nurtured!!!

  12. Aww, I am so proud of Hannah! That's amazing progress.

    OMG GOOD LUCK ON THE JOBS! I am crossing my fingers and toes and visualizing a sparkly new job offer for you.

    1. I appreciate the crossed fingers and toes.

  13. The seasonal decorations are popping up. I have snapped a few pictures on my runs already but won't do a full "Halloween run" through the neighborhood until we get closer to Halloween :)

    1. I think I'm going to try to do a run in our local park that does a Haunted Hike during the day when they're preparing for it. It's so much less frightening in the daylight.

  14. P.S. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you on the job front.

    1. Thanks! Hopefully I hear back early next week.

  15. Yay, Hannah! That's great! And I hope the interview went well. I don't see any decorations on our street, but we live on a dead-end street in the sort of country and most houses are surrounded by trees so that may be why.

    1. There are so many decorations in our town. It's really cool to walk around and see them all.
