Friday, November 10, 2023

13.10 A Year of Judgment

 I just finished a yearly project. Each day of the month I posted on a pre-determined theme. During the month of November, I'll post a collage of all my photos on the daily theme from the past year. The theme for the tenth day of the month was "Judgment." I decided that I would do a review of a book for this prompt.


Carrie Soto is Back by Taylor Jenkins Reid - I did not love this book as much as every one else did. So much boring tennis nonsense. 2/5 stars
2022 Pop Sugar Reading Challenge - I did it! I completed all the prompts!
Hello Stranger (The Ravenels #4) by Lisa Kleypas - Very solid historical romance novel. Great banter. 4.5/5 stars
The Cheat Sheet by Sarah Adams - Fake dating sports romance. I loved it! 5/5 stars
Eight Perfect Hours by Lia Louis - Mediocre romance. Boring male lead. 3/5 stars
Uprooted by Naomi Novik - Special snowflake syndrome extraordinaire. 2/5 stars
In a New York Minute by Kate Spencer - I wrote that this was a fine, forgettable book and I was right because I remember nothing about it several months later. 4/5 stars
Book Club 2023 - In which I introduced our plan for our Cool Bloggers Book Club reading of A Tree Grows in Brooklyn!
As Bright As Heaven by Susan Meissner - Historical fiction about the 1918 flu pandemic. I liked it a lot! 4.5/5 stars
Dear Ijeawele by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - Lovely feminist manifesto. I don't agree with everything in here, but I liked that she had the nerve to put it all down on paper. 5/5 stars
The Last Train to Key West (The Perez Family #2) by Chanel Cleeton - Eh. I wouldn't recommend this historical fiction book very much, but I do feel much more educated about the Labor Day hurricane of 1935.  3/5 stars
The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood - Beautiful writing, but I'm not sure I know what it means. 3/5 stars
Hat count: 1
Artistic renderings of animals count: 2
Book count: 17
Snow count: 1

I just love books.

I am not going to put another book review here, but I posted one separately. You'll still get a book review today, though!


  1. I read The Last Train to Key West and pretty much feel like you do. It was about as escapist as any novel could be, not compelling but not bad.

    1. I do think about that book a fair amount, though, mostly about the hurricane and the veterans camp. But not really about the plot of the book. Ha.

  2. I love books too! And I love your reviews. Many times there's a book that everyone is loving, and I'll read your "meh" review of it and I'll cross it right off my list.

    1. I feel like I have way too much power over your reading choices, Jenny!

  3. This is such a fun collage too! I've gotten so many great book recs from you (Babel, Mary Jane), BTW. Thank you for doing them.

    1. Mary Jane and Babel! SO GOOD. I have to read a lot of meh books to get to the ones I really love.

  4. As you know big book lover. I was trying to continue the Perez novel vom Cleeton but maybe its not so bad I haven't followed up. I liked Uprooted. It is however not easy to read. And I added As Bright As Heaven to my TBR list.

    1. I do think As Bright As Heaven is good. I'm still pondering the ending, to be honest.

  5. I'm bummed that I missed the Tree Grows in Brooklyn event. I've never read it, but I hope to at some point.

    1. Well, feel free to read it and go back through all our posts. People had really smart things to say and I talked and thought about Katie's hats way too much. Also, stay tuned. I think I'm going to do another book club soon!

  6. This post was very useful because I remember you talking about As Bright as Heaven and thinking I might like to read it - and then forgetting about it. I'm about to start Happiness Falls, and if it doesn't "take" then I'm going to be in the market for another book.

    1. It never hurts to have a backup on your TBR!

  7. I love books too! And I really enjoy your reviews because they are so honest and I like how you pull out words/terms you don't know.

    1. Everyone always says my reviews as so honest. Are there people out there writing non-honest reviews?!

  8. I will forever be impressed by your reading accomplishments!

    1. And I don't know how you do all the working out you do!

  9. Oooh, I saw your reply above that you're thinking of starting another book club!!! Can't wait!

    1. I think I might do one or two a year? I'm contemplating it. It's so much work, but it's so much fun and I think I would do it over four or five weeks instead of ten. We'll see!

  10. Ha, I know very few people who feel the same way about Carrie Soto as me. A friend and I felt the same way and compare a lot of books to it.

    1. A lot of people love that book. I'm glad it exists for them!
