Wednesday, May 10, 2023

7.10 Judgment - In a New York Minute by Kate Spencer

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the tenth day of the month is "Judgment." I have personally decided that I will pass judgment on a book on the tenth day of each month.


In a New York Minute by Kate Spencer is a romance novel that is all the rage on the interwebz right now. Franny Doyle has just been laid off from her job and meets Hayes Montgomery the Third on the subway in a really adorable New York City meet-cute. They keep running into one another and the sparks fly. 

Interesting characters: Sure. Franny is funny and I love the scenes with her friends. Hayes is a bit of an enigma, but there's potential with him. I liked the scenes with his cousin. Actually, now that I'm typing this, what I think Spencer did an amazing job of was developing these characters outside of their potential romantic relationship. It was cleverly done.

Believable conflict: Uh. Hm. What was the conflict again? I think the biggest demerit for this book is the absolutely lack of conflict. I mean, they're both nice people and they're pretty good at communicating with one another and so if you're looking for a quarrelsome book, this ain't it.

Emotional tension: I thought the early stuff was really good. They kept running into each other, there was some tension, but as a reader, I wasn't even really sure they were the main couple the book was going to be about until nearly a hundred pages in. 

Happily ever after: Sure. Why not?

In general, I liked this book. I liked the relationships the two leads had with their friends and family. I thought the dialogue was funny.  The chemistry between the leads didn't knock my socks off, but I did think they're two nice people who should probably be together. I think was a fine, somewhat forgettable book.

4/5 stars

Lines of note:

“But seriously, how can he be so attractive and also so awkward? He was such a dick.”
 “He’s shy? Or he was just as nervous as I was?” I guessed. “Or maybe he was raised in a fancy mansion by wolves.” (page 62)
This is what I mean about the characters being NICE. This guy was sort of rude to her and she's defending him because she realizes he is an awkward human being at social interactions. That's actually amazing and she's very kind, but it doesn't lead to heart thumping conflict, you know?

“Today’s kinda turned into a bummer. Though seeing your face as you figured out what was going on back there did make it a lot better.” And with that, she perked up again. 

“Oh yeah?” I asked. “What did my face look like?” I was genuinely curious.

 She opened her mouth in a wide, horrified O and shifted her eyes back and forth. She looked absurd, like that Kit-Cat Klock, with the moving eyes, that Perrine had in her kitchen. I laughed, not just at the ridiculous face she was making, but at the way she did everything so freely. I wasn’t used to being around someone like her, a person who sparkled so bright it felt like their energy could rub off on you, just a bit. (page 88)

Mostly I just wanted to post a photo of the clock.

We’d been texting, which, oddly, felt even more intimate than seeing her in person... (page 196)

Ah, yes. The power of the written word. Nerds unite!

“Ugh, that was so awkward,” I groaned, letting my head collapse in my lap. “Did I really just say ‘Good talk’?” 

Lola leaned up off the floor and squeezed my knee. “It happens to the best of us. Remember Gaby? When I broke up with her, I told her to ‘Keep fighting the good fight.’” (page 212)



  1. This is so strange... I OWN that exact clock... It's in my kitchen, moving eyes and everything. I wish I could attach a picture LOL

    1. I feel like it's a very popular clock. I could imagine it instantly when I was reading the book!

  2. I absolutely loved this book - it was so fun, I thought. I liked the friendships between the characters as well as the romance. The IG stories reminded me of a time probably 10-12 years ago when a friend of mine tweeted a whole stream about the people on the train in front of her. They had just met and were chatting and laughing and flirting for the whole train ride. Anyway, I loved this book and I am probably a wee bit biased because the author is one of my favourite podcasters!

    1. Hey, different books for different people. I thought this was just fine. The meet cute was pretty great, but other than that, I didn't find it memorable. I'm glad you loved it so much!

  3. I just read this one! I have been on a romance kick -- Nora Goes Off Script, this one, and then The Bodyguard -- and this was my least favorite. I think your point about the lack of conflict is what made feel kind of draggy for me. I thought it opened really well and then I guess I liked the ending okay (although now I can't really remember how it ended???) but it wasn't my favorite.

    1. Right? I think it's an absolutely FINE book. FINE. That's all. But I'm so happy that other people love it.

  4. Whenever I hear about a book like this, I wonder why it's so popular. I mean, it sounds okay, but from your description it's nothing special. So why is everyone raving about it? On the subject of books... I'm going to Barnes and Noble today to get the book Lisa mentioned, Vita Nostra. They don't have it at my library (so lame) and I'm so intrigued by the description that I'm going to splurge and buy it.

    1. Oh, I was able to get Via Nostra from my library based on Lisa's non-recommendation, too! Ha! I love that we both took her "meh" and decided we needed to read it!

      I think this book is popular because the author is a popular podcaster of Forever35. I do not listen to this podcast for reasons that make me sound like a snob, but I think a lot of her listeners read it and word of mouth spread its popularity. That's my theory, anyway! I do think it's a very capable romance novel with a great meet cute, but it's not going into my pantheon of great romance novels.

  5. I mean... if it mentions that clock... ha!

    This sounds like a great book for me, because the miscommunication troupe really bothers me. Great communication and hardly any conflict? Sign me up! LOL!

    1. Hey, if you like a gentle romance with a great meet-cute, this is for you!

  6. I'm a bit disappointed.. I thought you were going to be judging the heck out of this book, but you were quite kind. lol

    1. Oh, man. I feel like I have an unearned reputation. I LOVE romance novels. Just a lot of them are bad.

  7. LOL, I agree with Maya! I opened this post preparing for you to rip this novel apart. I think you're right: It was a just-fine romance. Not memorable. Not one I can even remember much about now. But sometimes, that's all I need when it comes to romance. A palate cleanser, something fun and romp-y and FINE.

    1. I don't know why I have a reputation of being mean! I think I'm absolutely fair about my reviews! This was a meh book and got a meh review!
