Sunday, November 21, 2021

My Favorite Time of Day

There is no debate about it in my mind.  My favorite time of day is going to bed.  Our evening routine is exhausting and busy, but there is something about sliding into the sheets, knowing everyone's teeth are brushed, there's time to read my Kindle and cuddle with my husband, and there are hours of uninterrupted sleep ahead of me, that is the absolute best in my world.  

Even better if the sheets are freshly washed, the alarm is not set, and there's the pitter patter of rain on the roof and I can sleep in the next day, but hey, let's not get too greedy in our nighttime demands.  

I know many people enjoy mornings, what with the unlimited potential of a new day.  I know some people really prefer afternoons, with their long lunches and endless sunshine.  I know some people love the beautiful colors of dusk and sunset.  And those people are all correct, of course. Those are fabulous times of the day.

But isn't there something magical about easing your tired body into bed, feeling the mattress envelope you, laying your head onto your special pillow, and just relaxing, knowing that you have nothing more taxing to do for the next seven to ten hours except keep your eyes closed?  Bedtime is the best time.


  1. While I enjoy the mornings immensely (after I peeled myself out of the warm blanket, that is!), I do agree that getting cozy in bed at night is a pretty nice part of my day, too!

  2. Yes, I love getting in bed at night. Very rare that I don't have the alarm set, but if possible I do love sleeping in. Extra bonus points if it's raining! Funny how kids never want to go to bed, and grownups love it.

  3. YES bedtime is delightful! Especially when the sheets are clean!

  4. Going to bed (if I'm sleepy, warm, and feel like I got all the urgent tasks done on my to-do list) is my FAVOURITE. I am not a morning person (never have been). From 5:00 on through to bed is my favourite time of day. I really enjoy the darker evenings for this reason, and often have my light off before 10 PM now.
    I remember in university waking up in the morning and daydreaming about when I'd finish my day and get into bed. I LOVED university, so I wasn't wishing the time away, but I just really, really, really loved the comfort and relaxation of hopping in to bed with the satisfaction of a day behind me and the promise of a few chapters of a good book.

    Bedtime is the best.

  5. I love this! I am a morning person and my favourite time of day is early early EARLY morning, before anyone else is up. But I also love going to bed and being all cozy.

  6. Probably almost every night as I slid into bed, I stretch out my legs and sigh with such happiness. It is my favorite time of day as well! Although my favorite time of the week is probably Friday afternoons as I'm done with work for the week and I can take a long nap and know I have an entire weekend stretched out in front of me. BLISS.

  7. I love mornings, but bedtime is how I get there. And I do what Stephany does - stretch out, sigh, and then sometimes just lay there with my eyes closed before I read. (Or, um, fall asleep with my glasses and the light on, which happens with embarrassing frequency...) Warmth, fuzzy socks, reading? What's not to like? :)
