Thursday, March 06, 2025

What I Spent: February 2025

 As a reminder, my husband pays the "big bills" like mortgage, phone, and electricity. I pay for groceries and the pets and that's relatively even. 

Groceries ($854.15) - It was my turn at Costco. *heavy sigh* We actually spent a lot more than usual here because I stocked up on snack food because my husband's brother and his family were visiting and I hosted book club. I don't think it's too bad considering all that. 

Personal care ($428.02) - Look, I know that this number is more than some of you spend on personal care ALL YEAR, but this was me stocking up. I purchased regular AND purple shampoo and conditioner (I only use the purple every two or three weeks); heat protectant for my hair; styling product for my hair; moisturizer; lots of makeup, including new foundation, mascara, and eye and face primer; and shower oil. Was it a lot? Yes. But if you're a lady who wears makeup, this is the price you must pay. And I can't imagine having to buy much beyond more face lotion and sunscreen in the near future.

Pets ($332) - I bought both girls food. I splurged and got Zelda a new litter box after the Great Radioactive Litter situation of 2025. Also, Zelda had to get some medicine. 

Savings ($200) - I'm catastrophizing, but why bother with saving money since the economy is going to collapse?

Cars ($161.30) - Gas a few times and an oil change for the new car. 

Donations ($130) - Local charities got it all.

Gifts ($124.20) - I bought a roll of stamps, which is most of this. I also bought a tiny dog some presents. 

Bills ($117.09) - Home and car insurance.

Entertainment ($60.50) - This was the charge for the golf simulator when my husband's family came to visit us. Extortion!

Fitness ($42.30) - I had to buy a pass for my fitness class through the end of April.

Eating out ($8.21) - I stopped at Dunkin' after the oil change. I deserve a treat after doing dumb chores.


When's the last time you ate out? 


  1. Our last time eating out was the pizza that we got on Friday. Our restaurant spending was very lean in Feb - mostly because it was Too Damn Cold to go outside.

    Yay for a low spend month for the pets, which you were overdue for. As far as the economy collapsing, we've been there and done that many times.

    1. I DREAM of ordering a pizza on a Friday night. *sigh* It's probably better for me that it's not an option.

  2. Engie, any time you need someone to talk to re: expenditures on personal care, I AM YOUR GIRL. We are in this together. My health/ beauty expenditures are HIGH, let's just say that. But I - like you! - really care about how I present, and I feel l like I need all the help I can get.
    I spent over a thousand dollars on groceries THIS WEEK ALONE. Now, in my defense, I had a trip to Costco on Tuesday that was almost $800, but I didn't go to Costco the entire month of February, so I was really low on so many of my standard/ pantry items. But things are so expensive now and they are only going to get worse. I don't think I spend frivolously but groceries! Are so expensive! How do people with very limited means get by? I have no idea what people do! I am in a position of privilege, more privileged than most, I think, and *I* feel like this is insane. We don't eat out, I don't buy a lot of wild things, this bill is almost entirely staples and some meat/ dairy/ produce.

    1. I don't actually think of my beauty expenditures as high, but they aren't non-existent like the people who wash their face with bar soap and apparently don't use sunscreen regularly. But I do tend to stock up all at once so it looks terrifying two or three times a year!

      I follow a subreddit called r/povertyfinance and people make low food budgets work by shopping sales (which I do not do), going to the most inexpensive grocery stores, going to food banks, and making use of deals on apps from fast food places. At least, that's my understanding of the situation. It sounds like a lot of time and effort. Oh, and they don't buy any produce. It's all variations of rice and beans. I don't take the fresh fruit I eat every morning for granted, that's for sure.

  3. $8.21 on eating out??? You are FRUGAL. We don't eat out in restaurants very much, but we do usually get takeout once a week. i also think your grocery spending is low.
    Glad Zelda is doing well!!! She deserved a new litter box.

    1. Ha! I just don't eat out very often. I'm obviously not frugal based on my shampoo and conditioner budget!

  4. We rarely eat out. Like only every few months. The last time I ate out was a couple of weekends ago when I met friends for lunch at a local bar. I had a burger, fries, and a beer because BAR!

    1. That sounds like the PERFECT bar food, to be honest. I'm drooling thinking about it.
