Thursday, October 24, 2024

Photo Every Hour 10/23/2024

5:41am - Morning walk with Hannah. She wasn't into it.

Second hour of the day and I already missed a photo. Oh, well. I ate breakfast, brushed my teeth, got dressed, and put on makeup.

7:49am - I had to take the VW into the dealership to fix a recall. I filled up the gas tank last Thursday on my way back from Zelda's vet appointment and then Friday morning got an email saying the fuel needed to be below 1/4 of a tank by today to do this appointment. We normally only fill up once every two or three weeks, so this was quite a challenge. Dr. BB drove all over the place recently, so I sent him a text that he had succeeded in his mission of burning gas. *sigh* Sorry, Mother Earth. 
The dust in our car! I really need to spend some time cleaning it. 

8:04am - Cozied up at the dealership. I did a tiny bit of blog work, but mostly work worked. 

9:10am - Look! The car is ready to go and I can head out. I think Hedwig (the car) looks like a VW commercial here. 

10:07am - I made a quick stop to drop of my CYDWOK flats to get repaired. One of the pieces of elastic broke and the shoes are necessary cold weather wear for me. 

11:24am - After a stop at the university library to pick up a book, I am at my desk for work.

11:56am (bonus photo in the hour because I missed earlier) - Look how pretty campus is!

12:03pm - Off to the student union for an event where I'm sitting at a table. I'll be lucky to speak to three students, though, so I'm planning on getting lots of work done. 

1:13pm - Working, working, working, working. 

2:13pm - Where I am working is right under a disco ball!

3:35pm - I was at a different meeting where we were talking about disability and we were discussing Braille (note: combined knowledge was nil) and the only thing we sort of knew was that there were Braille signs up in the hallway outside our classroom, so I went outside to take a picture to see if we could figure it out. We could not. 

4:46pm - Stopped by Aldi on the way home to buy strawberries and grapes. 

5:22pm - Walking with Hannah while simultaneously calling TJC on the phone.  Hannah would not look at the camera, but she was enjoying the weather a lot. 

6:44pm - Dinner (pumpkin soup) simmering on the stove. Dr. BB was at a lecture, so he was a bit late coming home. 

7:20pm - Dinner! We had a sort of intense conversation about Zelda thyroid treatment over dinner. There are no winners. 

8:33pm - Before bed walk. Hannah was surprisingly game for this walk, so went out for a tiny bit longer than I should have since it was a weeknight. Oh, well. YOLO. A dog's life is short.  

9:40pm - Shower time! And then I'm going to bed. 

Products pictured: 
Shampure by Aveda (I think it's been replaced by shampowder)
Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA daily moisturizer by The Ordinary
Kiehl's corrective dark spot remover (this product does not work - lololol)
HA + B5 by The Ordinary

What time do you wake up in the morning? What does your skincare process look like before bed?


  1. It's not every day that someone gets to work under a disco ball!

    I wake up a bit before 7 on weekdays and hang out with Doggo before working out. My nightly skincare process is slapping on moisturizer after my shower.

    1. I know. I felt like I really had a place of honor under the disco ball!

  2. It sounds like I wake up around the same time you do- 5:30 on weekdays, or a little earlier if it's a running day. Nice job getting the car fixed AND working a full day! Love the photos of Hannah as always. And... my nighttime skin care routine used to be nothing. Now my rosacea is flaring up again (WHY???) so I've been washing my face with my daughter's facial cleanser (I think it's CeraVe) and then putting an antibiotic ointment on my cheeks. I'm not crazy about this protocol, but it seems like it's working.

    1. Yeah, I took the morning off, actually, but I was still in the office by 10:30. I thought that was a pretty productive morning with lots accomplished!

      CeraVe is such a great product. I hope it continues to help.

  3. Please, please tell me you busted at least one move under the disco ball.

    I wake up every morning at about 6:40, thanks to my husband getting up for work. Even when his alarm doesn't go off on the weekend, I'm so habituated to it, that I naturally wake at that time now. It's terrible.

    1. Yes, even on the weekends I'm usually up by 7. I hate it. I used to be able to sleep the entire morning away and I'd like to be able to do that again!

  4. The Hollywood Housewife [if you remember her blog] used to host something like your hourly photo in a day. I love yours, feel like I know you better. And of course I adore Hannah, who may have stolen the limelight here.

    1. Hannah is definitely the most photogenic part of my day!

  5. When I don't wake up by alarm (6:30 on work days), I usually wake up by cat, unfortunately. Many a morning includes me saying that it's a good thing she's cute. I think if I didn't have to work, and could go by my body's schedule, I would stay up later, maybe to 11, and then sleep until 8. But work interferes!

    1. Work really does interfere. I would like to be able to sleep in every day!

  6. I got called away and forget what I was going to say. I can tell you that our car's name is Hermione as in Hermione the Honda. It's a CRV. The previous one was Harriet the Chariot.

    1. Our Hyundai is Agnes and the VW is Hedwig. We refer to them as if they are people.

  7. I freaking love Aldi. It's the closet grocery store to my house, and I try to limit myself to there for mid-week refills. Plus I secretly (not anymore LOL) adore their $5 french vanilla coffee

    1. A new one just opened in the town where I work, so it's on the way home. I've never actually been in the store further than produce and straight to the register. Maybe someday I'll venture in the aisles.

  8. Angus has become a big fan of Aldi since living in the US. I really like your blue place mats and bowls, and now I feel like making butternut squash soup (I've never made pumpkin and I don't think I'm up for a brand new thing right now).
    I can't talk about what time I wake up in the morning without feeling weird and defensive (and yet I felt the need to mention this instead of just not mentioning it at all, like a totally normal person). You DID have a super-productive day, with a very not-off off morning.

    1. Aldi is new here, so I haven't explored it much. It's super convenient for me to pop in and get produce, though, so I'm on board with that.

      You don't have to be defensive about what time you wake up in the morning. If I had my way, I'd sleep through all of it!

  9. I quite enjoyed your photos every hour! That's a fun idea for a blog post. Your pumpkin soup looks delicious. Hannah is adorable as always. The fact that you worked under a disco ball says everything about how cool you are!
    I get up ridiculously early. 3:00 a.m. I know, it's crazy. I also go to bed ridiculously early. I wash my face with plain water and use CeraVe night lotion at bedtime. Same in the morning. We don't have an Aldi anywhere close to where I live.

    1. Your morning schedule is insane to me. No one should be awake that early! NO ONE!!!

  10. What a wild thing to need the gas to be under a 1/4 of a tank! Glad you were able to make that happen. Er... Dr. BB was.

    I wake up at 7am on weekdays and usually around 8:30-9:00 on weekends.

    And my skincare routine has many steps... lol. Cleanser, toner, serums, moisturizer. It's a lot.

    1. Yeah, the work was replacing something having to do with the fuel tank, so it couldn't have a lot of gas in it. Yay!

      Yeah, my nighttime routine is cleanser, serum, moisturizer. It's not actually a lot in my mind, but certainly more than folks who barely wash their face!

  11. You put deodorant on before bed?

    I hope the intense conversation about Zelda's treatment doesn't mean you're not on the same page. I will tell you that my Ted and I were not on the same page about Mulder's cancer treatment. Maya and I wanted to do it, Ted did not. He did not want to put Mulder through chemo, and it was a lot of money. To his credit, once we decided, he did not complain when Mulder threw up at least once a week for the next 5 months, and clearly did not feel well that same day every week, he paid for 'his share' of the treatments (we divided it 2/5 for me, 2/5 for Ted, 1/5 for Maya since she makes less, and we finished paying it off 13 months after he died, CareCredit was a great help), and he never said anything mean like 'I told you so' when the lymphoma came back only 3 months after his last treatment. It was a shitty situation with no good answers, and we all did our best. We just didn't agree on what that was.

    I love all pictures of Hannah, but I especially like the one of her by the river.

    Most days I get up between 5:15 - 5:30. I don't use an alarm, that's just when my stupid body wakes up. I can go back to sleep if it's a weekend, but on weekdays I get up. I have to do my word games and my yoga and my walk before work starts at 8:00.

    1. I do put deodorant on before bed. I use clinical strength and the directions say to use it at nighttime. I have done this for years.

      Yeah, we're not on the same page about treatment. I wanted to do it; he did not. There are reasons on each side, but in the end we decided to do it. But now I'm sick and he has to take her and he's pretty resentful of it and I haven't been able to spend any quality time with Zelda for the last few days and I feel guilty about it. And then she's going to be radioactive for a few months and we're not supposed to cuddle with her and I'm so upset about the whole thing.

  12. How is Hannah's tummy doing? I hope things have improved!

    I get up around 6 most days. If I am going into the office, I will get up around 5:50 to give myself extra time to get ready before waking the boys. Once they are up, it's hard to do anything for myself (because Taco is NOT a morning person and requires much cajoling to get out the door).

    My bedtime skincare process is washing my face, sometimes putting toner on (but often not), putting ordinary caffeine serum under my eyes, and putting on retinol that I got from the dermatologist. And then lotion after that.

    1. Poor Hannah's GI troubles continue. I just texted the vet and we have to move on to different strategies.

      Your skincare process seems reasonable to me!
