Sunday, October 27, 2024

Cool Bloggers Walking Club 10/20 - 20/26

We're all walking this month for Elisabeth's Cool Bloggers Walking Club. Join us!

Sunday, October 20
16-minute morning walk with Hannah - So much gunfire. Poor scared dog. If you saw me dragging (literally dragging) her around the block, it's because we had to get home - she was just standing there shaking and refusing to move. 
26-minute walk with Hannah after lunch
22-minute walk with Hannah before bed

Seriously. This dog is so gorgeous. LOL. (I might be biased.)

Monday, October 21
31-minute morning walk with Hannah
39-minute walk with Hannah after work - it was GLORIOUS - second summer has arrived - and we took advantage
11-minute walk with Hannah before bed

Not excited about her morning walk in the pitch black at 5:30am. She got dressed and went back to bed. I feel the same way, girl. 

Tuesday, October 22
32-minute morning walk with Hannah 
14-minute walk with Hannah after work - H would have been out longer, but I rushed it a bit so I could get to my fitness class at the community center on time; I felt terrible because it was a jerk move, but I can only do what I can do
14-minute walk with Hannah before bed

It is the time of year when Hannah is the same color as Wisconsin. 

Wednesday, October 23
28-minute morning walk with Hannah
31-minute walk with Hannah after work
17-minute walk with Hannah before bed
When your person makes you pose in the middle of the street like you're doing an album cover for an emo album. 

Thursday, October 24
26-minute morning walk with Hannah
32-minute walk with Hannah after work
13-minute walk with Hannah before bed (rainy!)

Friday, October 25
31-minute morning walk with Hannah

And that's it for the week. I came home from work early on Friday feeling like hot trash and tested positive for COVID that night. I have spent the last 36 hours in bed with a fever and muscle aches and even getting up to type this has been exhausting. My husband has been in charge of dog walks

Which LED color do you prefer on Hannah - the red from last week or this week's green?


  1. Oh no. I am sorry you caught Covid. Hope you feel better soon. Sending best wishes.

    That photo of Hannah and the Wisconsin country – same color indeed.

    1. I love it when Hannah is camouflaged. She seems happier running around knowing that she could hide from me if she wanted to.

  2. Boo Covid! Get well soon <3

    1. Thanks - hopefully it's just a day or two of yuckiness.

  3. So sorry you have Covid, I hope you recover soon <3

  4. Hannah is the same color as Wisconsin. So funny and true. Dang . . . such a bummer that you got vivid. Hope you feel better soon.

    1. I'm hoping that things can be back to normal in another day or two.

  5. Oh NO! That sucks. I hope you feel better SOON.
    I would say that at this time of year, Wisconsin is Hannah-colored (and not the other way around.) Of course you're biased, but she is a beautiful dog!

    1. Oh, yes! That's a good way to reframe it. Wisconsin longs to be as beautiful as Hannah.

  6. Crapacola! (That's a saying our dog Genevieve used to say when things went wrong...) So sorry about COVID, and that you're feeling like crap. You definitely get extra credit for blogging today. I have an online friend, Chrissy, who was doing NaBloPoMo while pregnant, and went into premature labor and had her baby, who was in NICU for well over a month, and SHE STILL BLOGGED EVERYDAY. I kind of get that vibe from you. Take it easy is what I'm saying.

    Hannah's collars are green and red, not yellow, but the green one gives me a Laurie Anderson vibe. You're likely not old enough to know what I'm talking about, so here you go:

    I like the green one.

    1. You're absolutely right that I don't know what's going on with Laurie Anderson. What's an album cover sticker? Who is Laurie Anderson? What is happening here? I realize I have Google at my disposal, but I am not 100% right now and the idea of trying to figure this out is exhausting. I'm going to just live with the mystery.

  7. I like the red one best!
    Hannah really is gorgeous <3

    1. Thank you. I think she's lovely, too!

  8. Oh no, I'm so sorry. Another friend has Covid and is really sick right now, so take really good care.
    You are not biased, she is objectively beautiful. Totally rude of Covid to interrupt your stellar CBWC streak.

    1. Yeah, COVID has really messed up a lot of things in my life. I am unhappy about it, but what are you going to do? There's no good time for getting sick, I guess.

  9. Oh, I am so sorry you’re sick! I hope you feel better soon, and you’re back to walking with your beautiful girl soon. But don’t push too hard too soon! I’ve heard that resting after covid is really important.

    1. Yeah, I've heard that people can get themselves in trouble by trying to get back into the swing of things too soon after COVID. I'll have to really watch it.

  10. Oh, damn. Covid. I'm really sorry.
    In other news, Hannah looks imperial and stunning no matter what colour she wears. That white around her neck is especially distinctive.
    Take care and rest. Lots and lots of rest.

    1. Hannah as imperial! She is royal, isn't she?!

  11. I'm so sorry to hear you have COVID. I think this is your first experience with it? I have tested positive twice. I got paxlovid the 2nd time and that seemed to make a HUGE difference, but you have to get an rx within something like 3-4 days of testing positive? Maybe 5? I can't recall. Feel better soon!

    1. It is my first time with it. Frankly, it's terrible and I don't understand the people who say it's like a cold. Oh, well. I'm feeling well enough today to sit up and type, so I think I'm headed in the right direction.

  12. Oh noooooooo!! Didn't you just get a shot and feel crappy from that, too? Terrible timing. I hope you are back to walking before you know it. Alos, I like green :)
