Monday, October 21, 2024

NaBloPoMo Idea List

In the comments section last week, Sarah suggested that we do a group Google doc with our ideas for NaBloPoMo. Such a good idea! Actually, this is a good idea for when you're just fresh out of ideas during any month, I think.

So I created a Google doc. Here it is! I would love it if you added an idea or two of your own and also if you wrote about some of those topics.

Meanwhile, as I have started thinking about, I'm a bit on the fence about doing NaBloPoMo myself. I'm a bit underwater in life and I'm not sure how this is going to work out. Here are my options:

1) Don't do it. If I just write my regular posts, I can concentrate on supporting people who do write daily with comments and encouragement.

2) Half-heartedly do it. Maybe write a bunch of posts ahead of time? Just acknowledge that not every post will be as good as I want it to be?

3) Do a quality post every day and just give up on commenting on every post I read. This feels sort of gross.

I don't know. I'm really wasting a lot of energy on this when I could just be writing posts. Maybe I should get to that. 

In the meantime, please add something to the list of NaBloPoMo topics!!


  1. I'm getting access denied on the Google doc but I'll come back later to check it out.

    Selfishly I want you to do NaBloPo, but I won't be doing it due to the being underwater on life thing. So I totally understand if that's the route that you take.

    1. Egads! I didn't give everyone editor access to the Google doc, so that's why you were denied, I think. I fixed it so people should have it now, but let me know if it's not working. I feel like I'm geriatric right now as if I can't figure out how to make technology work!

  2. It worked for me; I just added an idea that I used in the past. I won't be participating, as you know, and I'm not even facing big life challenges right now. If something that's supposed to be pleasant feels like a chore, then maybe don't do that thing until yu're in a better place.

    1. I am so torn about it. It's such a fun event, but I don't know if I have the bandwidth. Oh, well. I still have some time to do some soul-searching.

  3. Yep, it worked for me too. I'm definitely doing NaBLoPoMo and have been thinking about it, but haven't actually written any posts. I love your list!!! I'm going to sit down this week and brainstorm, and then I'll add some to your list.
    Commenting on all the other posts really is the most time consuming part of NaBloPoMo. Like you, i don't want to NOT comment though- it's hard. If you think you would have FOMO about not doing it, you could start NaBloPoMo, do the best you can, and if you miss a day or don't comment on every single post, that's okay. Luckily there's no NaBloPoMo police to come and arrest us if we don't do it right.

    1. You know? This was the pep talk I needed. You're right - there are not NaBloPoMo police! I can do what I want!

  4. Great list. I added a few ideas, because I like learning about things people did years ago (first teenage job, how someone met a best friend or a spouse, etc). I was trying to think of how I pulled off doing NaBloPoMo last year when I was only sleeping 3 hours a night and was dealing with a lawsuit and the foster girls were so new to our home . . . I think the fact that I was only sleeping 3 hours a night was key and I don't really want to repeat that. I think you do what you can do and I agree - there's no blog police out there. Thank goodness.

    1. Thanks for adding to the list! I think it's fun that there's already more ideas than days in November!

  5. Not going to do NaBloPoMo but enjoy reading what everyone else does. You go girls!

    1. Thanks for the shoutouts, btw. I added an idea, but all the good ones you already have. It's gonna be fun to see what y'all come up with.

    2. I hope it will be fun for everyone to read all these posts! And thanks for having such great ideas for posts.

  6. I'm very tempted to do NaNoWriMo this year, which would include daily blog crossposts. If not, this is at least doable. Thanks for sharing some prompts!

    1. No problem. I hope the prompts help at least some people!


  7. I’d love to participate, but this month is a bit unusual for me—I have a colonoscopy/endoscopy scheduled, and Anna will be home recovering from her wisdom teeth surgery. However, I’m saving your Google Doc because it’s full of fantastic writing ideas! Also, thank you for featuring two of my posts; it was great to see them included! ❤️

    1. I have been looking for an excuse to do that life poem and this just might be it!

  8. That is a great list of ideas! I am participating, and I am pre-writing my posts. I'm doing 30 book reviews, since I am so behind in posting about those. I have maybe 24 written and scheduled so far, so almost finished. They are all going to be pretty short, I think we all have a lot to read, and I don't want to overwhelm anyone. Also, I read or listened to some of them MONTHS ago and honestly don't remember.

    Last year I was really overwhelmed by all of the reading and commenting, so I'm probably not going to be as good this year. I will try, because I do really enjoy that aspect of blogging a lot. I remember doing NaBloPoMo back when it was hosted by BlogHer or whatever, and there were SO MANY participants, there was no effort made or needed to try to read them all. It was more of a way to find new readers/blogs that you might not have seen before. Our Cool Bloggers community is different, and so supportive, but I think we're all going to be glad to give and receive grace on the commenting, unless we all take a sabbatical from the rest of our lives for the month.

    1. Thirty book reviews! Oh, my goodness! I can't wait - you know that's my catnip.

      I remember when people did it for BlogHer and that was insane. I did like it as a way to try to find new blogs. I think that's what's great about NaBloPoMo, still - I have found great new bloggers through it.

  9. I won't be participating as I can't even be counted on to post once a week; much less every day. But I peeked at the ideas - there are some fantastic ideas to choose from!

    1. They are great ideas for bloggers anytime, really - not just NaBloPoMo!
