Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Funny Story by Emily Henry

Other books by Emily Henry:

People We Meet on Vacation (4.5/5 stars)
Beach Read (3.5/5 stars)
Book Lovers (4/5 stars)
Happy Place (3/5 stars)

Emily Henry is hit or miss for me. She can be counted on for super Michigan references and I really appreciate that. But I was going to skip out on Funny Story until I read somewhere that the meet cute had to with a hat and then I basically had to read it. 

Miles and Daphne (I just read Expiration Dates with a female lead named Daphne and I gotta admit to all you that I've never met a Daphne IRL and think it's just a book/Scooby Doo name) become roommates when their significant others end up with each other. Miles is handsome, but lacks ambition, listens to sad music loudly, and tokes up a lot. Daphne is a librarian who moved to this small town in Michigan to be with her ex-fiancé, so she doesn't have a lot of friends or things to do.

Interesting characters: Ugh. So much drinking and drug use. I'm too much of a prude for this world. 

They're fine. Miles seems a bit too perfect, to be honest. He's emotionally available, patient, is really into Daphne. I'd have liked the book a bit more if he'd made an actual mistake and not the fake mistake she writes in the last five chapters. Daphne is a sad sack, but I am also a sad sack right now, so that's fine. Right? 

Believable conflict: I mean, sure, at first. They're basically fake dating to get back at their exes. And that leads to some confusing "is this kiss real?" or not moments. But then the ending conflict pissed me off because THEY LIVE TOGETHER AND DIDN'T JUST WRITE A NOTE. I am not someone who writes off all bad communication tropes as lazy, but this one was SO LAZY. How can Henry write such funny dialogue and allow her plot to be absolute garbage?

Emotional tension: Okay, here's the deal. Miles keeps saying he's into her. And saying it again. There's NO tension in this book. Sure, Daphne's got daddy issues, but it doesn't seem like Miles holds that against her and you never doubt that these two idiots will get together.

Happily ever after: No. Look, these two should NOT be together. This is a rebound relationship and it's NEVER GOING TO LAST. Daphne should have taken the job and gone somewhere else and Miles should work on himself and getting his shit together with a job that can support him year round. And stop smoking pot for heaven's sake. 

A couple of additional notes. The meet cute was an interesting twist because it was actually how Daphne met her ex-fiancé, not how she met Miles. And, yes, there was a hat blowing off Daphne's head and clumsiness, and I could relate to both of those things.

The Michigan stuff. I loved it so much. Mackinac, fudge, Petosky (the place and the stones), the top secret beach only local know about, fudgies/trolls. I love all of the Michigan references and honestly just wish someone with a better handle on plot was in charge of them. 3/5 stars

Lines of note:

For Bri, who picked me up from the airport the night we first met and drove me through a snowstrom without ever looking back. I struck gold with you. (dedication page)
I found this adorable. Female friendship is the best. 

I made a sport of figuring out the absolute least amount of things I needed. (page 17)
NUMBER OF THINGS. NUMBER. For heaven's sake, doesn't anyone copyedit anymore?

"Should we switch to wine?"
I look over at hm. "I didn't have you pegged for a wine guy."
He stares at me.
His tipsy-squinting eyes narrow further. "Can't tell if you're kidding."
"No?" I say.
"I work at a winery, Daphne," he says. (page 26)
Imagine not knowing where your roommate works. IMAGINE.

There's being bad at small talk, and then there's being so reticent that your coworkers assume you've recently testified against a mob boss, and I never knew how thin the line between the two was. (page 56)
Daphne is so special, isn't she?

Hat mentions (why hats?):

And I was wearing a floppy-brimmed hat...(page 2)
....a warm breeze caught the hat's brim. (page 2)
...when he bent to retrieve the hat...(page 2)
My hat landed atop...(page 2)
...when the wind swept the hat from my head. (page 8)
When I told him the hat was a gift from my mother...(page 8)
...I could move at the drop of a hat. (page 18)
...I got you this bright yellow sun hat. (page 265)
"You were obsessed with that hat." (page 266)
...if he conflated with the hat from this memory. (page 266)


  1. I really enjoy Emily Henry (although my favorite of hers was Beach Read, which I always confuse with Book Lovers; in fact, when typing this comment I wrote "Book Read"). I HAVE THIS BOOK ON LOAN FROM THE LIBRARY and have not opened it yet. WHAT IS MY PROBLEM.

    1. I LOVED all the Lake Michigan/Michigan stuff in Book Lovers. Like...was Michigan the third character in that book? I think so.

  2. I really liked this one, as opposed to Happy Place, which I didn't like at all. I liked Book Lovers too. I think her dialogue is really fun, and it was just a cute, enjoyable read for me. But then, I'm a wine gal.

    1. I really hated the casual drinking and drug use in this book, but I am who I am, you know. I probably was so irate about it that it ended up really clouding the rest of my judgment. I do think Henry is GREAT at dialogue and banter, but I wish this had a better plot. Oh, well. I think a lot of people loved this book, so I'm in the minority.

  3. I'm a sucker for Michigan books and how have I never read any of her stuff? Is it because I don't read much in the romance genre? Well, I'm going to have to make an exception, aren't I?

    1. Beach Read is for you. They're hanging out on Lake Michigan. Boom. It's not perfect (none of Henry's books are), but it's as if the Lake is the third character!

  4. I really liked this one. I really did not like Happy Place AT ALL. My favorite is Book Lovers but from the comments above, I don't remember Michigan featuring prominently in that book? I think it was set in the Asheville, NC area which is an area I adore. I thought her Michigan-based book was her first one, Beach Read? But my memory can't be trusted.

    1. Beach Read was all about Michigan! Happy Place was sooooo annoying. They broke up because they didn't talk to one another? YOU DON'T SAY. *sigh*

  5. I still haven't read any of Emily Henry's romance novels - I should put one in for book bingo as an unusual book for me. I'll start with one that people I know like more, though.
    My boyfriend's mom hammered that number/amount difference into my head when I was around sixteen, and I try really hard not to correct people's grammar, but I can't resist (humorously) yelling 'number' or 'amount' when someone says it wrong, and now Eve does the same. We're so much fun to be around.
    Eve says the same thing about her and small talk. She has such a long-standing close-knit group of friends that she never really had to do small talk until she moved away to university and everyone was a new person. We like to hope they think of her as quirky and not the testified for a mob boss thing, but...

    1. The number/amount thing is incredibly grating to me. Why doesn't everyone know the rules?! I also am great fun to be around.

  6. THIS is why I don't read romance novels. Everything you disliked about it, I would also dislike. Maybe there are good ones out there, but I'm skeptical.

    1. There are excellent romance novels out there. Love Lettering, Nora Goes Off Script, Perfect. But there are A LOT of duds, too.

  7. I liked this book more than you did, clearly. I think I like a little wish fulfillment in my romance novels, so I thought Miles was adorable, and Daphne was adorable, even through a lot of the conflict seemed contrived romance novel stuff.
    And I also listened to the audiobook, and you know, Julia Whelan....
    It was my first Emily Henry novel - would I read more? Not sure. I thought her writing was pretty solid and rather funny, but I can only take so much contrived romance novel stuff at a time. I can't tell if I would like more of the same if I didn't have Julia Whelan to get me through. .

  8. I just listened to this one. I have to admit while the Emily Henry books are all ok they are not as great as one would imagine with the constant hype. I liked this one enough but I agree the "conflict" was BS. It was like oh shoot I need something to wrap this up somehow... I don't know...

    I have to disagree about rebound relationships... The husband and I basically fell into ours mere days after... But granted we each broke up with our exes. So maybe that is different then...

  9. I've not read any of her books, but I still enjoyed your review.
    I actually went to HS with a girl named Daphne; she was so pretty and all the boys liked her. That is all I remember about her because I moved away shortly after she joined our class. I wonder if she knows Scooby?
