Monday, June 24, 2024

Five Years of Hannah the Dog

Yesterday was Hannah's 5th Gotcha Day. In 2019, we met this mellow little dog and here we are today. She got extra long walks, time to chew whatever sticks she wanted, and then she was forced to have a bath in the driveway. 

Here she is enjoying her morning stick.

Here she is enjoying the sunshine after her bath. She's wet and tufty, but that's how we like her.

We also did an extra long training session where we worked on our dance routine. This our dance routine so far.

1) Hannah starts at my left side in a sit.

2) She winds between my legs five times.

3) She twirls counterclockwise and then clockwise.

4) She goes back to my side at a heel.

5) I have her stay in a sit and then stand in front of her and widen my legs. She comes running to sit in between my legs.

That's it. That's the whole thing. LOLOLOL. It takes about twenty seconds. (Just a shoutout to the Crufts Freestyle show if anyone wants to waste 25 minutes watching amazing dogs and their handlers. So many of these dogs walk backwards. That's the next thing I want to add to my dance with Hannah, but she's still not 100% on leg weaving, so it's going to have to wait a bit. Also, look at how happy those performing dogs are - tails wagging like crazy! It's enough to make me think hard about a border collie - lolololol. No.)

Having a dog isn't for everyone. It's a lot of work. We train, we walk, we comfort. But we also get to train, walk, and comfort a dog who looks at us like we can do anything. I hope we get many more years than just five more, but I hope it's clear to all you, my dear readers, that I would not have given up these five years for anything. Yes, she's sassy, stubborn, and a bit melodramatic, but she is the heart of my heart and the only one with enough patience to help me create a dance routine.

Everyone, go pet a rescue dog today. If you don't have a rescue dog near, send a bag of dog treats to your local Humane Society or just share a post on social media about a dog who needs a home. 

What do you think I should add to my dance routine with Hannah?


  1. All the heart eyes for this post. Happy Hannah Day! She is such a wonderful dog/friend/family member and I love knowing her through your posts!

    And I hope that we get to see a video of the dance when it's complete?!

    1. When/if the dance is ever complete, I will definitely get a video and share it!

  2. So sweet-- love this!

    1. When are you getting a new dog, Sarah?!

  3. Yay for 5 years of Hannah! We're closing in on 5 months of Doggo.

    I am mighty impressed by the dance routine. The biggest misconception that I had before getting a puppy is that I thought dog training meant taking your dog to a trainer. I didn't realize that us hoomans have to train our own dogs - and dog trainers are there to teach us how to do it. Having a dog is a lot of work, and having a young dog is even more so. Oh my it is not for everyone but it is so wonderful.

    I've already given my rescue dog several pets today, and I recommend it. Donating to the Humane Society works too!

    1. Yes, the training is forever ongoing and very little of it takes place in the presence of a professional trainer - you, the amateur trainer, are the one who is mostly in charge! I don't know how you do it with a puppy!

  4. Dogs are the best! Happy gotcha day to you and Hannah.
    I'm trying to imagine Rex weaving through my legs. I'm pretty sure it would end up with me injured! He does a thing we call "tunnel" which is to zoop between people's legs and depending on their height, it sometimes does not work. Ah, Rex. He can't help his gigantic size.

    1. Ha! The best thing about freestyle is that you can work with you and your dog's strengths. It wouldn't make sense for Rex to weave through your legs, but maybe he could weave through some cones? Or maybe he's not a freestyle dog at all - he could do obedience or rally. Or maybe he's such a good boy he doesn't need anything except basic commands. Hannah just gets naughty when we don't train, so it's important that she's always working on something new.

  5. She twirls counterclockwise and then clockwise! Oh I like that part. Maybe add a moment when she looks away from you like she's just putting up with you. Kind of a doggy version of an eye roll.

    1. Oh, that's a great idea, Ally! I'll work on actually training her sass and stubbornness into it!

  6. You guys have a dance routine!!!!!! OMG Hannah is the best. I love the photo of her in the sunshine after her bath. Actually I like all photos of Hannah- I just love the thought of her being wet and tufty.

    1. She's so tufty these days. I swear it looks like she's never been groomed in her life. LOL. Oh, well. Someday she'll be less scruffy again.

  7. Oh, happy day for Hannah! I love all these photos. Her story is such a loving and joyous one. You can bet I'll be visiting my rescue granddog today and showering him with love.

    (Our heat wave broke last night, so I can get back to taking my walk today. That means putting dog biscuits in my pocket and greeting my neighbourhood dog friends and giving them a little treat if I see them out with their pet parents. My life is full of dogs even if I don't have one myself.)

    1. Yay for just regular hot summer weather and not death to anyone outside for longer than five minutes weather! I'm happy you'll be able to give treats to your canine friends.

  8. Happy Gotcha day, Hannah! I love the two photos side by side where she is licking her nose and then just hr nose <3

    1. That one where she's just looking at the camera makes me laugh so much. Such a funny look!

  9. Happy Hannah day! She's lucky to have you and you're lucky to have her.

    1. It was a fortuitous match for everyone!

  10. You are both happy and thriving.

  11. Happy, happy Hannah Day! I loved all of the updates and EACH photograph!! I don't think I could pick a favorite. I hope I get to see the dance routine some day...

    (Engie--your words are so sincere and vulnerable when you talk about Hannah... sending internet hugs.)

    1. I feel so lucky to have been matched with the perfect dog for us. It seems like it was magical.

  12. Awe - love this. Hannah is gorgeous and you are a beautiful soul for rescuing her and loving her (and that love takes so many forms; I know those early years were so, so rough with her health issues).

    I also cast my vote for a video of your dance! You and Hannah might be the newest internet sensation, Engie!

    1. It's crazy now because those health woes seem so far in the past. I'm glad we're through it and she's out of pain.

      We definitely have to get more solid before we do a video, but we'll work on it.

  13. Happy Gotcha Day, Hannah! I love your love for Hannah. She's so lucky to have you! 😘❤️

    1. We're the lucky ones, I think! Imagine if she were someone else's dog!!

  14. Yay for Hannah! I love that you two do a dance routine - my heart has melted! I'm sure Hannah is celebrating this as the day she got you!

    1. I hope she's as happy to be with us as we are to have her with us.

  15. I love seeing Hannah pictures. I don't know if I have it in me to be a dog owner, but reading about you and Hannah is so inspiring! The amount of love you and Hannah have for each other is so beautiful!
    Is there music for the Hannah Dance?

    1. Having a dog is so much work and I can see how it wouldn't be for everyone, but it certainly has its own rewards.

      I haven't set up a dance yet. I'm looking for the perfect song and then we'll have to do more precise choreography, I suspect. We're not there yet!

  16. Happy Gotcha Day, Hannah! That last picture in grabs my heart! I love the dance and I'm so happy you all found each other. There's just something special about a rescue dog and the people that give them the home they need!

    1. I am so glad we chose to rescue. There are definitely good reasons to go with a breeder, but I just can't imagine my life without Hannah and I'm glad that's the direction we went.

  17. WHAT A GOOD GIRL! Happy Gotcha Day, Hannah! I love her, she's so smart and pretty and fierce.

    1. She's the bestest girl! Yay for puppies!

  18. Hannah definitely landed in the right place. A good Gotcha Day for everyone, I think!

    1. Absolutely. I like to think it's a very symbiotic relationship.

  19. HOW could I have forgotten the dance routine! I love this a million. I love Lucy wet and fluffy too, and then she smells super good for a couple of days and then it's over, but it's wonderful while it lasts.

    1. Hannah smelled good for less than 24 hours. How does she get so stinky? We watch her when she's outside - she's not rolling in anything - but she smells so bad. *sigh* Stinky dog, stinky dog, what are they feeding you?

  20. Love Hannah! Yay for your five years together. We would just be happy if Riley stopped humping dogs at the park, let alone getting him to do a dance.

    1. Ha ha! Humping and barking are really difficult behaviors to deal with! I wish you luck in your training.

  21. Happy gotcha day to Hannah! I can't believe where she's at now compared to the time she was dealing with so many health woes. I'm glad she's a happier, healthier dog - all thanks to you and Dr. BB!

    1. I think about this all the time, Stephany! Hannah gets a couple of allergy pills every day AND THAT'S IT. I remember when it was pill after pill after pill. She's so much happier now and runs around like a completely normal (weird) dog!!

  22. Sweet sweet Dancing Hannah! I am so impressed with the dance routine; I know you act like it's just a tiny thing, but this is a huge thing! Happy 5th Gotcha day--you're all the luckiest!
    (Does Hannah enjoy her bath, or is she embarrassed you make her do it in front on the 'hood?🫣)

    1. Hannah hates baths. SHE HATES WATER more than anything. The whole time she has her head down, tail tucked, and is agony. As soon as we turn off the hose, she shakes it off, wags her tail, and loves to be dried off with the towel. *sigh* Baths = animal abuse, don't you know?!

  23. Aww, I love Hannah. You know I live vicariously through you and your pets, Engie.

    1. Hannah would love to meet you if you ever come to the Midwest!

  24. Aww, Hannah. Such a good puppy. <3 Those last 2 photos are, I think, some of the best you've ever shared. I smile every time I see them. :)

    1. I feel like Hannah's status as goofball is underrepresented on the blog. I'll have to rectify that fact.
