Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Shopping Spree

Two whole people wanted to know what what I bought at my undergraduate alma mater's bookstore.  Jenny and Stephany, this is for you.

Non-clothing items:
Notepads (taken to my office)
Pennant magnet (taken to my office)
BGSU postcards x2 (I sent one to a friend; the other is on my bulletin board at work)

Long-sleeve waffle knit top (I wanted a long-sleeved tshirt, but none were to be found - maybe because it's summer?) - I settled for this
Full-zip hoodie - Scored on clearance.
Tshirt - If you think I would pass up a chance on that adorable Falcon, you are wrong

Shorts - For sleeping during the summer. In retrospect, these are not a great buy because they don't have pockets, but I'll deal.
Sweatpants - When I broke my leg in 2011, my SIL and BIL bought me some BGSU sweatpants for Christmas and I've been wearing them every night for about six months out of the year ever since. They are in ROUGH shape and I am sadly relegating them to backup sweatpants and these will become primary. 

And that's my bookstore haul. I'm quite proud of it, to be honest with you. I do regret not buying a BGSU bandana for Hannah. I've convinced myself that she doesn't look good in orange because it clashes with her fur, but I think I'm just telling myself that to make myself feel a bit better about it. Maybe she'll get one for Christmas.

Do you think this is a crazy amount of merch or just the right amount?  What's your favorite piece of apparel from your alma mater? 


  1. Love it. It's the perfect amount if you left satisfied with all your purchases (well, minus the bit about not getting the bandana for Hannah - a perfect Christmas gift I think).

    I own not a single piece of apparel from my alma mater, but I do have a leather folder that holds legal pads + a purple binder that are both stamped with the crest. Does that count?

    1. If you use your leather folder, it counts! Way to show your pride.

  2. At some point in my life I went back to the uni and purchased a sweatshirt. I rediscovered it yesterday and tossed it. But I remember how meaningful and poignant it was to visit the campus again. The nostalgia was strong with me.

    1. Wow. I spend most of my leisure time in apparel from my alma mater and it makes me sad to throw it away!

  3. Wow you really did go on a shopping spree! I bet you'll have these items for life - they look like good quality!

    1. Well, maybe I won't have them for life, but I'd definitely take them for 10-15 years!

  4. These are sure to be well-loved and long-lived in your wardrobe, Engie. Did it come in at just under 25K :)? Do you ever wear logo-ed apparel from your current institution? There's been a trend towards that at my college, and it feels a bit corporate branding/tech bro to me.

    1. Just under 25K!

      We are frequently asked to wear apparel from our university, but since no one has offered to buy it for me and I'm not spending money to buy it myself, I just show up in my regular clothes with my nametag (that was taken out of my department's budget). One of the people in our administration always shows up in a branded polo and I have to admit I think it's an embarrassing look. I agree that I think it always looks tech bro. Just wear professional clothes!

  5. Yay! Thanks for indulging me and Jenny. :) These all look like GREAT options. I don't have anything from my alma mater - maybe I should change that? I used to have more clothes when I was a student but not anymore.

    1. I had such a great time at BG that I love surrounding myself with it. I can see how that wouldn't be a great idea for someone who didn't love their alma mater as much I love mine, so I think maybe it makes sense if you aren't obsessed. ALSO! Because I live states away from where I graduated, a lot of people haven't heard of it and I sort of consider myself a one-woman billboard.

  6. If these items make you happy then they're the right amount of merch for you. I have nothing with my alma mater on it, other than a diploma!

    1. Hey, if you don't feel like merch from your alma mater is missing from your life, that's the right decision for you. I just love all of this stuff.

  7. Whoa. How did I almost miss this post??? I think you got the perfect amount of stuff! A little bit of everything. You're reminding me that this year, on my ultimate trip to Waco with my son, I'm going to hit up the Baylor bookstore. There are a bunch of Baylor items I want but keep putting off getting- but now he's a senior so this is it. No holding back!

    1. YES! Stock up if you're not going to be there any time soon! Especially if you know you're going to use it.

  8. Nice shopping haul! I really love the art on the post card! I don't have anything from my alma mater. I'm not opposed at all, but it just isn't something I've ever gone looking for. Those sweatpants look cozy! I'm sure Hannah forgives you for not getting the bandana.

    1. Hannah hates bandanas, so she doesn't mind, but I think she'd look so cute with one!

      The postcard is so cute and clever. I wish I had an artistic ability to draw so I could make fun postcards like that for every place I love.

  9. That is a fun haul! I could use some new sweatpants. I have been wearing the same 2 pairs from the Gap that I got probably back in 2019? They are not very thin and not nearly as cozy. My parents would tell you I need to buy more sweatshirts. When we vacationed with my parents in April, my dad commented on how I seem to be wearing the same sweatshirt each week when we facetime. I own 3 colors of the same sweatshirt, though, and my dad is colorblind so it's probably not obvious I'm wearing different versions of the same thing. But I should probably own more than 3 sweatshirts since it's cold so many months of the year here (and I am often cold even in the middle of the summer).

    1. I have a limited number of sweatshirts and hoodies. I used to go to a high school football games with my high school friends every year and it was crazy how many years in a row I wore the same Minnesota sweatshirt. LOL. One of my friends asked me if I had any others and I really didn't at the time. I now have a few BG sweatshirts, a different Minnesota one, and one hoodie from my high school, so I have a bit more variety. I feel like three sweatshirts would be plenty for me and I have an overabundance now!

  10. I love your haul! I don't have any school merch simply because I didn't love my school. I've always avoiding buying merch when I travel, and now I'm starting to regret that...and there's no need to regret when this is something that's easy to change. What I'm saying is that I may come home with a few pieces of WI merch on my next trip;-)

    1. Ha! I don't buy merch when I travel either. I mostly get postcards. If you have regrets, though, there's no time like the present to get started!

  11. I always loved the university bookstore. I don't own a whole lot of merch from my exchange semester but I would like to get a hoody sometime. I love your haul.

    1. I feel like this is maaaaybe too much merch, but I'll use it all, so I can't feel too guilty about it. You should get a hoodie!!

  12. I still have merch from my high school but since I never went to college... none. And here in Germany the merch is not such a big thing... Looks like you are very happy with your purchases.

    1. Yeah, the college merch doesn't seem to be as ubiquitous in the entire world. When I'm not at work, I'm usually rocking some apparel from one of my alma maters. I even have a hoodie from my high school alma mater that I wear on occasion.

  13. I have some apparel (1 LS t-shirt, 2 sweatshirts), but I'm conflicted given, um, the high profile of the University in recent months. Enough said, I think. I now own more UW gear, which is weird. Lots of school-specific merch, though. They get us with these awesome fleeces (I have 2) and Patagonia jackets (1), as well as long sleeved t's (3, now) and short sleeved t's (1). Huh. That's... a lot. That said? Friday is Fleece Day, nearly year round, so I get a lot of wear out of them! The investment is worth it, for now.

    I think you got the PERFECT amount. The clearance rack, too! Go, you!

    1. Interesting. Because of the Budget Crisis, I have a handful of tshirts of the place where I currently work from pre-2019, but that's it. I refuse to spend my own money and if the dean wants us to show in university branded gear, he's going to have to spring for it. Also, my boss would throw a tantrum because she claims to not look good in school colors. LOLOLOLOL.
