Thursday, May 23, 2024

A Park and a Campus

Last Sunday and Monday, I drove to Ohio to be with my Bestest Friend for her brother's funeral. It was sad and he was young and I don't have much to say about it. However, there were two highlights that I want to share so they are not lost to time.

1) Lakeview Park in Lorain, Ohio
On Monday morning, Bestest Friend had to be at the funeral home early. I took her giant teenage son and went to Lakeview Park, which is right on the shores of Lake Erie for a half hour before we met her over there. Now, I'm not sure what this teenager's idea of a good time is, but taking his mom's friend to a park where she gleefully exclaimed over the water! the art! the roses (not in bloom)! and made small talk with people who were combing the beach for lake glass was maaaaaybe not in his Top One Hundred, but he did it gracefully.

The water was cold and we were going to a church mass after this, so while we did walk on the sand for a bit, mostly I was there for the views that this park was named after.

No one asked me, but I think the beaches on the Great Lakes are as spectacular as any beach I've ever been on in the Atlantic Ocean. (You Californians have us beat, I admit. Your sandy beaches are to die for.)

I made this poor boy pose with me for a shadow photo and while he was rolling his eyes, he was doing it as politely as possible.

This is one of the art pieces at the park. This fish is filled with plastic bottles and there's a lot of information on plaques and signs about microplastics in sea life surrounding it. It's hauntingly beautiful. 

Thumbs way up to this park.

2) Bowling Green State University
When we were at the viewing, I saw a woman I went to college with who I hadn't seen in over twenty years! Hi, Jackie! (She's not reading this.) Anyway, we were discussing how much the campus of our alma mater had changed and I said that I hadn't been there in more than a decade. I was driving back home on a Monday and BG was less than fifty miles out of my way and the bookstore would be open! I was definitely going to BG. (Yes, I did forget all about my "ethical fashion" nonsense when I spent hundreds of dollars at the bookstore.)

Sarah recently went to her undergrad alma mater and wrote about how everything was made for Instagram these days and I sort of believed her, but not really because the campus where I work doesn't have much (note: talk to the folks in marketing about this). But then I went to Bowling Green. DUUUUUDE. Old campus looks the same, the libraries look the same, but everything else is different. And everything is made for Instagram. The student union is new, the Administration Building has been torn down and now there's a fountain there!

There's a brand new business school (of course), new murals, and none of the dorms where I lived still stand. There's a new hockey stadium, the alumni center looks new, and there was some sort of sports building, but I could not figure out what it was for. 

It was 90 degrees and humid and while I was in good spirits, pretty soon I looked like this:

Sweaty and red-faced and my hair slowly becoming pasta. But it's JEROME LIBRARY, where I spent approximately a zillion hours between the years of 1997 and 2001.


I'm a big fan of the registered trademark symbol at the lower right. Hilarious.

If a couple kisses by the seal under the moonlight, they will be happily married. We call those couples Falcon Flames. 

Me, old lady alumna, stopping young undergrad woman: Excuse me, what are these drones for?
Young undergrad woman: To deliver food to your dorm? (Not said, but inferred: you idiot.)

I'm pretty sure this is uninteresting to anyone but maybe Bestest Friend and Jackie who will never read this, but I'm also very happy with the marketing around BG.

A public university for the public good. YEEEEESSS!!!

And then I drove home. Which is a drive best not talked about.

Do you ever go back to your alma mater? Do you have all the wearable gear for it?


  1. It is true about the Great Lakes. They are pretty great. I have at least seen something of all of them and lived close to Ontario and very close to Huron.

    1. I love the Great Lakes and have seen them all!!

  2. Oh, what a fun trip to your alma mater! I'm sorry about your friend's brother - it's good you could go out there to be with her.

    1. It was nice to be able to help her in a challenging time. The trip to BGSU was just a nice side benefit.

  3. I'm so sorry about bestest friend's brother, Engie! It would be sad anyway, but after reading her post about her top twenty with you, I feel like I know her a little bit... my sincere condolences.

    But the rest of the post was sweetness itself. I'm so happy you had such a great time at your Alma Mater. (And didn't spend more than 25 K. LOL)

    1. I did not spend even close to 25K, so I think I should be commended for my restraint!

  4. I'm so sorry that your trip was for such a sad reason. Your friend did an awesome post here, and I feel like we would have a good time together out for coffee or drinks. My sympathies.

    But...OH MY GOSH! You went to my hometown! Lakeview Park actually has some plants from my very own yard growing there. My brother used to be the Superintendant of Parks and Recreation for the city of Lorain, and I was digging up and getting rid of all my hundreds of hostas in my yard. He took them and had them planted in all the parks in Lorain. And one of the rose bushes in Lakeview is dedicated to the memory of my father. you know, I got my undergrad degree from BGSU (registered trademark!). It was about a hundred years ago, so you can imagine how different all of that looks to me. But that library...! I think I spent more time there and in University Hall than in my room in Offenhauer East. Wow.

    I'm really glad you went back and had fun. And hey, as my late friend Ann always said, "It's not like you bought yourself a $10,000 diamond necklace!"

    1. Nance, you're from Lorain, OH?! What do they put in the water there to churn out literary geniuses? That's also the hometown of Toni Morrison and Sophfronia Scott!

    2. Maya, I was privileged to be able to meet Toni Morrison way back when I was student teaching at the old Lorain High School. She was being honoured there and spoke at assembly. The teachers were kind enough to get me a little time with her. She was gracious and lovely. Lorain is also the hometown of poet Bruce Weigl--nominated for the Pulitzer--known as the Vietnam War Poet. He grew up on my street! I spent lots of time working with him, and he taught lots of my CW kids. I'm proud to say he could always tell which writers were mine, and in the best way.

    3. This is not the first time I've thought it, but I don't know if I have said how much I would LOVE to be in a class with you.

    4. Bestest Friend is originally from Lorain! It is the birthplace of all the best writers, I guess! Jerome Library, Offenhauer Towers, and University Hall all look the same!! You'd know exactly where you were on campus. There have been a lot of changes, though.

  5. Well, I wanted to see a photo of your spending spree! This all sounds really nice, with the exception of the fact that it was such a sad occasion. That park looks beautiful. I grew up near Lake Michigan (like, we could walk there) and I agree there's something special about the Great Lakes. Lol on your friend's son- he was obviously a good sport about the whole thing!

    1. I took photos, so eventually everyone will get to see what I deemed "necessary" from my college bookstore.

  6. I'm so sorry for the reason for your trip, but I'm glad you had these bright spots! I will give a plug to the beaches on the Gulf of Mexico, they are sandy and beautiful. Lots of shells, not rocks!

    The trademark cracks me up on that sign. I haven't been back to my alma mater since, so I'm sure it has changed beyond recognition. The kids these days, getting drone delivery to their rooms! Crazy!

    1. I don't think I have been to a Gulf of Mexico beach. I will have to try it someday.

      The trademark sign was KILLING ME. I am not sure why it tickled my funny bone so much, but I just stood there giggling like a crazy person.

  7. Many of my high school friends went to BGSU. Didn't know you went there. A few years ago I went back to my undergrad alma mater and it looked so swanky I didn't recognize it. Time marches on. I haven't been back to my grad school alma mater and now that I think about that, I'll make a point to see it again.

    1. The student union was SO SWANKY. I remember it as an old building with random couches and a great place to nap. That is not what it is now. You're right - time marches on and 2024 college-bound kids will not settle for an old building with ratty old couches anymore, I guess.

  8. Give your best friend a hug for me.
    I love BGSU. It always reminded me that we were almost on the toll road when we traveled back and forth from Illinois to Ohio. (which always made me feel sad)

    1. BGSU is beautiful and was a great landing place for me right out of high school. I will always be grateful to it as an institution for giving me the tools for success later in life.

  9. I am so very sorry for your best friend's loss... Losing a brother would be so terrible and untimely. :(

    Phil and I have been watching John Mulaney's live shows on Netflix and he has a "SAYO" robot on the show that apparently are seen all over LA. I would not have imagined you'd see something similar at your alma mater?!?

    I haven't been on my college campus (UND) for (does math...) 15 years. It's a 5 hour drive and the last hour feels like 6 because there is nothing to look at so I don't know when I would go back. I spent one summer in Grand Forks working/taking summer classes and it was kind of a shame to see how gorgeous the campus was in the summer which is a time when most are not actually ON campus.

    That beach does look gorgeous! I would highly recommend the beaches of the panhandle of FL. The beach we stayed on in the Destin area was incredible. The sand is like sugar and it is incredibly pristine. Overall we have really liked the beaches along the Gulf of Mexico but Destin was the nicest beach I've seen in the US.

    1. Yeah, I would normally never even be close to my alma mater, but this trip was to a different place than I usually go, so it was worth it to me to go out of my way. But normally it would be hours out of my way. I also don't really like shopping for merch on the website because you can't really get a feel for size or weight of the material.

      You know, I did go to a beach on St. Augustine once and it was lovely. Maybe I should give the Atlantic beaches more credit than I normally do.

  10. Love that campus— so pretty. We have the same food bots here, and Eau Claire has even cuter ones with heart eyes., which is apropos because I would feel very heart-eyed seeing my food coming my way in the middle of a WI winter. I am sorry about your best friend’s brother— it’s so sad to think about losing siblings and peers, but time marches on, I guess.

    1. Look, I found the bots a bit disturbing and an attempt to anthropomorphize them with heart eyes would make me think I was in an even more disturbing dystopian than I already do! I guess I would sort of appreciate it in the winter, but do the drones ever get stuck in the snow/ice? I have so many questions about the logistics of this.

  11. The Lake Erie shoreline is one of my favorite places to be! You were right near the Lorain Lighthouse, which is a fun place to go - I don't think it opens until after Memorial Day and you can only get there by boat, so it's not something that you can just up and do spontaneously.

    I've never been back to my undergrad U even though my stepson goes there now. It's been (gulp) close to 30 years and I don't think that I would recognize very much of it.

    1. I really adored my UG experience and am glad I got to go back before thirty years passed!

  12. I second Jenny's comment - I want to see everything you got on your spending spree!

    I'm sorry for bestest friend's brother. <3 My heart goes out to her!

    1. I shall address the spending spree sometime soon, I promise!

  13. I'm so sorry for the reason for your trip (I'm sure it meant so much to Bestest Friend you could be there). But...I'm also so glad you carved out these adventures. You've had a very tough stretch lately and I'm just sending so many virtual stars for doing these two things.

    Those robots would throw me for a loop!

    I own not a single stitch of clothing from either university I attended; I'm a rather boring alum.

    1. No merch from your alma maters?! BGSU and University of Minnesota gear makes up about half of my non-work wardrobe. LOL.

  14. I live close to my Alma Mater, so I do end up there frequently. I don't have any gear though. I didn't even have any when I was a student! I've always wanted to see the Great Lakes. They must be so amazing!

    1. Who are all you people with no gear from your alma mater?! That's absolutely shocking to me!

  15. So glad you got to be there for your friend for her brother's funeral (I am so sorry) and hanging out with her son while she was busy. I am sure she appreciated having you there.

    Also, WHAT? Drones to deliver food to dorms? Mind=blown.

    1. I guess these drones delivering food to dorms is at a lot of campuses. CRAZY! We're living in the future.

  16. As I think you know, we have those drones. I remember them having, um, issues with the ice and snow. And also, I am so cheap that I'd rather go outside in below-zero (F) temps to get my own food, vs. pay $1.99 (the "delivery fee").
    I kind of love BGSU. At times I wish I'd gone to a smaller college/university, but the SoN where I went was SO small (we had <100 in my class at the time) that it was kind of like the best of both worlds.
    I... well, I worked near my campus for a random year, 7 years ago. But I didn't actually, you know, GO TO campus. I *think* I stopped at the bookstore when I did the interview? Love that you invested in merch, though. Go, you. :)

    1. BG was the perfect size for me. I think if I'd gone to a big school like Michigan or Ohio State, I would have been overwhelmed. But BG had most of the same opportunities, included a great Honors program, and had smaller class sizes, and a great faculty/student ratio. Thumbs way up for a small state school experience.

      If I worked near my alma mater's campus, I think I would be there all the time! But that's because I loved it so very much.

  17. Those drones. Wow... What a fancy college. Looks like a fun trip besides the reason of the trip... i liked that fish at the lake park. Cool art.

    1. That park was amazing. Good job, Lorain, for taking advantage of your lovely lakefront.
