Thursday, May 02, 2024

April 2024 Book List

4/1: Cover Story by Susan Rigetti (library, 2022) - Look, the ending is a problem. All the reviews on GR are all "THAT ENDING!!" as if it were the best thing ever, but the ending was predictable AND if you were predicting it, the rest of the book didn't make sense. This book made me mad. Additionally, those FBI agents were idiots. The writing style was engaging and I do like an epistolary novel, but this was not it for me. 2.5/5 stars

4/2: Lucky Leap Day by Ann Marie Walker (library ebook, 2022) - I would have DNFed this one if I'd had any other library books available for my Kindle. Terrible book with miscommunication, lying, and misdirection. Dumb. 2/5 stars

4/7: Albatross by Terry Fallis (university library, 2019) - A sports book that's not about sports. I really liked this one. 4.5/5 stars

4/10: I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter by Erika L. Sánchez (university library ebook, 2017) - Much like Lucky Leap Day, I read this because I didn't have any other ebooks on my Kindle. I regret it. 2/5 stars

4/15: Burning Brightly (Valdemar) by Mercedes Lackey (library, 2000) - Surprising standalone in the Valdemar world. I really enjoyed this one a lot! 4.5/5 stars

4/21: The Night Watchman by Louise Erdrich (library, 2020) - Lotta nothing happened in this book. 3/5 stars

4/21: Remnant Population by Elizabeth Moon (library, 1996) - Super smart sci-fi with an older woman as the protagonist. Loved it. 4.5/5 stars

4/25: The Stranger Beside Me by Ann Rule (library audiobook narrated by the author, 1980) - I accidentally got an abridged version of this book and regretted it immediately. The way this read made it seem like Rule thought maybe Ted Bundy was innocent of his crimes and I'm 90% sure that it was the abridgement at fault. The whole book is more than 18 hours long and the one I listened to was just under 3!! I'm never going to read the whole thing, though, because I don't want to have to hear about Ted Bundy's crimes again. 2.5/5 stars

4/29: Strange the Dreamer (Strange the Dreamer #1) by Laini Tayler (library ebook, 2017) - Such an interesting world. Such weird writing. 3/5 stars

Total: 9 books
Average star rating: 3.2/5 stars

What book are you most looking forward to reading on your TBR?


  1. I'm just finishing up my weird scifi/mystery (it got better and better as it went on!) and will start A Gentleman in Moscow tonight. I have so many books I want to read- Remnant Population is on my TBR.

    1. I immediately put that weird scifi/mystery book on hold at the library and am going to pick it up later today.

  2. Your average star rating is a little low this month! I have 31 books on hold right now, but I am especially looking forward to Facing the Mountain, which is about the Nisei soldiers (Japanese Americans) who served in WWII and were basically sent on a suicide mission, from which many of them did not survive. My bestie's grandfather was one of them, and they were true heroes, and I am looking forward to learning more about this.

    1. So many holds!! What if they all come in at the same time? That is my library nightmare that happens way more often than it should.

  3. I'm looking forward to reading _Ursula Under_. I've been saving it for when I'm mostly home and can devote reading hours as it's a tome and I have it only in print, at the moment.

    1. I'd never heard of Ursula Under! I looked it up, though, and I'm going to wait for you to read to tell me if I should or not. The reviews seems pretty mixed.

  4. I had similar feelings about Cover Story. I seemed to be the outlier in not loving it. I think I gave it 2 stars, too.

    I'm really looking forward to reading James which is a retelling of Huck Finn from Jim's POV. I've heard really good things. Right now I am reading "The Other Side of Disappearing" by Kate Clayborn. I thought of you when I started it because I remembered you loving her previous book Georgie All Along.

    1. Oh, I love Kate Clayborn. Love Lettering is maybe my favorite romance novel ever. I just put The Other Side of Disappearing on my hold list, but I'm 71st in line, so I might get to read it sometime this fall!

      I've heard about James on Sarah's Bookshelves. I do not know if it's the right book for me, but I'll be interested in hearing other people's takes on it.

  5. "All the reviews on GR are all "THAT ENDING!!" as if it were the best thing ever" LOL MEEEEEE. Maybe because I listened to the audiobook, I didn't see that ending coming? Am I a dumb? IDK, but it's what made me give it 5 stars. *shrug*

    Most looking forward to... Funny Story by Emily Henry!

    1. Maybe the audio did make a difference! I don't know. I feel like I'm terrible about foreshadowing, but there was an awkward scene when the character was looking in the mirror and that gave it away for me.

      I'm on hold for Funny Story at the library, but I'm 349th in line, so...that will take some time!

  6. I was going to say I read one Elizabeth Moon and liked it but then found others disappointing. But I think I confuse her with Elizabeth Hand. I should really refrain from commenting on your book posts today, I sound like a moron lol. Oh wait, there's also Elizabeth Bear. Loved her short stories. I don't think I've read anything by Moon. Where even am I right now.

    1. This comment slayed me. I snorted a bit. Where even am I right now is going to be my new mantra!!

  7. I was so excited when I found Albatross by Terry Fallis in my libby app. When it was available I instantly wanted to listened to it only to learn that it was in French... Sorry, not capable to do that. I guess this book will haunt me until I get my hands on it... Ha.

    1. It was super hard to find here. There were only three or four copies available in our nationwide university system - apparently they are easy to find (even in thrift stores!) in Canada, but here in the States I couldn't even find an ebook very easily.

  8. I've not read any of these, but again, I'm so impressed with the amount that you read.
    I have quite a few Ann Patchet books on my TBR, as well as The Covenant Of Water, which appears to be a LARGE book, so I need to make the time for that one.

    1. Yes! Covenant of Water might be a summer read for me. I like to read a big tome now and then.
