Monday, October 16, 2023

Daisy Darker by Alice Feeney

Daisy Darker by Alice Feeney is a thriller in which a family meets at the matriarch's gothic house on an isolated island. One by one they start to die. Duhduhdunnnn. 

I liked it? I think? I mean, Feeney has a strange writing style in which she just randomly starts spouting philosophy in the middle of a scene in which something traumatic has happened, but it didn't really bother me too much. I was in it. Also, a lot of Goodreads reviews said that they guessed the ending, but I didn't. Maybe I'm just not good enough at foreshadowing or don't read enough thrillers. Ha. I was surprised! 

Also, the dog plays a surprisingly important role in the plot. This book is compared to The Guest List by Lucy Foley a lot (the covers are So. Similar. and so are the plots!), but I liked this one a lot more and I think a lot of it has to do with how great Poppins the Dog is. 

4/5 stars

Lines of note:
Families are like fingerprints; no two are the same, and they tend to leave their mark. The tapestry of my family has always had a few too many loose threads. (location 87)
An example of just random philosophizing. 

I wonder if other people look forward to seeing their families but dread it at the same time the way I always seem to. (location 156)
I feel seen.

Complaining is my sister’s not-so-secret superpower. She is a walking frown. (location 313)
I hope no one ever describes me this way!

Whenever I see my sisters, no matter how long it has been or how old they get, we always seem to regress to the versions of us we were as children. I suspect everybody time travels when reunited with their family. (location 436)
I describe my own reaction to being around my sister this same way. I will forever be a snotty 17-year-old around her.

My mother has always been of the belief that a cup of tea can solve almost anything. Bad day at the office? Have a cup of tea. Struggling to pay the bills? Have a cup of tea. Find out that your husband is cheating on you with a twenty-year-old harpist? Cup. Of. Tea. (location 1106)
Mostly I just want all of you to go have a listen to Great Big Sea's "Have a Cuppa Tea." We sing it almost daily in our house. 

“Everyone deserves a second chance,” Nana said when we were alone. 
“Even bad people?” I asked. 
“Everyone you know is both good and bad, it’s part of being human.”(location 1136)
I don't know if everyone deserves a second chance, to be honest. Maybe Nana is a nicer person than I am.

I sit on the floor, next to Poppins, just like I did when she was still a puppy. Dogs are much more comforting to be around than humans. (location 2666)
Ahem. I feel too seen by this book!

He looks up like a startled meerkat...(location 2846)
I always like to point out when people are described by animal metaphors. 

Hat mentions:

I’m wearing a fluffy bobble hat and one of Lily’s hand-me-down coats. (location 1827)

She was wearing a purple coat with a matching purple hat and gloves...(location 2808)

Then she stood up and removed her witch’s hat, black dress, and shoes before running toward the sea in just her underwear. (location 3364)


  1. This sounds good! It might be a good book to read when I finish Comoran Strike- I'll see if they have it at my library.

    1. Oh, yay! I thought it was fun.
