Sunday, September 24, 2023

11.24 Family - Fur Sisters

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Every day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined topic chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twenty-fourth day of the month is "Family."


Zelda was at the vet recently for her annual well-kitty checkup and to get her vaccinations. Along the way, she was a very stressed out kitty and she just tried to hide in her carrier while sitting in a pool of her own stress drool. The vet staff were very taken by her and started giving her toys (see below). 

When we first adopted Hannah the Dog, we basically took all Zelda's toys away because we didn't want Hannah to eat them. Well, we let Zelda play with this mouse toy this week and Zelda is absolutely obsessed with it. Her favorite game is to shove it underneath the door to the stairs so people have to fish it out for her. And Hannah? Hannah does not care one whit about the toy.

So I guess now I'm rotating a toy for Zelda every day. And she's having such a good time with them! 


What's the most used toy in your house?


  1. So sweet that Zelda enjoys toys and gets a fresh one every day! In our house the most used toys are definitely one of those heavy chew toys--we have multiples, but both pupsters typically want the same one the other has....

    1. Hannah does not care at all about toys. She'll chew a ball for about ten seconds. What she really would like would be for us to allow her to bring sticks inside to chew.

  2. One thing that has always fascinated me about our dog is that she seems to know the difference between the boys' stuffed animals and her toys. She never touched their toys but she's destroyed a long line of squeaky squirrels and rabbits. I'm not sure if the same honor code would apply to cat toys, and of course Zelda's toys are a lot smaller so I can understand why you've had to keep an eye on her toys.

    1. It is interesting how they know what's theirs, isn't it? Dogs are SO smart. I also sometimes wonder how they know little dogs are dogs instead of cats or some other prey.

  3. I'm so glad Hannah doesn't care, so Zelda can play! Lately Maggie has been all about balls, while for a while it was all catnip toys. I love to watch her be casual and sneak up on them!

    1. In the rotation, I've noticed that Zelda is in a mouse toy time of life. She'll sort of play with other toys, but she definitely prefers mice. Hey, I can work with that.

  4. LEGO, soft IKEA soccer balls, and Pokemon for my son. Card games for my daughter.. My Eufy robovacs for me (or my planner). Because...both of those things feel like "toys" to me.

    1. Ha at a vacuum cleaner being a toy! When we first got our vacuum, I was so pleased with it. I now just see it as a chore, of course!

  5. Synchronicity: Lacey doesn't do toys either, but we just gave her a catnip infused fish, and she loves it.

    1. Yay for getting older kitties to play!

  6. Awww...she just wants a toy of her very own!! LOL. Stress drool? I don't know that I've ever had a cat do that before; poor girl.

    1. Zelda is a drooler. She drools when she's happy (if she's purring on your lap, there's probably a puddle of drool on your lap, too), when she's stressed (many tissues were used trying to clean her up at the vet office), and when she's sick. So much cat spit in our life. Much more than dog drool, that's for sure!

  7. Aww, yay! I'm glad Zelda gets some toys of her own to play with. I have that same mouse toy and Eloise loves it. She really loves small catnip toys that she can bat around and bat underneath doors, haha. Lila loves a crinkly ball to play with!

    1. I will admit that Zelda seems to favor the mouse toys. She's been mostly ignoring the other toys I've put out. It's crazy how they have preferences.

  8. Oscar used to be very into toys but has kind of lost interest in them. My MIL keeps buying her different things but nothing seems to really take! She does love a laser pen, though! That is also entertaining for my children. Ha.

    1. Zelda was not into toys when we first moved into this house. Maybe it's just this ONE toy she loves!

  9. Aww, what a treat for Zelda that she gets to enjoy toys again :)

    1. I think she's just a mouse girl, though. She's not playing with some of her old favorites as much.
