Saturday, September 23, 2023

11.23 Atmosphere - Late September

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Every day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined topic chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twenty-third day of the month is "Atmosphere."


I find this time of year confusing. I don't know how to dress. I'm too cold in the morning and too hot in the afternoons. It's pitch black in the mornings and on my evening walks with Hannah again. But I know that I should be soaking up all the warm weather while I can, so I find myself allowing Hannah to chew endlessly on sticks while I just sit around staring at her.


Does September kind of bum you out, too?


  1. Ah! Well, when I lived up north (actually not far from where you are, in Illinois) I spent September in a state of dread, because I knew what was coming. People would be raving about how pretty the leaves were but it was completely lost on me. All I could think about was how everything was dying and I'd soon be sunk in a pit of depression. Now things are completely different- it's still sweltering hot here and I'm envious when people talk about their fall weather. I have to keep reminding myself that I won't be envious in January.

    1. I mean, it's actually not terrible weather. I just find myself sinking and I can't tell if it's the stress of things (waves hands at the life I've created for myself) or the change in seasons. WHY CAN'T I BE HAPPY? My life is objectively wonderful.

  2. When I was still running, September was a drag because the mornings were darker but sometimes the weather was still hot, so it was kind of a double FU from the universe. With running out of the picture, I won't have the fall funk until the time change.

    1. Hm. I do think it's that I'm walking Hannah in the dark that's doing me in. Not enough natural vitamin D.

  3. September used to feel inevitable to me because I had to go back to The Grind and ramp up with work again, leave Summer Vacation behind, and really settle into School Life and all that came with it.
    September was always the hardest month--learning new kids, their names, getting them into my way of doing things, helping them shake off Summer Vacation, too. It was a busy and kind of breathless month, but also tinged with a little sadness.
    And I totally get the confusion with what to wear. Yesterday, the sun was very warm, but there was a stiff breeze out of the east that was downright chilly. I was really stumped.

    1. I have to just resign myself to layers, I guess. I just don't like to. LOL.

  4. One changes a lot at this time of year -- or at least adds and discards layers.

    1. It's too much laundry! Bring back summer duds!

  5. September bums me out because it feels like (and IS) the end of summer and summer vacation.

    The temperature climbs nearly 30 degrees each day... it's bonkers.

    But... what a sweet picture of Hannah!

    1. Hannah doesn't know that the weather is changing and she's happy to just be allowed to chew her stick!

  6. I'm sorry you're feeling blue, Engie.
    I'm enjoying September in my new city. I was just back in Calgary and it was lovely but Calgary-ish weather - blue skies and sunshine, but very cold mornings. Here it is warmer, but the mornings are chilly enough for me to wear a sweater when I walk Rexie. In Calgary, there are only a couple of weeks with changing colours before a massive windstorm blows all the leaves off the trees, but things happen much more slowly here, and I'm here for it!

    1. Yay for a longer fall for you. I think I'm just bitter because the crisp, cool weather hasn't yet happened. I'm grumpy about the humidity still hanging on.

  7. I feel super confused too! It doesn't bum me out though. For some reason I like the warm middays and wearing a sweatshirt at night.

    And I am sorry it's making you feel bummed :(

    1. I think the farmers are pretty upset about how warm it still is, too. There's lots of talk about the potato crop is going to be dire this year.

  8. I'm sorry that you're having a rough time right now! I think it's smart to pinpoint what's making you feel down, even if there's nothing you can REALLY do to fix it.

    September doesn't make me feel sad. It's still hot and sunny here, but I love immersing myself in all of the fall things and thinking about the holidays! Right now, we're getting really nice mornings (by nice, I mean 75F! Ha) and lower humidity, so I'm living for it!

    1. The thing that's really bringing me down is my volunteer role and I'm so excited that I'm nearly done with it!

  9. I wore a long-sleeved sweater today because it was chilly this weekend, and it was hot and humid when I went outside.🤣

    1. It's so hard this time of year. Who even knows what's right to wear anymore?

  10. I love September even though our weather can be all over the place. I love the changing leaves and the ability to have our windows open more. I don't love that we have 80s in the forecast for the next week and I feel bad for the marathons as that is NOT good weather for the maraton (low is 68, high is 84 on Sunday when the Twins Cities Marathon is held).

  11. I have committed to dressing for my freezing cold office, which means that I am wearing heavy sweaters & long sleeves and will soon add smartwool tops or Cuddle Duds. The wool socks came out weeks ago. I'm tired of being blue (and purple, and white). Stupid thermostat.
    All of that to say, I hear you, but from a slightly different perspective. ;)
