Tuesday, August 08, 2023

10.8 Art - Minty!

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined themed chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the eighth day of the month is "Art."


You know how when you say the same word over and over again, it starts to sound like gibberish? Wider. Wider. Wi-der. Wiiii-der. Wider. Wideeeer. Wider. What does it even mean?  

That is how it's starting to feel for me with these prompts. I take photos every day because I know I have to post something every day and as I'm scrolling through my photo gallery on the phone, I start to wonder is this photo of a barrel with New York written on it art? Is a photo of my dog with her tongue hanging out art? Can I upload a photo of a package I mailed and call it art? Is this grasshopper art? Isn't every photo art because I created it? 

And that's where we are in month ten, friends. 

I recently had a pity party for myself and asked you all for some tough love. Most of you were too sympathetic by half and no one told me to put on my big girl pants, which was honestly what I expected.  You are all very nice and kind and it made me tear up to hear everyone being so gentle with me. But some of you did tell me that if volunteering was stressing me out, I should stop doing it and find something that will be fun and less stressful. So I was at a meeting with the executive committee at the community center and I told them all that I would be resigning at the end of the year when my term is up and they need to figure out how to replace me. 

I already feel better.


Is this grasshopper art? 


  1. Oh good for you, Engie! It's hard to give up those positions - I know this from experience! - but if it's stressful, it's time. And you're giving them lots of notice too.
    That happens to me all the time with words.

    1. Oh, I'm so glad to know I'm not alone in the way words become meaningless. LOL.

  2. I'm glad you made the decision that gave you some breathing room. Nicole is right: you know when it's time to leave, and you did it the right way with plenty of notice. Win-win!

    For sure the grasshopper is art. Don't you see all the paint? LOL

    1. Someone painted it! It has to be art!

  3. Oh, good, it was time for that to go! I'm glad for you.

    I get that way about words all the time. Especially if I have a report to work on where they spell something more than one way, it gets to a point where no way looks right. The brain is a funny thing!

    1. Ha. I used to have to type the word bureaucracy a lot and let me tell you that this word turns into just a jumble of nonsense vowels if you type it enough. *sigh* Language is weird.

  4. Yay for getting the stuff that isn't serving you out of your life. I know it was a big step for you, so CONGRATS!

    1. I think I will continue to volunteer there, but just not in this capacity. I think that will bring the fun back for me.

  5. Ha ha, I'm laughing at Nance's comment- sure, the grasshopper is art- someone painted it! Seriously, I'll call it art. Why not?
    Yay! I'm glad you are getting rid of your volunteering gig! You've done your part- let someone else take over.

    1. Now I'm going to start thinking anything with paint is art. That guest room wall with nothing hanging on it? Obviously ART because we painted it!

  6. That's a great first step!

    1. Ha. Now I just have to do the hard work to make it a good transition!

  7. Oh YAY! I am so happy for you, for taking that step and for the future reduction in stress!

    1. Fingers crossed that it does lead to reduced stress!

  8. That is awesome! Look at you taking care of yourself!
    And yes, that is definitely art. Someone created it. 💕

    1. That is an expansive definition of art!

  9. At this stage of life, if something isn't bringing you joy (or needed income) you don't have to do it! Life is too short to be miserable.
    On another note, I have no idea how you keep up with your daily posts; that exhausts me just thinking about it. 😳
    Anything is art if you say it is, right?

    1. The idea of posting daily exhausts me, too. The end is in sight, though, and I think I'll be quite proud when it's all said and done!

  10. Yay! I have a few things I need to let go of and I can already imagine the liberation I'll feel! I'm proud of you <3 You've given a lot of time and energy to this position and it's...okay to take a break!

    1. I have given a lot of time to the position! I'm excited to see what new opportunities are out there.

  11. Leaving anything can be difficult for a conscientious person like you, but you did the right thing. Love the photo!

    1. This grasshopper gives me a lot of joy when it's out. Such whimsy.

  12. Good for you for resigning and putting you first!

    1. Thanks! There was yet another crisis that I had to deal with yesterday re: this position and it really reinforced to me that I'm not the right person for the job. I already feel better.

  13. Good for you, Engie, for quitting the volunteer position. It's not worth it if it's causing you stress. Let someone else take over.

    1. Right on. Someone else has to do it!

  14. I'm so proud of you for coming to this decision, and I know it was not made lightly. Hooray!

    1. Onward to new and more productive opportunities.

  15. I really hope that by getting out of this obligation - which, yay! go you! - you find joy in something else. (Hoping that makes sense, it's early, and I'm tired, LOL.)

    1. I think I will stay on as an active volunteer at the community center, just not in the leadership role I currently have. And I think it will ease my mind A LOT!
