Friday, August 25, 2023

10.25 Relationship - Dogs on Parade

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Each day we write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twenty-fifth day of the month is "Relationship."


We had planned a doggy playdate at the dog park on Wednesday morning, knowing that the temperature was going to be HOT and the humidity was going to be UNBEARABLE. It was supposed to be Jack the Hound, Henry the Naughty, Humphrey the Puppy, and Hannah the Dog, but Jack and Henry's owner backed out because even walking the dogs on Tuesday night was like wading through mud. But Hannah and Humphrey persevered and to the dog park we went. 

(We got to the park about five minutes before Humphrey and his person. Meanwhile, there was a guy walking around and Hannah DID NOT like the look of him. She growled at him, full hackles up, and I was worried we were going to have to leave because I did NOT want her approaching him. So we spent those five minutes with me avoiding that guy at all costs. He left and I breathed a huge sigh of relief. But now I'm worried that she's territorial about the DOG PARK and not just our house and the entire block where we live and that's going to be a PROBLEM.)

Last we left the two of them, Hannah was a big bully to Humphrey. Turns out that this was still the case. Poor Humps was just constantly herded whenever he tried to come near me or near his own person, who Hannah also sees as part of her pack. But after about ten minutes or so, they settled into calm and just walked next to each other. 

Isn't it crazy how big Humphrey is? He's very nearly the size of Hannah already!

And look at what a good-natured, happy guy he is. Even though he was probably boiling in the sun, he was just looking for people to give him pets.

And this one? She'd be okay if no other dog or man ever approached me again, thankyouverymuch.

We did one loop (about a mile) and then headed out because the humans had sweat a gallon and the dogs definitely needed water.  Hopefully we'll make these dog park playdates a more regular occurrence and these two will become the best doggy friends they have to be. (I feel like parents who say their five-year-olds will get married someday. It would be so convenient for me if they became friends because I'm already friends with Humphrey's owner.)


Who does "sun's out, tongue's out" better here?  


  1. Wow, you have been having so much heat! Hope it breaks soon! As for your question, I think it's a tie!

    1. We had a big storm last night (hail! high winds!) and when we went outside afterwards, it was like a brand new day in terms of humidity. Things are MUCH better today, so yay for that!

  2. You're truly a dedicated dog mom for braving the heat and humidity just to get Hannah out on a playdate. Humphrey has really grown fast! And he looks so different.

    Hannah is one tough cookie. I hope she soon allows Humphrey to be her friend.

    1. I don't know if I was dedicated, so much as excited to just leave the house for a minute. LOL. I did regret it, though, so lesson learned about the dog park when it's a gazillion degrees out!

  3. Oh wow dogs grow so fast! (Or is it just Humphrey? I don't have dogs, so I don't know about these things.) I definitely have friends who I think, "I hope our kids like each other because I like the parents." It doesn't always work, though. I have one friend, of whom the Husband says, "Why don't you just go over without the kids..."

    1. Puppies do grow FAST, especially big dogs. I cannot wait to see how big he gets because I think it's going to be Very Big.

  4. One of the neighborhood's most active dogs is a black lab. Everytime we see him out walking on a really hot day, I can just imagine how much heat he must be soaking up compared to my light brown dog. He seems to love it, though.

    1. Some dogs love the heat, just as some will lay out in the snow! Hannah is very much my dog in that she has a temperature comfort range of about 45-75 and if it's outside that range, she'd much rather be lying down, thanks. I am glad she's not entirely black, though, because I'd be super duper worried about her in the heat all the time.

  5. Hannah's tongue is the clear winner in these pics.

    1. Hannah appreciates your support!

  6. Hannah wins here: length, color contrast, striking profile, everything! (I think they'll be friends soon--parallel play is the first step.)

    1. I do think they'll be friends. Humphrey is just such a puppy and he wiggles and can't seem to control himself and Hannah is just not here for it. But as they get used to spending time together and Humphrey presumably chills out, they'll have to be friends because I INSIST.

  7. Yay! I'm so glad Hannah and Humphrey are becoming friends. I hope we get to see a lot more pictures of them at the dog park.

    1. We're definitely going to plan on it! I think we might even be going again next week since it's going to be cooler.

  8. I am holding out hope that the two of them become friends. I think they're a cute looking pair!

    1. I do think they'll become friends. Maybe someday when Humphrey is out of his puppy stage!

  9. I hope this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship! It is very nice when friends' dependents get along! Paul's best buddy is the son of our best friends. They went to daycare together but their friendship really took off in the last year. I hope that is the case for your doggies!

    1. I will settle for tolerating each other at this point. LOL. No need for best buddies, just that I can bring her when we go visit!

  10. Oh, my goodness - Humphrey is getting so BIG! I imagine that when he calms down, Hannah will be more tolerant. Plus, exposure helps. They calmed down eventually (probably because they were hot... :>) so I have hope. Was Humphrey the "puppy" adopted by your friend who had cancer? I Think?
