Sunday, May 21, 2023

7.21 Decision - Saturday in the Park

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Every day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined topic chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twenty-first day of the month is "Decision."


It was a glorious Saturday in Wisconsin. I woke up without a clear agenda, but pretty soon I got a message from a friend asking if we'd like to do a playdate at the dog park. This was an easy decision to make. Oh, yes, we really would.

The cast of characters:

You already know Hannah, she of the sniffing, occasional zoomies, and the awareness of where her person is at all times.

But then there's Jack. He's an old hound with stiff legs, but still likes to get into the scrum once in a while. He's also always smiling and loves it if you would just pay him some attention. 

But Jack's younger brother is Henry (Hank), a basset hound with no boundaries. He is the absolute star of the dog park. He'll let anyone pet him. He just goes around from person to person with no regard for personal space. He also does not listen worth a lick, so while Jack and Hannah are good puppers who never stray from sight, who even knows where Hank is most of the time. He's far more social than the other two, but he has also destroyed multiple remotes, pairs of shoes, and a sofa, so yeah, he's so cute.  Good thing.

We did a couple of loops, chatting about the weather, our dogs, and our mutual friends. We ran down Hank when he almost drowned in a mud puddle. We praised Hannah for not attacking a guy in Wisconsin Badgers hoodie and a baseball hat (very suspicious, I guess). We were nearly knocked over by an overeager Great Dane. There was a German shepherd with the fuzziest coat that Hannah could not get enough of. And there was a Belgian Malonis mix named Bear whose body shape and coloring was so much like Hannah that they could have come from the same litter. 

I think going to the park was a very good decision.

Did you have any fun Saturday activities?


  1. I adore the photos of the dogs doing their doggy best. Our Saturday was rainy and cold-ish, a perfect day to stay inside and read + play Scrabble + watch a movie. And aren't we the least exciting folks you know?!

    1. Hey, I think our Sunday sounds a lot like your Saturday. It's noon and we're barely dressed.

  2. Beautiful puppies!! And a beautiful day. In New Jersey, it rained all day on Saturday so we stayed at the house and had a Russian friend visit with her boy and her mom. They came to have tea (Russians and tea just go together lol). Then house tasks, and a book.

    1. Oh, man. Tea time and book time sound like a perfect use for a Saturday.

  3. Yay for doggy play dates. I'm on one of my long weekend trips, so yesterday was spent exploring. It was pretty epic. One more adventure this morning and then I head back home.

    1. Oh, a tease. I can't wait to hear about your adventures.

  4. What a beautiful Saturday with friends! I am over here chucking at Hank's antics! And good work, Hannah! I did have a fun Saturday - I rode by bike and walked with a friend before working in the yard the rest of the day!

    1. Ugh. Your comment reminded me that we should have been in the yard, but both of us sort of hate yardwork, so giving up a pretty day for it seems like a waste. LOL.

  5. This was so fun to read! Jack and Hank sound like excellent dog park companions. And good for Hannah for ferreting out such an obviously nefarious person trying to get away with mischief.

    My Saturday was spent chaperoning an epic playdate. The location was SO LOUD and the playdate lasted for THREE HOURS. My kid had fun though, so I guess it was a good decision in some ways.

    1. Oh, boy. A loud playdate sounds like a lot. Oh well. If Carla had fun, I'm sure it was worth it!

  6. I could look it up, but right now I pause to wonder why there are Bassett Hounds. Who wanted almost legless dogs?

    1. Bassets were bred to hunt rabbits, right? So that's why they're low to the ground. Look, Hank can easily keep up with Hannah, so I think he's doing okay.

  7. That IS a perfect day! We had the same lovely weather, but we spent the majority of it indoors. But it was worth it because we got to see our oldest daughter and do some apartment shopping with her.

    1. Yes, if you get to spend time with your loved ones, it doesn't matter if you're inside or out!

  8. So nice you could get together for a doggie playdate :) Sounds like a fun gang!

    I went to the Farmers Market yesterday (where I hadn't been in ages) and while I loved looking around the prices really made me fall over backwards. Ugh.

    1. I need to get to our Farmers' Market this year. I have been scared away by the high prices, but surely there will be something there I can splurge on.

  9. I love that dog park! It looks like wide open wilderness. There's a dog park here right next to the playground I used to take my kids to, and it's very landscaped, and it looks like the humans just sit on benches while the dogs run around. Yours looks like much more fun.

    1. Our dog park is AMAZING. It's over 100 acres and divided into two big dog parks, one little dog park, and one for senior/injured dogs. The big dog park where we were is over 30 acres on its own and it's about a mile to do a loop through prairie and a wooded area. Some people do sit at benches, but most people walk loops while the dogs roam around. It's really great and it's so big that if there's a dog your dog doesn't like, you can easily avoid them.

      I love our dog park and try to get Hannah there pretty often because she has such a good time.

  10. Aww, cute! I love dogs that always have a "smile" on their face... it's so funny! It truly was a beautiful day on Saturday, wasn't it? And then yesterday it was HOT! I told my husband, WI is crazy... either it's too cold, or it's too hot! At my son's soccer game they actually had to stop to take extra water breaks because it was so hot on the turf field they were playing on. (Apparently the turf material makes it feel 10 degrees hotter than it really is? But we were sweating just sitting in the bleachers, too.) But I'll take it. I'm so happy to see the birds and animals and trees and flowers and to just walk outside and not be freezing!!!

    1. Sunday was SO HOT. It was crazy! I do not envy you having to sit in the sun and watch a game. It felt weird to complain about it being too hot, but we need to adjust to the hot just like we need to adjust to the cold.

  11. How fun for all of you! I adore your descriptions of all the dogs you've encountered; so many different personalities! I bet Hannah was pooped after her morning.

    1. Hannah was definitely tuckered out. She spent a lot of time snoring in her bed.

  12. Saturday was my grandma's party so I was basically inside all day since I went to the party early to help set up/prepare food. Sunday was really nice, too, so I am glad we got home early enough that I could take the boys to a park after quiet time!

  13. What a cool crew! I think I would be obsessed with Hank. I love a sweet basset hound! I'm glad Hannah got to have some puppy time with her friends! <3

  14. I LOVE the Canine Dr. sign! Is that real? Can you get a duplicate for your wall? :) Also? Jack and Henry/Hank are just adorable, adding to the overwhelming cuteness that is Hannah. Cute overload. Seriously.

    1. The Canine Dr is the REAL sign for the road the dog park is on! I stopped the car to get the photo. I don't think you can get duplicates (unless you order one from Etsy, I guess), but now that you mention it, I think that would be a great fundraiser for the dog park!

      Here it is on the map:,+Aztalan,+WI+53038/@43.0560525,-88.7917599,16.48z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x88067887415cdb6b:0x1b2897db8f3d1a6d!8m2!3d43.0560048!4d-88.7878789!16s%2Fg%2F11bxgbk12h?entry=ttu

    2. That is all kinds of awesome. I mapped it (thanks!) and saw the picture of the dog sculpture, too. I would never have guessed that you have this gem so close to you! and yes, that would be a fantastic fundraiser for the dog park. Suggest it to them!

    3. I bet it won't come a surprise to you that Hannah has historically been quite intimidated by the giant dog sculptures. I've only recently been able to get her to go up to them. I'll try and get some photos of her next to it the next time we go.
