Sunday, July 23, 2023

9.23 Atmosphere - Live Music

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Every day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined topic chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twenty-third day of the month is "Atmosphere."


Friday night we had a fundraiser at the community center. It was well-attended and seemed to well-received. I actually left before the pie auction*, so I don't know how that went down, but I'll talk to the folks on the fundraising committee next week and see how it all panned out.

Anyway! It was a bit warm, but there was a nice breeze. There was live music! Food! Drink! People docking their boats on the river to join in! It was a perfect summer evening.

*I was only there for a couple of hours for the outside portion of the event. The thought of going inside with all those people still gives me the willies. I am much better about pandemic-related freakouts now than I was even a few months ago, but I'm still pretty unwilling to be inside with crowds.  


When's the last time you listened to live music?


  1. I so rarely listen to live music, which is silly since I love music so much. I blame having kids and mostly needing to get babysitters for this sort of thing? But really, there is no excuse because our town has a free concert series at 2 pm every Sunday so clearly I should just go and take the kids.

    I do listen/sing along with live music every week at church and we have some incredibly talented musicians there, so I guess that could count?

    I listen to non-live music daily. I doubt I go a single day of the year without listening to some music. I have music playing throughout the whole house right now (we have like 5 Google speakers scattered various places and they're all connected). The louder the better for me...

    1. I think live music at church counts!

      I actually rarely listen to music if left to my own devices. I'm usually listening to an audiobook or a podcast. But it's nice to be reminded that I do enjoy music once in a while!

  2. Attending Celtfest was an annual event until 2020, so our last live event was July 2019.

    1. Oof! That was a long time ago!

  3. Oh that looks like a really nice and chill event. I guess I am feeling ok now with the whole covid thing. I just flew in four different airplanes and spend a week on a cruise ship. I guess I am somewhat immune as I still hasn't have covid yet. So I am relaxed by now.

    1. We haven't tested positive for COVID yet, but we're still not eager to get sick. I'm a lot more relaxed about it than I was a few months ago, but I really don't know if I'll ever feel comfortable hanging out in large crowds indoors ever again! Or maybe I will. I will definitely wear a mask on public transit from here on out, though, including airplanes!

  4. Ooh that venue looks so great!! We do have some great, warm, summer evenings in WI, don't we. Last time I listened to live music... I think on our cruise! There was this one musician that played in an "English pub" on the ship almost every night and he was SO GOOD. Just him and a guitar but he played the best covers of soooo many great songs. He was an absolute blast to listen to while sipping a beverage and chatting with my family!

    1. Wisconsin summer evenings are what I LIVE FOR. I mean, seriously. We live through March for July through September, don't we?

    2. Same!! (Michigan!)

  5. My last time was the garden party last weekend with the live jazz band... but that was accidental as I didn't go *because* of the live music. I really should catch some concerts before summer's end!

    1. We have regular outdoor concerts at our city's bandshell and I really should make an effort to get to one of those, too. Summer is not endless.
