Saturday, July 22, 2023

9.22 Safety - Pie Day!

Bestest Friend and I are doing a blog project. Every day we will write a blog post on a pre-determined theme chosen by a random noun generator. The theme for the twenty-first day of the month is "Safety."


Yesterday the community center where I volunteer had a big fundraiser. As part of the event, there was a pie auction. I said I'd bake a blueberry pie to donate.  

So Thursday I spent a gazillion hours making dough, chilling dough, rolling dough, chilling dough again, and you get the idea.  The end result wasn't pretty (I mean, have you all ever made gluten-free dough?), but it seemed good enough.

I did a brief poll of my mother and sister and they said that the leakage just showed that it was truly homemade, so that was that. I left it to cool, wrapped it in foil to bring over to the community center the following morning, and went to bed.

But when we woke up yesterday morning, SOMEONE had undone the foil, nibbled the edge of the crust, and left a paw-sized whole in the middle of the pie where she had stepped on it.  I don't want to out this culprit, but she might resemble this:

Because it seemed unsafe to donate a pie that had been molested by a creature that buries its own feces, I went to the local farm stand, bought a blueberry pie, and donated that one. 

What's the latest frustration in your house?


  1. What a scoundrel to mess with your pie! IF, of course, the culprit in the photo is said scoundrel.

    Our latest house frustration is so First World it's embarrassing. We've been trying to find plastic storage tubs that fit comfortably on the shelves of the storage units we have in the garage. Love the shelves, they're older, but today's storage tubs are not sized for them. Yet we keep trying.

    1. Interesting problem, though. I supposed you've checked all the regular spots for finding storage - IKEA and the Container Store? I feel like that's silly advice if you've been looking for a bit, but you never know!

  2. Hee hee, Zelda! I wish I could have seen the pie with the paw-size hole in it. Although I guess you probably weren't laughing. Making pies is hard, and no I've never tried to make one gluten-free! Okay, that's frustrating.

    1. I was very upset for a split second, then I rolled my eyes and moved on. I mean, she's just doing her kitty thing and it was my fault for not putting it in a cupboard or something. *sigh* Cats are going to cat, right?

  3. ZELDA! Omg! Thank goodness she is so extremely fluffy and adorable or I might be deeply annoyed with her.

    How did the fundraiser go? I hope it was a huge success and you had fun despite the pie incident (although you definitely had a good story to accompany it).

    A frustration in my life is that there are some people who are obsessed with "eating healthfully" and weight loss -- which is fine! that is their prerogative! I also think about these things! -- but they bring it up ALL THE TIME and in front of my child, who is extremely impressionable and also does not need exposure to that kind of stuff from her inner circle. It is very frustrating and I don't know how to stop it.

    1. Ugh! People who want to talk about food and exercise and weight all the time are so frustrating. I feel like there are so many INTERESTING things to talk about and those are not that interesting (even as I just wrote this post about food). I think if these are people in your inner circle, you have to talk to them, right? I mean, it's probably going to be an awkward conversation, but "I try not to talk about X, Y, and Z in front of my kid" is better than having to undo the conversation every time someone leaves, right? Ugh. I'm sorry. Why do we have to talk to other people?

  4. Oh, I'm sorry that juicy pie didn't get the audience it deserved... I love Zelda's nonchalance though!

    1. Zelda's in charge and she knows it. She was not even worried when we came down the stairs to Piegate. She knew she'd be fine.

  5. After my big fail with gluten free cookies, I can't even imagine trying to make GF pie crust. You get a gold medal for that. But obviously it was a very good pie, according to your taste tester.

    I've gotten very spoiled by living with a dog. We can just leave whatever we want out on the counters and find it undisturbed hours later.

    1. Look, this is entirely my husband's fault. For YEARS, we had Zelda trained to not jump on the stovetop, counters, or tables. Then my husband gave her chicken.
      Now she's insatiable and I KNOW this, so I should have put the pie in the microwave or the cupboard overnight. *sigh*

      Hannah would NEVER do something like that. NEVER. Dogs rule, cats are beautiful and vibrating.

    2. Love how you're throwing Dr. BB under the bus here - haha!

    3. This comment is hilarious to me because it's the opposite with my cats and my mom's dogs. The cats don't bother my food (I leave stuff on the counters all the time and they don't care!), but we can't leave ANYTHING out with the dogs. They will find a way to get it. Everything has to be put away!

    4. My dog one time managed to get up to the dining table, grab a plastic baggie with cookies in it (not the chocolate ones, thank goodness - the snickerdoodles) and scarf them down. How he managed this when he was about 1/3 the height of the table is anyone's guess, but... after that, the cookies went on a shelf. Up high. And dude, I'd throw Dr. BB under the bus, too.

    5. Look, this is going to come off as blasphemous, but Hannah is kind of dumb and doesn't know she CAN jump on the counter/table. She's absolutely capable of doing it, but she doesn't. I'm so LUCKY that she's sort of dumb and scared of her own body. Otherwise, I'm sure she'd be just like your dog, Anne. Probably even worse than Zelda behaves.

  6. Oh, Zelda, bad kitty! After all your work. I'm so sorry. I hope the fundraiser went well.

    1. The fundraiser was super well-attended! I don't know how much money we made yet, but I'm optimistic that it was successful!

  7. I hope you eat that pie— at least around the part that she didn’t touch. Blueberry pie is a favourite, maybe not quite as good as the best apple pie but better than some of the less than best apple pies.

    1. Well, clearly you and I are not on the same page about food safety. LOL. The pie went right into the trash can.

  8. Oh that is really mean. All that effort. I hope you at least ate it in your house. Blueberry pie is so good.

    1. Nope, we did not eat it. The cat uses her paws to bury her feces. We're not taking any changes about eating any of that!

  9. Oh but it's so pretty! I probably would have taken a chance with dirty paws.

    1. Uh. That's not happening in our house, I promise!

  10. I'm sorry because - SO MUCH WORK TO MAKE A PIE (I refuse; I hope to never make a pie in my life) - but also, this might be the best cat story I've ever heard.

    1. Cats be cats. You can't get mad; you just gotta go with it.

  11. Our dog ate part of our daughter's new retainer. Sigh.
    I'm sorry about your pie.

    1. Oh, no! The retainer is far more valuable than the pie!

  12. Oh, Zelda. She just wanted some delicious pie! This story is rather funny to me because my cats will get up on the counters but, in general, they leave my food alone. I think I ended up with some magical cats who never bother me in the morning to feed them and don't eat my food!

    1. Honestly, Zelda was not interested in our food until she got some people food she liked (chicken). Now she's convinced that she needs to try all the people food in case the chicken miracle happens again!

  13. OMG Zelda! Naughty! But so funny!

    1. Such a naughty girl. Good thing she's cute.

  14. Oh no! Nothing is safe from cats!

    1. They really are too smart for their own good!

  15. Totally get pitching the pie. Who knows where those paws have been? (Well you do know, and yuck...)
    My mother also laments the challenges of GF pie crust. She has moved on to crumbles and crisps for my father, given her reputation as a Superb Pie Baker (with glutinous flour, of course) and desire to maintain said reputation. ;) (Meanwhile, I have never baked a pie in my life - see above, mother who is a superior pie baker - and don't intend to start. Why be bad at something if I don't have to be? :>)

    1. Normally I just do crisps for Dr. BB, too. Pies aren't worth it and neither of us really like them that much, so why bother? It was just for the auction that I made an effort. People who are saying that they would eat the pie either have not lived with a cat or have lived with a VERY DIFFERENT cat than mine. Her personal hygiene is not amazing.
